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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Don great report love the pic of the frosted uo boat.Congrats on the PB.Don you seem to always be on the fish Great report MTP
  2. Thanks for the report Dave .Looking forward to the next frosty report.
  3. Nice ride Emil I think you will have years of enjoyment out of her.
  4. Yes I am looking forward to report #2.No more boat excuses you have been out with enough OFC members and you both have boated fish before
  5. Well its that time of year folks to put the boat away since purchasing my boat 4 years ago I am on battery #3 for Cranking amps and I have seen 2 deep cycle Kirklands fail in the 2nd year and one from CTC last only one season. So question number one where is the best place to store your cranking amps battery during the winter and yes I know not to put it on the cement floor.I have left it in the boat all winter like some of you do but that resulted in a dead battery in the spring that I could not revive. Should I charge my battery during the winter?Is indoor storage the way to go? After having alot of bad luck I need some input suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks Mike
  6. Wow beauty pics man.You sure know how to use a camera.
  7. Well Terry I hope you find the guy who can freeze it quickly because my 9 year old son has informed me that he wants to return with uncle Dan(Percher)for some non stop fat perch action.Hopefully we will be back soon.Mike
  8. I think you meant Moses.
  9. Well Huey and Lew you sure got my attention.I AM TRULY SORRY FOR THE JOKE ABOUT THE ARMY. It has been said before and by no means did I intend to harm others.I did not realize how much that storm crippled Toronto nor did I realize how difficult it must have been for emergency vehicles to get around. I come from a place that has its own Army of snow removal equipment and we are often less affected than other cities.And like Huey said often its just another day here in Montreal even with a heavy snowfall. For now on I will not use that comment. Truly Sorry..........Mike the Pike
  10. Glad you did your homework.This may explain our bad roads.Seems to me they are a better option. Are studded tires a better choice? Broadcast: November 3, 1998 <<main page Peter Keith For most of us the rubber doughnuts that keep our cars and trucks on the road are simply an afterthought, maybe a nuisance when one goes flat. Peter Keith sees it differently: "These are four of the most important safety devices on your vehicle." Keith is a forensic engineer in Calgary. For 15 years he's been a private consultant investigating car accidents. Before that, for almost a decade, he was chief engineer in the motor vehicle safety branch of Transport Canada. "I think people should really remember that these four pieces of rubber [are] all that's holding them on the road. ... and they have to be treated that way," he says. "You've got to keep the tire pressure up. You've got to make sure you've got plenty of tread depth. And you've got to have the right tires for the conditions." Keith doesn't think all season tires are right for winter conditions in Canada, but he's no fan of plain winter tires either. For his own vehicles, he uses studded tires. So does his wife. Studded tires aren't really new; in fact they used to be pretty common 30 years ago. And then they seemed to fall out of fashion. Tire studs are little metal posts that you can have inserted into many standard winter tires. It's simple and it's cheap, just $20 a tire. And according to Keith it's well worth the price. "The great advantage of the stud is that the little piece of steel bites into the surface of an icy road and ... so it provides me with very good adhesion on a slippery road," he says. "In fact it almost doubles your adhesion on a slippery road. And the other thing it does, by roughing up the ice, it actually provides better traction for all other people who don't run on studded tires. So it's actually a very beneficial device." Double the adhesion, better traction for other drivers, yet Keith points out that only a tiny minority of Canadian motorists use studded tires. An awful lot of people when I tell them I run on studded tires say, 'Oh I thought that was illegal.' Studs are banned in the province of Ontario. But, in most other provinces they're legal during winter -- the exact period varies from province to province. And in some jurisdictions studded tires can be used with no restrictions at all. So why aren't they? Peter Keith says the Ontario ban seems to have given studded tires an undeserved bad reputation right across the country. Gerhard Kennepohl, head of Pavement Research for the Ontario government, explains the province's position: "It became very clear there were safety hazards and it was also very clear there was some abrasion of asphalt roads." Gerhard Kennepohl He says Ontario arrived at this policy after a series of tests conducted by the province Ontario's tests concluded that the tire studs of that era performed as well as or better than non-studded tires in most winter conditions. But they scratched the pavement causing ruts which could fill with water and create a road hazard. But those tests were done in 1970, and those conclusions don't impress Peter Keith. He says if he lived in Ontario, he'd still use studded tires in the winter, ban or no ban.
  11. The other reason most of make it to work is cause we have a city that has been well equipped with one helluva fleet of snowremoval equipment.
  12. Actually fisherman we don't have alot of accidents during snowstorms because many here use snow tires .Not here to open a can of worms. My company is Canada wide.All our sales reps are entitled to one set of snow tires and we all put them on in the province of Quebec.The reps In Toronto say they don't need em .The Atlantic Canada rep does not use em nor do they out west.All I hear is we don't get much snow so we don't need em.I do admit we get alot more snow but choosing snow tires will always be night and day.
  13. Ya really Lew if you don't show up the boss will give people a hard time.I do think we are wonderful too
  14. No problem half the people in Toronto won't show up for work and another quarter who never use snow tires will end up in an accident or in the ditch.So traffic should be minimal accidents will be plentiful.Too bad the Morons with 4 season tires will drive 120KPH anyway.We Quebecers will all show up for work like just any other day.Don't worry the Army is always on standby in Toronto to compensate for lack of snow plows.
  15. Nice Pike Cliff I am yet to beat my PB of 8lbs.That jewlery looks funny on your forhead
  16. So Glad you enjoyed the get together many new friends were made and there will be more outings.Maybe we will see ya on the hardwater. Take care
  17. Yes Kevin thankyou for responding without complaints things will never improve.I think all cottages should include one doc space with the cottage.Who would want to pay $1500 for one week and not include one boat slip. I am OK with an extra charge for additional doc space.Your current problem is you must come up with a system for assigned docs.Put a name on a dock space or a cabin name or a matching number for the assigned doc space.In the case of our cottage ours sleeps six people(Mikey Big Fish Cottage)so we had 3 boats and purchased 2 doc spaces and one was pulled out every evening.If a cottage sleeps six then I don't see a problem with bringing 3 boats.Your story of 6 people in one cottage with 6 boats sounds a bit unreal.Why would six guys fish alone in their boats. I did not have reservation problems but I did call back during the week requesting my confirmation.Another place that must be improved is the reservations too many incidents with mix ups.The first thing your staff says when there is a mix up is did Kevin take your reservation.Well bud that does not sound good to me.In previous years I have had no problems and enjoyed the fact that you came around to see your guests.Yes you were absent.Like someone said not once did anyone from your staff come around to see if all was OK.Time to get people more involved time for employees to ask questions put on a smile be a little more welcoming. Merland Park has been lacking a friendly atmosphere for awhile now. As for the launch a little bit of digging and some rock removal would compensate for the lower water levels.I nicked my prop sunday because my assigned doc space was taken from me and I paid to be in a very shallow slip that I had no choice of taking.A good dumping of gravel stone wouldn't hurt on the roads and on the same road as the launch in the past couple of years we have been walking around in mud. It took one person to disrupt the whole reserved docking system. Not sure I will be back next year but the time has come to improve the above mentionned sucestions. Your number one priority is to come up with a system so that no one takes ones reserved boat slip. Thanks for your response and hopefully things will improve.
  18. Dan when your in photobucket copy where it says direct link.Then go back to your post on OFC Clic insert image the box with the sun and tree then right clic paste in the rectangle and clik ok this will allow the pic in your post to appear full size.Remember you will need to scale down your photos from a softare that can shrink the image before going to photobucket.Good luck .Mike
  19. Your just setting yourself up for your future Christmas present
  20. Yesterday, 09:57 PM Post #15 All Knowing Angler Greencoachdog Group: Members Posts: 4,014 Joined: 15-November 06 From: Way Down Yonder in the Land of Cotton Member No.: 23 Quoted from Glen......... I just love reading other peoples Skunk reports... So do I Glen
  21. Wow great report with all the gadgets on Shawns boat I wouldn't expect a skunk and wouldn't accept one either looks like you out fished the Master FD
  22. Awesome report girl thanks for the shirt .Beauty fish I missed out on yer beef jerky but the shrimp you brought to the potluck were also very tasty.
  23. Are you bragging about those perch Glen caught on Sabiki's at least one Glenn(K) knows how to catch wall-ice :blahblah1:
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