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Everything posted by rufus

  1. Yeah, I wouldn't shake his hand! Cletus being a Rider fan pertains to the upcoming Banjo Bowl - the annual Labour Day classic between the Winnipeg Blue Bombers and the Saskatchewan Roughriders. I of course am a Bomber fan and Cletus - a typical Rider fan
  2. Perhaps I fish alone too often or perhaps it is the hot summer sun - but in this video I have an assistant - Cletus Belcher. Some of the humour will be considered juvenile - but hey! Who doesn't like juvenile humour along with bass fishing? <center><iframe width="640" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ysQvTXBo4T0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
  3. Beauty! My first wasn't much bigger and when it comes to "the first" - they are all great!
  4. Thanks for your report Aaron. I have had my eye on the GoPro but the Countour HD does seem to be a better camera for fishing videos. I currently use a Creative HD which is cheap, fits in the shirt pocket, takes good videos, and also has an underwater case available (I have not tried underwater). The lens is not wide angle enough for my liking though as I have to position the camera 5 or 6 feet away and then the microphone doesn't pick up the sound very well.
  5. Very nice!
  6. Great to get out in the canoe - looks like you are the bow man? Kids, eh? Brody has it all under control including the fishing Great largies!
  7. Welcome Scott!
  8. Wow - some nice Muskies! Thanks for the details too!
  9. Some great bass - WTG
  10. Awesome report and spectacular pictures Bunk! I could read your stuff all day
  11. Nicely done Simon! What a great walleye
  12. A couple of beauts! Sounds like you hit the motherload and had a heck of an evening. Terrific!
  13. Excellent report and great pics!
  14. Nice bunch of walleye - congrats on the PB What did you catch them on?
  15. When I was a kid (Canadian) Pickerel Rigs were all the rage. When you think about it, they were basically a dropshot rig with two hooks. I have been reliving some old memories recently - using the Pickerel Rig with frozen minnows occasionally too. They still work I was lurking at an American fishing forum a couple of years ago and they were discussing (laughing at) the Pickerel Rig because of the metal arms and red beads - they couldn't see how it could catch fish. That is what made me give it a try again!
  16. Wow! Some real beauts for such a shallow lake. I have friends with cabins on lakes of similar depth and they are convinced the fishing is bad because the lakes are too shallow. I will have to pass this along
  17. I started using a drop shot rig for walleye a few years ago and for one year it was almost all I used. Very simple and effective even when fish are just nibbling. It catches all sizes too - my fishing buddy caught a 28 inch walleye using the technique. Maybe something to add to your bag o' tricks if you are not already using it. <center><iframe width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nL70dURteHw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>
  18. Wow! Amazing that they would go to all that trouble on mere speculation. That would be unnerving to find guys hiding in the bushes in a fly-in lake! I once was checked on a portage coming out of a large lake where at most there were just 4 parties fishing on a long weekend. They checked backpacks for fish - seems a waste of time as who the heck wants the extra weight on a long portage? Meanwhile, where I now do all of my fishing north of Kenora there are lots of people fishing and I get checked only once a decade. They are pretty much non-existent.
  19. Great Pics and Report! Looks like you had a blast
  20. I agree. <rant>I drink my coffee black as a rule and when I am forced to have Tim's coffee, the only way it is tolerable is with cream. It shouldn't really be called coffee... And another thing - how in the heck did they ever get to where they are with such bad doughnuts and bagels?? Mind you, my family had a bakery when I was a kid so I developed a taste for good doughnuts. Marketing must the secret to Tim's success so they could probably charge whatever they want and people would keep going. It sure isn't the food and coffee that attracts people. </rant> I do love their Iced Caps though and would pay more for them if I had to
  21. Very nice indeed! Looks like she has the fishing gene
  22. Great pics of a terrific time!
  23. Gotta love those floating Rapalas
  24. You don't have to crank the handle for the hookset - the thumb stops the spool just fine too
  25. What a great day! Enjoyed your video Simon. Lac Seul is sure a gem but notwithstanding - you guys must have been doing something right to enjoy a haul like that
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