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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Paul is going to be cold enough for ya Terry Better watch out old Jed is up to somethin.
  2. Well its just going to change Gerritt I pee at night but I usually down a litre of water 2 to 3 hrs before bed and I am only a decade a head of you.Happy Birthday kiddo.Give Liam a great big hug and make his Christmas a memorable day.Won't be long and he will be riding long days with you in the boat and then you will be grey haired like me.MTP
  3. That is great news what timing what a way to enjoy a worry free Christmas. Have a good holiday Gary. MTP
  4. Ya don't sweat in Grant.Too bad we didn't get to meet you.I promise you that you can make it up to us during the next get together.After all we could use someone that can cook and clean up oh and clean the fish and unpack the trucks and load the boats and .......................... See ya next time
  5. Well I do have Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday off .I have been in the printing business for 21 years and have never worked at a company that shuts down until after New Years. My Dad was a stationary Engineer for Bell for 32 years and I remember how many Christmas days we missed him cause he had to work so I am happy just to have the days off that my company provides. My Mom's husband is a Captain in the Northbay Ontario Fire Dept and yes he sometimes works Christmas and New Years.So I know how it must have been for you sometimes Lew. I remember my Dad would some times work all night then stay up all day with us on Christmas just to make sure our Christmas Day would be perfect.Thanks for thinking of the people who have to work on Christmas Lew. MTP
  6. Well look at that the man from the land of Cotton is wearing alot of cotton right up to his neck. 65 degrees I would be in a T-Shirt dog but not in shorts like Shawn.This is coming from Shawn who can't wear a surivival suit cause he sweats too much.shawn are you sure you're not part Husky or something Thanks for another fine report Glen and how do you keep that sweater so clean.Like Wayne says the camera man needs some help MTP
  7. I would have to say the one from Greencoachdog.Where he is waiting to launch his boat and he encouters BOZO #1 AND BOZO undefined Hopefully some one can add this link correctly
  8. Finally somewhere that has roads worse than Quebec.
  9. I don't have WFN but I saw Mepps a few times when I was visiting Percher in October.
  10. It was only when I got the machine .All is fine these days but hey I think I am going to buy some of this loc-tite stuff for other applications. Thanks
  11. You won't regret the 10 Plus HP wait till you get a dumping of heavy wet snow this is where 10hp will shine. Congrats on your purchase.Charles when your unit is new be sure to go over all nuts and bolts and make sure they are tight. Although your unit was mostly assembled don't trust who ever put it together.After just one use with mine I found some loose nuts and another time I actually lost some nuts and screws.Once you have checked things after a few uses everything should stay tight. Don't forget to dump the oil after the break in period.Now have fun in the snow MTP
  12. I wonder how many PSI it took to fill that Bass up
  13. How heavy was the ice on you mustache Lew.Could you talk with all that weight
  14. Charles for what you do go for 7.7hp of 8hp niver know when we will get the big storm. MTP
  15. Yes Gerritt thats what I have a 10hp Tecumseh.I guess I have many years with this engine ahead of me 5 yrs so far.
  16. Yes we still have our sence of Humour Glen.We just get a little down time until we start hard water fishing. You know Glen all this snow and Cold stimulates the Canadian economy and the US economy cause some of us flock down to Florida and North and South Carolina. Come to think of it I never heard anyone say they were heading to Alabanana in the Winter summer either. I know you have scared all the tourists away
  17. Paul can I go fishin with you >I could save alot of time fishin with you. Lets see 7 hour drive for me to simcoe half hour of fishing 38 perch .ya it would be worth the drive. Where did you get such a powerful shopvac.Where's the pics of Tarpus maximus? You always post them MTP
  18. Looks like a Banner year Bob .Beauty pics thanks for posting and it really takes the bite out of todays weather
  19. The weather channel says we are getting 50cms now here in Montreal. its Brutal outside I spent 2hrs clearing snow earlier today and it now looks like I have done nothing. Living in Canada never a dull moment.I bet they don't sell many shovels in ALABANANA
  20. Me too thought it was a snowblower.Oh and when does Paul get to ride it? Paul you the Man.Joey looked like you enjoyed yourself.
  21. Me too won't be on the ice until the 29th.thanks for the report
  22. Now that looks so good Gerritt.You the man talk about a rewarding meal after snow removal.
  23. I have been very happy with MTD 5 yrs trouble free with 10HP and 28 inches wide.We get alot of snow so the 10hp was the better investment for me. you can get a machine like this for $1000 to $1200 a bigger machine will move through deep and wet snow with ease .I don't think a higher reving smaller hp unit will last longer than a bigger machine.The price difference to upgrade to more HP is minimal don't buy an under powered unit and regret it later. There are many good brands out there and you would be surprised to see that the motor is built by almost one company. Good Luck with your purchase Charles .Save your back, save time ,avoid the heart attack buy a big a ss snowblower. MTP
  24. Now I know where Bigfoot Lives We are just getting pounded here in Quebec I was out for 2 hours this afternoon round 1 with the snowblower 2 hrs later and it looks like I was never out there. I have to leave at 5:30 to take my daughter to soccer practice I thought for sure the coach would have cancelled but no we will be going Hey Joey can I borrow your new toy
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