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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Our useless Ontario Gummyment hard at work screwing up everything they lay their mitts on. Typical.
  2. C'mon gentlemen. Why must our morbid curiosity be satisfied by knowing the reasoning behind a senseless act? I don't see the point. No explanation would validate what they did. The eye for an eye approach is half complete. Take out the other eye and we will never see either of them again.
  3. What did I tell yaz? Ok, so it was a limited public execution but it had the desired outcome. We don't need to know why. We just need to stomp them out, One down, one more worthless piece of _H_T to go.
  4. They're always up to no good. They can put a few logs in the dam for starters. Besides, If they can whine about anything and everything why can't I?
  5. Theres one public execution taken care of. Now lets hope the other one gets the required amount of lead in his diet as well.
  6. Sad news for sure. Dangers lurk everywhere. Many gas mains that were once in what were considered rural areas have been over run by the urban sprawl. Worked on a sewer installation in the area of Yonge st-Gamble road in Richmond hill a few years back and had to cross two mains, the smaller one being 24". Its' neatly tucked no deeper than 15-20' under a walkway-bicycle path intersecting neighbourhoods as it snakes East-West.
  7. We need the Mericans and the Quebec to stop screwin with our resource. Plain and simple. Just a thought.
  8. Theres at least a $100 worth of floats n shot hangin off that wire. Great post. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Like an "Ass", right? Sure honing his skills into becoming a great one at that.
  10. Bout time!!! They've been in my Hall of Fame since childhood.
  11. X2 and I suggest you wrap them up and ship them off and they should return them with a lil' sumthin' xtra for your trouble. Its costing them mere pennies on the dollar to have them made overseas and/or down south. Good luck. Just a though Mark. Normark is located in durham so if you're ever in the area drop them off in person.
  12. investigators. I won a class spelling bee in Gr 6 you know.
  13. Thank you. I knew I'd catch a at least one Lib. There cannot be an intelligent conversation with a Lib cause they always think their way is the only way. Edited cause I've never been trained in the art of Liberal Warfare. I appreciate the education Grimace.
  14. Braved the elements and were rewarded with a the clue of clues.
  15. Hoping last weeks four days of rain would wash away any last traces of ice off the lake and Environment Canada's forecast for last Sunday predicted to be mainly sunny with a temperature of 7 C and winds between 10-15 k, the conditions would be just about right to warm up a bay or two and activate the feed bag on some soft water Crappie. Add to the forecast the fact we made road trips both Thurs and Fri to check ramp conditions and any signs of lingering ice packs or bergs, anticipation and expectations went into overdrive. Saturday: Honey-Do items. Sunday: Hit the ground running at 6:30 Sunday morning, round up the boys and head north with blue bird skies following us all the way to the ramp. Launch and head over to the first bay as clouds begin to roll in, wind picks up and temperature falls. We see a school of smaller fish and our first hour or so doesn't even produce a single hit. Now under full cloud cover, wind still blowing and even the odd flake of snow falling we make a decision to try another spot and roll into bay #2. It didn't look like the day we anticipated or expected would come to fruition until one of Mother Natures' own tipped us off. As we start picking the shoreline apart looking for our quarry I notice an Osprey hovering over head near the end of the bay. The bird is locked onto something and within seconds begins its dive only to abort part way down. We watch as it circles and starts to hover once more. As it dives a second time its posture suggests full committal and as it hit the water we waited to see what, if anything, would be pinned to its' talons on the way out. As it left the water the fish in its' grip was indeed a Crappie but as it flew away the fish shook loose . We were hoping we would fair better as we bee lined it to the spot, and connected with fish. The cold, wind and flakes of snow seem to matter much less as for the next few hours were spent engrossed in the "thrill a minute" our sport can sometimes provide. Just takes some Moxie at times. GoPro footage of the day's events. Produced by Purpleghost. Click the link below: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wu-LzFCpluY&feature=youtu.be
  16. If it was in fact an attack and regardless of whether it was carried out by dissidents or foreign I think it might be time to bring back public executions. Eye for an eye instead of this hug a thug and throw them back into society bulls#!t. Hope of a kinder gentler world is becoming a scarce commodity. As blessed as we are to live in this part of the world it saddens me to know that I will have to one day have to leave my children behind.
  17. And a smouldering cigarette in the background.
  18. Take a bath and just say "NO" to Drugs!!!!!
  19. I have spent roughly $700 purchasing items from ebay in the last 12 months and have only been hit with a customs/HST charge only three times. Even with the shipping charges I have found that at the very least I save the taxes but usually more. I'm just lucky i guess.
  20. Goin out tomorrow just to see if the itching stops, spring or no spring.
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