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Everything posted by moxie

  1. Went to Rice lake with a friend years back and was having a stellar day out on the water until I released this one Bass. As I watched it swim away I also noticed my wedding ring doing the slow wobble to the bottom of the lake. My wife and I had only been married roughly 6 months.
  2. Yup. They have been caught in 3 feet of water.
  3. Couldn't tell you about that particular boat but welcome to the forum.
  4. Yup. Very costly whereas the next time I'm in Quebec or Buffalo I'll just pick up enough jugs of Weed and Feed to last me this summer and the next. Not a big lot but at 52'x180' it is a real chore just keeping one step behind.
  5. I'll make it out there one day. Thanks for sharing.
  6. Can't wait to apply some Moxie type heat to those who should be honoured to serve us. Even the one that belong to the party I plan to vote for. They owe Ontarians the best public service and more and must be reminded of that at every turn. No one gets a free pass from now on. No one.
  7. We haven't seen much in the way of grass either. Pretty tough for anything to grow if that ball of fire keeps hiding behind the clouds. Soon enough. I hope.
  8. Good haul. Nothing like an outing with the kids.
  9. Well done Christopher. Thanks for sharing.
  10. :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: Lock it ? Better yet delete it. All we do it yap about it without doing anything to initiate change. Just another boo hoo session. Wonder if the MNR will set up a sting operation and get to the bottom of it. Highly doubt it. :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1:
  11. Understood but you have to know when to hold them and fold them, no? It'll be nothin but dark ages for those that keep failing .
  12. Sad indeed but when are people going to stop putting themselves in harms way? When?
  13. How easy would you like me to be? "I'd fire him", or "He wouldn't be working for me" are going easy? I think those are legitimate questions. Far too often we tell "our side " of a story and expect validation on that alone. I just wanted to make sure all the bases were covered. Fair comment, no? Excuse me for my approach but I was never one for "Softball" growing up.
  14. Need temps to go up i think. Good on ya for making time to get out.
  15. There is some info missing. Did you let him know you had serious intent in buying an outboard and if so did you attempt negotiating? Or do we expect others to read our minds?
  16. Sure beats staying home. 14 Eyes today of which only one was just under 22"mixed in with a healthy smattering of Bass. Bellies on the three we kept were empty and two still had loaded milt sacs. Figuring the fish are at least a week away from putting on the feed bag.
  17. Rice Lake Saturday, family day Sunday and Lake St John Victoria Day Monday.
  18. Its a blank cheque fund. Screw the governments who have mismanaged both the the funds and the office. They want seniors to pay at least 80%? Let them use at least that percentage of funds in the system. There are many of us and we all know at least one angler so send an email and tell them to do the same.
  19. I guess they can't wait till the kids inherit it so they'll just take it now. A damn shame but it doesn't surprise me. Not much does these days when it concerns public agencies. I bet if we sent a few hundred thousand scathing e-mails to them they might just be inclined to reconsider. FAT chance we would help each other out let alone a segment of the population that has already made their bones and earned at least that.
  20. Just as I thought. More drivel.
  21. Don't wanna do this Newf but "WHY YOU COMPLAINING NOW?!?!?! THIS IS OLD NEWS!!!!! WHINE TO SOMEONE THAT CARES!!!!!!! Dear nitpicking frog. No matter how small I can assure you I'm doing my part. I'd be very interested in knowing what if any action you have taken. The real whiners click the "Report" icon when dey feewings is hurt so draw someone else into your mind numbing web of Pointing out the obvious there rob. I never said it would fix the issues. I simply said I hope people remember at election time what this government has done. Unless we stand up together this will not end but until then we keep booting them in their a$$es. I'd rather have them running around exhausting all angles and scenarios on how to keep getting elected and instead focus on making the right decisions for everyone. Yearly elections? Thats a dime I don't mind paying. Wouldn't you rather they threw in the towel rob?
  22. Wow! That a boy Rob. Throw in the towel. That's the spirit!!!
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