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Everything posted by moxie

  1. The number will grow and there is no turning back. The confiscation of wealth began in 08 and will not stop so get used to it. When push comes to shove we are gonna have to act like those have in other countries for years when faced with extreme challenges and that is to push back, HARD!!! And the sooner we start making ourselves heard the better. No united way or other organizations are gong to help because they are faced with their own challenges and good luck expecting any self serving, line towing politico to do anything either. Their hands are either tied or in an envelope or pocket scrounging whatever change they can fleece out of us. We have to help each other but is that even possible while we bud in line, cut each other off on the road or hoard sale items from each other in a store? We can even keep our heads up for any extended period of time without checking screens to see if anyone gave a crap to contact us in the last 5 minutes. Amazes me how a video of some fool doing something utterly inane can garner millions of views in a heartbeat. Shows where priorities lie doesn't it? Time to seriously look in the mirror and make something real happen but it has to be done together. Anger is a useful emotion and it has the power to motivate like no other when multiplied through many. Blah blah blah..... I know, I guess I just can't help myself.
  2. hehehehe. Spend the 40K on the lawyer now and settle that end of the deal. Buy a sleep aboard, find the marina and slip of your liking, work like a dawg till the fall approaches and float that baby down the eastern seaboard to Florida for the winter only to float her back here each spring. No renos, no real estate agents, lawyers, cut eye, denied nookie........ You get the idea. Happy wife, happy life??? Where are we in this equation?? No wife, happy life!!! In all sincerity though, best of luck.
  3. Fish can be caught from the pier head to the ramp but you have to hope they swim by. A boat on the other hand..................Pike, Carp, Drum, Salmon, Trout, Smallmouth, Perch and even goby off an ultra light drop shot rig if you really want to kill some time and feed the gulls.
  4. Show? What show? will there be dancing girls and monkeys riding tricycles?Haven't for years and won't be attending any anymore. With a world of information and advertisements at the click of a mouse is there even a need to do so?
  5. We weren't done goin around in circles were we? Need some fish related posts. Hope we score tomorrow. I've been itchin to weave a tail and post some pics.
  6. Looking for our second home(the one we live in now) it was my wife who saw the potential and pushed for me to have an open mind and realize that same potential. 9 years in I have done a crap load of work from paint, re-finishing the hardwood throughout, new trim and doors throughout, gut and finish the basement, two complete bathrooms and replace 75% of the windows. I figure the cost in materials and minor labour for things I couldn't do myself, to be about $12,000-14,000. All is done in neutral decor to satisfy most and to maximize all style, in style for time to come. It's been difficult at times, walking away a few times to re group. I am proud of what I've been able to do but one little detail hangs around my neck. It isn't finished and with a kitchen and 5 windows left to close the deal I don't know if I have any gas left in the tank in my mid 40's to complete the job. I can tell Mamma ain't thrilled with her out dated 50 yr old kitchen but knowing the blood and sweat that was spilled and scars thar will forever remain, she doesn't kick up too much fuss. After all, it was her that wanted to do it this way. Even though there were probably other underlying issues there, It can and does cause some strain on a relationship. No doubt.
  7. Hope he has deep pockets cause the fuel economy must suck. Neat machine none the less.
  8. Yup, just like the good ol' days. We'll be fishing closer to peoples rear decks than we did last spring.
  9. Scary situation and a definite steam clean for that drivers' seat.
  10. Welcome back. Honda Pilot is not really an SUV per say but has tow power, VTM 4WD for slippery ramp situations, fuel efficiency and one hell of a smooth ride.
  11. I've lived in Whitby for 14 years and only recently began plying the harbour for fish. Plan to do it more often this year. As far as marinas go if you ask nicely and respect the property of others anything is possible.
  12. I love it!!! The hate is on. Where do I sign up ? There are always enough casual anglers to keep those pigs in business anyway. The type that rent a cottage for the first or second time, spend a few hundred dollars on gear only to have it sit in a basement closet never to be used again.
  13. lol, If. That was the first thing that came to mind when I saw it with exclamation points bouncing around in my head but you beat me to it. You kill me sometimes Wayne.
  14. Welcome aboard. Check your PM's.
  15. Nice shots. Right you are Joey. My brother in law flies birds of prey and that one shot is of a Kestrel.
  16. Or since they're opening up more outlets they figure they'd make a little noise so they can extend or sweeten the deals they've already made. Squeaky wheel gettin grease and who knows what the hell else at our expense over and over and over and.........you get the idea. Sure is nice to look at but I've only been there twice in the past year mainly due to the same old mainstream bobbles they have carried since the very beginning. Peg boards are nicely stocked but a store of that size should carry every size, weight and colour of every brand. A store that size should strive and pride itself in becoming the one stop shopping experience and has fallen short for me on more than a few occasions. That is why the dying breed of local ma and pa outlet is so important. There you can usually find what you need and not what the box stores want you to buy. They will unfortunately pay the ultimate price as these giants ramp up operations. I doubt BPS will go anywhere with Cabelas honing in on a piece of their market share but to tell you the truth it wouldn't bother me one bit if they did. I could care even less than Landry does if they left either.
  17. Get you out of a jam and a half and in a package the size of a womans wallet. Ain't technology sweet?
  18. Years back my parents owned a few building lots on the shores of Buckhorn Lake and as a teen spent a lot of time in and around that region fishing the tri lakes. Absolutely loved it. Surrounded by water and just about everyone you came across was friendly and helpful. Fantastic area to wind down and enjoy the sunset of your years. Kawarthas all the way.
  19. Embarrassing, no. Fires do happen cause if they didn't we wouldn't need firefighters. Unfortunate for the firefighters, their families and those in the communities they service, a definite yes.
  20. First glimpse of him for me was in Scent of a woman and again in Twister .Thought he did alright for the bit parts he was given in those but haven't seen any of his other works. A shame indeed cause by the sounds of it he really found his groove and earned his chops after that. But alas as many in the parallel world known as show biz his demons followed him and eventually led him to an early demise. Guess it might be time to see just what everyone was goin on about cause after all, the "Show" must go on.
  21. Soft water Walleye in February. Can hardly wait till this ice and snow start to move on so I can scratch that open water itch again. Nicely done.
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