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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Naw, I have way too much high end gear just laying around and thought I'd make it available to my fellow anglers. hehe. Not at all !!! It isn't every day gear of this caliber is offered up.
  2. Only offers and/or trades of reasonable quality will be considered. Lowballers will be ignored. Thank you. http://toronto.kijiji.ca/c-ViewAd?AdId=463719632&MessageId=MSG.VIEW_AD.REPLY_TO_AD_SENT&backToSearchUrl=http%3A%2F%2Ftoronto.kijiji.ca%2Ff-fishing-gear-Classifieds-
  3. Fish in my neck of the woods don't run, they swagger.
  4. X2. I do some work with a friend that holds re-fitting contracts with McDonalds Canada and have installed quite a few Corian counters. Great product.
  5. Great shots. Driven by instinct. Another example of natures perfection. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Don't let it go at any cost. Best of luck Rich.
  7. Busy Busy . Let us know if you come home with anything.
  8. Quote: I would have stopped and got out and had a look for myself. Even if EMS is only minutes away. By the sound of it, this poor girl still would not have made it. But at least she would have had a familiar face/voice near her during her final minutes. You just never know.
  9. Nice catch. The spinner hit is a blast.
  10. X2. Enforce the laws already in the books?
  11. We launched out of Newcastle a couple of weeks ago and its a short run out to the open lake.
  12. Welcome aboard Josh. I'm another one of those CraZ-eeez.
  13. As you should be Dawg. Congratulations. Almost made me laugh there.....Almost.
  14. The ultra rich who gave up their thrones long ago have been taking what they believe is rightfully theirs and will not stop until they have put us back in our place. I have thought it for years but never imagined I might live to see it come to fruition. The economic implosion will eventually hit our shores. Stay tuned.
  15. I'm not sure about everyone else but if someone compromised the future health and welfare of my family I wouldn't be too glib about it but hey, if a few bucks thrown at your local stream to plant a few trees and milk a few fish makes you happy who am I to rain on your parade? Liberal or not these fools do not deserve the posts they hold nor do they know how the real world works. Our world. I'm not really sure a few more smolts in a stream is gonna make the real issues go away but have at er'.
  16. For starters, no one elected whats her face so this government should mean even less to us than the one led by McGumby Dammit!! Secondly, its just another way of throwing away more of our hard earned money (see any other Liberal Scandal). These Jackasses haven't to been able to find their own asses with both hands for 9 years and in doing so have downloaded Tonnes of debt onto any future Grandchildren my offspring might bless me with some day so what makes anyone think they're gonna start figuring it out now??????? Dreaming in technicolor folks. Another Stewardship group??? Just keep in mind the Stewardship Gestapo that was stealing from us at the cash tills with that environmental fee crap. Did that change anything and what bottomless pit did that cash end up being thrown down? How does it go again, If someone puts lipstick on a Pig would you be stupid enough to kiss it mistaking it for something else????? Whatever. Throw her and the rest of her cronies out and leave them pension less and homeless cause we'll be joining them soon enough if this continues. There's extra money???? PAY SOME DEBTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell is wrong with everyone?!?!?! Five simple words; STOP BUYING VOTES AND GOVERN!!!!
  17. I'm just hoping you guys out east get the whole bleepin mess. I'm done with old man winter and his dirty tricks. Enough is enough already!!!!!
  18. I believe it has already been posted. Kinda makes you wonder if we're fed anything other than lies anymore. Sad indeed.
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