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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Just drop a jig down with minnows and bring them up.
  2. Thats great Simon< i guess we will no longer see picks of you freezing your off they winter. I expect many Northern reports with success
  3. Was going to stay home and do the usual yard work. Had an invite from good friend GlennK to fish in his boat off of Ile Perrot. The Bass were on today.The yard work can wait had a great day. MTP
  4. Can't go wrong with a Honda I tell ya.I had a 2000 Honda 50hp never put a dime on it.Like desship says you do have to let it warm up a long time on a cold day.Another thing I could say about the Honda it is very fuel efficient.I have a Yamaha 60hp these days on my new boat which I also enjoy but it consumes a lot more fuel than my Honda did.I also have a Honda 2hp on my boat which is my kicker it always runs very well.Also owned a 1980 7.5hp sold it when it was 26 yrs old and it was always trouble free.Honda the largest manufacturer of motors in the World. GO FOR IT......MTP
  5. excelet Report Rich looks like you and Patsy really enjoy it up here.
  6. Now Kevin we could debate the Tiller thing lol
  7. Congrats on the PB.Nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. those two dudes in the shark cage had to clean the brown stuff out of their wet suits for sure!!!!!!!!!
  9. Yes Joey he is not so little anymore 13 next month I figure one more year and I will be looking up at him lol I inserted part 2.
  10. Hi folks yes its been a while have not been posted a report in so long. After 24 yrs in the Printing business I have changed careers.Thanks to an OFC board member memart I am now selling medical supplies a job that I love which consumes more of my time. Here it is my fishing trip with my son Ryan in Mont-St.Michel Quebec over 300kms North of Montreal. www.clubscott.com Enjoy!!!! look I almost bring more stuff than that solo paddler guy this year I left the boat at home you just don't need a boat there.These days I just sit back and relax while the little man does all the driving. Part 2 Fishing for trout at the dam Brown Carp this is Ryan at the tiller LAST YEAR just to show you how much he has grown.
  11. Hey Cliff great looking boat bud.Good to see ya back in a boat. Oh ya and its a Tiller!!!!!!!!!!!! Good report.I will be In Mississauga next week for three days. We should hook up for some Java once again. MTP
  12. Perhaps its time to change the wiring going to the Distributer cap Brian.
  13. one of my favorites I took a young lad fishing who never caught a pike So that day he catches 5 pike and lands an 8lb Lunker Priceless.
  14. Congrats to you and the family Dan
  15. So this is how it all started.....OK
  16. Great report Paul,you sure know how to catch Bass. The boat is looking spiffy like a pro like; the way you have it all dressed up with the toys and decals. Looking forward to fishing with you soon.. MTP
  17. Its unfortunate,that this happened but throwing a line at them with a dangerous hook could result in the loss of someones eye.Don't stoop to their level. This happened to me more than once .Once A 32 foot cruiser almost flipped my boat.I pulled up anchor and caught up to the idiot who would not stop or make eye contact with me. At a boat show one year I spoke to the QPP police they said if it ever happens again just try and obtain the licence number on the side of the boat and they will be fined. Sorry to hear about this unfortunate lack of respect from the scum bags.. MTP
  18. No they squeeze your line they are made so they will come off instead of getting snagged at the bottom.
  19. For many years I would go on fishing trips all my buddies would come in with their quota of Walleye and me nothing but Pike so my friends named me Mike the Pike.I now know how to catch Walleye these days.
  20. looks like drifter has a good idea.Wayne has a good idea too.These mounts worked very well for me.Have you tried tightening the wing nuts with vice grips
  21. too many deer .time to open the hunt more to control the deer population
  22. lol Roy
  23. Use pliers and tighten always worked for me.but you have to tighten almost every outing if you encounter heavy chop.
  24. This is a bracket mount that wrap around the bench you can get them at CTC and Wallmart.
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