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Everything posted by rufus

  1. Wow! You had a great summer and fall - terrific pictures
  2. Tasty looking Crappie there. They were feeding close to shore in the evening?
  3. No Problem, I will be happy to help if I can.
  4. Thanks - I appreciate it
  5. Nice report - looks like it was a great day of fishing! Is that a treble stinger I see on your jig?
  6. Yeah, the boy made me change the prop this summer to speed'er up. You know kids, eh? Thanks! You can embed links in videos in Youtube using "annotations" when you edit your video. There are a few annotation options - I usually choose the second from the left - with the dog-eared corner on the icon. Once you have selected that you will see further options - and one that looks like a chain. That is the one you choose to make your annotation a link. You will need the url of the video you want to link to. Yes, he is a quick study - already better than me. That was his first time at that launch and there is not a lot of room to maneuver. He now is officially appointed to haul the trailer whenever required. That means I get to drive the boat... and fish!
  7. Yes, my wife still chides me for bringing back "small" Walleye for supper. I started taking videos to prove I do actually catch better than I bring home My camera is several years old and it seems that Windows Movie maker doesn't even recognize the videos as bonafide videos and will not even load my videos - so I could not use Movie Maker. I tried Adobe Elements which did work but it has a problem with the videos as well and I ended up with jerky videos. The last few weeks I have been using Kden Live - which is a free movie editor that works with the Ubuntu operating system (also free). Free is good!
  8. We have a camp (which is what a cabin or cottage is called in this part of the country) on the Winnipeg River between Kenora and Minaki. Yesterday I had the sad task of pulling the boat out of the water where it had been all season in order to get it winterized and put away till spring. I had taken all of my good fishing equipment home with me last weekend where it would be safe over the winter and the nearer I got to Kenora on the drive out there the more I regretted that decision. It was a gorgeous day! I did have an old rod that was missing the last 12 inches at the tip and my old reel that I had bought when I was a kid - a Shakespeare 1924ms Direct Drive - now considered "vintage" (what does that make me??). I scrounged around and found a Rapala floater - hey! I could at least fish for a few minutes on the way to the boat launch! Since I often fish alone, I started taking my camera along for company a while back. I brought my camera yesterday too - and took a video of this last opportunity to fish. I am going to try and embed it here... <center><object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JhzLrylgk?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JhzLrylgk?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5JhzLrylgk?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object></center>
  9. Nice video - and a great afternoon of fishing!
  10. Wow! Some great looking Bass!
  11. Thanks! I may be slow responding as I am heading out for the day... to pull the boat up for the year unfortunately
  12. Terrific video! I appreciate the issues you are having trying to film, fish, and battle the wind all by yourself as I started taking my video camera with me fishing too. Is there a FAQ on the board that tells how to embed a Youtube video?
  13. It was Fisher 12 asking the questions - not me.
  14. For years those have been my two favourite lures as well. I like the Canadian Wiggler - especially the "newer" hammered silver rattler model. Works for Walleye, Pike, and even Bass. I also like the Mepp's spinners for Pike and Bass although it doesn't seem to work as well in the fall. The last couple of years the Rapala Clackin' Rap #8 has been inching towards the # 1 spot for Pike and Walleye though. The line I use depends on the rod I am using and what I am fishing for. I like Power Pro braid but on a heavy or medium heavy action rod it will tear the hooks right out of a fish's mouth if the drag is not set properly. Where I fish, pike will really bite on just about anything that moves though....
  15. I just joined a couple of days ago after lurking for a few weeks. I was attracted to the board because discussion is about fishing in a province where I do my fishing - and because it is an active forum. I do read a couple of other fishing forums but the discussions there are primarily about the USA or posts are few and far between. I usually fish alone so it is nice to be around others that share my enthusiasm for feeling that tug on the line <---- I can see I will need to change my Gravatar though.... There, that's a bit better...
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