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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. James no offence buddy but there have been too many rants on this board about Tracker boats poor quality.Also known as Cracker. Some board members have had issues with these boats and getting service from Tracker has been hell to be served properly. I would look at a new boat company if I was you.
  2. I spoke to the MNR about this you can only weigh one fish over 63cms per day if you weigh another and they find out you can be charged. MTP
  3. Oh you will be in good hands with Lloyd ,nice roomy comfortable boat ...as for me Its the Tiller
  4. Very nice Ride Paul I really like the colour.You can't go wrong with buying from Thomas Marine.Good Service and Good people. I buy alot of things there for my boat.There service dept has an amazing selection of gadgets lol.
  5. I will be there Kev Been going since 2004.
  6. Hey Kevin didn't know it was discontued but still see plenty on the shelf here in QC.Give the P-Line braid a try its just like the Super Braid from Stren. MTP
  7. For me I like Stren Super Braid and my latest favorite P-Line Braid.I no longer purchase power pro does not have the quality of these two brands.
  8. Thanks Wayne for some reason someone told me they no longer do this in Ontario.They stopped in QC.
  9. Hi guys need your help.I always bite the bullet buy my licence on line for Ontario pay a little more because I live in Quebec but I like the idea that I don't have to renew it every year.I purchase mine for 3 yrs unlike a lot of my friends. Anyhoo myself and 3 friends are heading down to the Bay of Quinte for the Kiwanis fishing derby in early May. So I need to know where my friends can purchase a fishing licence in the Bay of Quinte area we will be staying near Picton. One of my friends is going to Ottawa this weekend so he would like to get the task over and done with. Mike The Pike
  10. Well Carl you are right man Lake is still very much frozen.First time in 10yrs that I can not go. Now where is global warming when you need it.Oh well next week it is.
  11. Well last year I got my PB Laker 6 lbs but honestly I have 2 young lads coming with me my son Ryan 12 and a Shayne 14. I want to see those boys get into some fish. What I have learned since trout opener in Magog.Don't show up the first 2 days but go fishing on Sunday and boat traffic is no more.Last year on the Sunday there was only about 15 boats.So no more fishing in the ZOO.
  12. Going fishing early Sunday Morning for trout opener. Lake Memphremagog,Quebec Good for the Soul MTP
  13. I have lots of them .I like there action just haven't caught a thing with them . Rapalas keep producing though
  14. I just bite the bullet renew for 3 yrs one more to go.$144.00 cause I live outside Ontario. Too many times I would buy at the last minute and scramble to find a place that sells it.Now its on line and for 3yrs. On the bright side my Quebec licence is good until March 31st 2011.
  15. looking good Skeeter almost as nice as Don's lol.ok maybe better
  16. Good as always to see you Paul and Roy Joey.Sorry for the brief visit but had to pick up my daughter just 5 mins away nice ski. have a safe and fun trip in Quinte.Memart and I will leave you the small eyes lol.
  17. Well thanks for that advise Roy as soon as I read this I went outside took the prop off I didn't find any fishing line but I found alot of clumped up pile of weeds caught around the metal shaft it was very hard like mud perhaps this could be the source of the problem.I hope it is. I will be fishing alot this fall so I will let you know. Thanks Roy
  18. Battery is located inside the casting platform just 4 feet from the motor. I appreciate the effort Scugog!!!!
  19. I will check connections up at the bow.I always tighten the wing nuts with vice grips on the battery. It has been frustrating!
  20. The breaker is 50 amp the required size.don't know the guage of the wire.the boat is a 2008 ran the first 2 seasons without issues its the last year that I have had problems.The motor was installed by a very knowledgeable Lund Dealer.
  21. I could use some help on this one. In the last year I have had 5 circuit breakers blow on my electric motor bow mount model. It tends to blow when the motor is in heavy weeds or fighting some good chop on a windy day. most of the time the motor works fine but as soon as I push it too hard bamm the breaker blows I have checked all the wiring no bare wires all is rigged properly. I have a Minnekota Power Drive V2 55lbs of Thrust.With Auto Pilot. At 7.99 per breaker its getting to be annoying has anyone one had similar problems. I am about to take it to a certified Minnekota repair shop. Help? MTP
  22. Have not been around for a while.Had some health issues to take care of. Completely made a lifestyle change for the better lots of exercise and eating much more healthier. Dropped 30lbs and feel much better.Had the high blood pressure high cholesterol. 10 yrs of sales on the road caught up with me so I finally listened to the doctor and what a difference it has made. Still been doing alot of fishing have some nice reports to post but I need help from someone again on how to post pics from photobucket.anyhoo I should be a little more present now good to be back. Mike the Pike
  23. Yes worth it I had a Pirana 4 from humminbird excellent little unit when on a remote lake
  24. OMG Lew I have never heard of such high wood prices in my life. I pay $90.00 per cord delivered here in Saint-Hubert high quality hard Maple. Only in Ontario eh
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