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Everything posted by rufus

  1. Who knew Thorburn was a sniper, eh? I must admit that I am a conflicted Jets fan. Since Carlyle is an ex Jet and was in Winnipeg for over a decade I like to see him do well with the Leafs. Especially since he liked to spend all his free time fishing! Maybe Toronto can have 8th if the Jets get 3rd....
  2. When I bought my first spinning reel back in the '60's (yes, I am dating myself!) it actually came with instructions and a pitch as to why in the interest of efficiency one should learn to cast without switching hands. prior to that of course everyone switched as just about all handles were on the right. Switching was the natural way to fish. Not switching was a new method that had to be learned. I thought that was dumb of course and continue to switch to this day Do what ever feels good!
  3. The Future of the Blues <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/S_q5HCm2_WQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. The first reel I ever bought when I was a kid decades ago was a Shakespeare bait casting reel with the handle on the right. The next was a spin cast with the handle on the right - that was the only way they came. When the time came to buy a spinning reel they all seemed to have the handle on the left - didn't seem right - so I ended up buying a Garcia Mitchell 301 with the handle on the right. Every reel I have bought since has had the handle on the right. I cast and switch hands and don't even think about it. The funny thing is that I do many things left handed naturally as I am pretty much ambidextrous but reeling with the left hand feels foreign.
  5. Looks like fun and performing a public service too. Gotta like it!
  6. I always watched Red Fisher as a kid as well. I thought that it was great his guests who were athletes and other people that I admired loved to fish just like me! Fishing shows nowadays don't have such guests. Maybe the lodge owner who is giving them free accommodations but that is about it...
  7. Congrats on that mini trout Simon - I have never seen one that small before! That has to count for something.
  8. With 30 lb Power Pro on my low profile bait caster just about all of the line comes off the spool when I cast. It goes a mile. If I went any lighter I wouldn't have any line to go further anyway. Perhaps that would be a consideration for you as well.
  9. Just a comment about the difference between Tuf(F?) Line and Tuff Line XP. Tuff Line will dig into the spool rendering the spool unmoveable (usually too far in to fix) when the drag is set tight. Tuff Line XP does not.
  10. I have been using 30# Power Pro on a baitcaster for several years and love it. I have tried other brands but always ended up with problems. Power Pro is always problem free. I used 60# Tuff Line XP on another reel for a few years with no problems. Good inexpensive line. I didn't like the lighter pound test Tuff Line though. I have since moved up to 80# Power Pro on that reel now but still would not have a problem with using Tuff Line in the heavier tests.
  11. I is like no one at MNR has ever been fishing.... I shrunk mine down when printing and folded it over the Outdoors card so it fits in the wallet. It will not last 3 years though so I plan on reprinting it every once in a while.
  12. Fish Cal - Best fishing times solunar calendar.
  13. Great video and great fish Ben!
  14. She never bothered to download it - we checked. I imagine there will be a lot of people in the same boat in that if you don't plan on actually fishing until the spring you wouldn't bother to download what you believe to be a temporary licence. When you renew there is nothing noticeable that indicates that the licences are different than they have been in previous years so one just assumes the licence will come in the mail along with the Outdoors Card like it always has.
  15. My wife renewed her 3 year Outdoors Card and 3 year fishing licence around the same time that I did. When she paid online she didn't bother to print the e-licence as she thought it was temporary until her real card and licence would arrive in the mail - just like every year. When her card arrived without the licence - because she is not an Ontario resident - and we realized that the e-licence was meant to be carried around for 3 years - she went back online to see if she would be able to print it off. There is no way to do that. At that point she sent off an email and today received a reply. If you are a non-resident of Ontario there will be no licence mailed to you.The e-licence is meant to be printed from your home computer after thepurchase. If you did not save a copy of the licence or print it outafter the transaction, you will need to obtain a replacement at aService Ontario office offering Ministry of Natural Resources servicesor at a local issuer in Ontario. For a list of such locations, pleasevisit our website ontario.ca/outdoorscard. There will be a replacementfee of $10.50. Non residents be warned!
  16. Now imagine having to carry that in your wallet for 3 years as I am expected to do as a non Ontario resident.
  17. It is different for Canadian residents but not for Ontario residents by the looks of it. I imagine that for most Canadian residents this will not be a major issue as they would only need to carry the e-licence in their wallet for their annual week long fishing trip to Ontario. For those of us that are from Winnipeg and use North West Ontario as our playground all summer and every weekend in spring and fall - I don't think carrying a full sheet of printer paper around in the wallet for 3 years is workable. The paper wouldn't last longer than a month in my wallet much less 3 years.
  18. It is absolutely nuts! If you are unable to print of the e-licence they will be happy to print it off for you and mail the e-licence to you. Well that is just wonderful.... I may was well put a big frame around it and wear it around my neck as it sure as heck will not fit in my wallet... Has anyone down there ever actually been fishing?
  19. I set out a couple of thermacells on the deck when eating outside and they work great for mosquitoes but the no-see-ums ignore them and feed as usual.
  20. I set out a couple of thermacells on the deck when eating outside and they work great for mosquitoes but the no-see-ums ignore them and feed as usual.
  21. I ordered my 3 year Outdoors Card and 3 year licence back in December and yesterday received my envelope with the outdoors card. It is different than the old system. With the old system the licence tag would be printed on the back of the Outdoors Card - not anymore. At least not for out of province Canadians like me. What I thought was a temporary license - the e-license that I printed off - is not temporary by the looks of things. That is the actual licence that is to be carried along with the Outdoors Card.... an 8.5 x 11.5 piece of paper that I am supposed to carry in my wallet... for the next 3 years. What the hell?? If this is correct, I have just one question. What idiot thought this up? Someone please tell me this isn't so - that the website is wrong. By the way, if you send them an email you get an autoreply saying the will respond in 15 days. Again... What the hell??
  22. Some great fish pics - even a flying baby! Gotta like it
  23. Excellent!
  24. Nice wallies! Greta job with the cranks
  25. Beauty!
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