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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Kevin I use a 2hp Honda long shaft for my kicker on my 16ft Lund it does a fine job for trolling.I also plan On getting a sportspal and I will use the long shaft I will just have to be careful in the shallows. Nice score with the canoe. MTP
  2. I second it I have the same motor 60hp tiller with variable trolling button. Oh my buddy has the 60hp Mercury its a 2006 last season in 2009 he had to change a coil already.My dealer sells Yamaha,Honda,Suzuki and now Mercury he says he has changed several coils on Mercury motors so far. I had a Suzuki motor in the past yes they have a good reputation but if you need parts in a hurry forget it often back order from Japan. I hit my prop one summer needed a new prop shaft it was back order from Japan for over 3 weeks I was boatless for my vacation. BTW Yamaha sells the most outboard motors world wide!!!!
  3. Well its been along time after having my Dad in the Hospital for 2 1/2 months it felt great to be fishing again on the ice. I fished a tournament in Alexandria Ontario.Nice prizes checkout the website.I would have liked to have gone to the Montreal outdoors show to meet up with Mercer but sometimes fishing has its priorities. Sorry no pics I left the camera in GlennK's truck and when your are trying to win a tournament well the camera was forgotten. Alex Fishing Derby Prizes started at 51st place and up.51st place pike was 2.447lbs and mine was 2.440lbs no prize for me there is always next year. It just felt great to be fishing again. MTP
  4. Hi guys finally back.Unfortunately I did not have much time for OFC lately. I am pleased to say my father came home from the hospital today after a 2 and a half month stay. He had 2 surgerys one to clean out some arteries and another to repare an Aortic aneurysm. All his operations have been successful now comes the long road to recovery.With alot of rest he will be absolutely A OK.I guess I can now resume fishing soon. MTP
  5. You 'll want to contact carll2 he is a member on this board he guides there in the summer. mtp
  6. 2008 Lund 1660 Classic with a 60HP TILLER!!!!!!!
  7. I must say thanks to you all for your kind words and you really boosted my moral. The last few weeks have been a difficult time for our family. My mom is back to health and is much stronger. My father has been in the Hospital for 23 days he so looking forward to coming home. His diverticulitis has heeled quite well but the aortic aneurysm has been causing him a great deal of pain. Unlike a regular aneurysm my father has a rare case where it has formed into a bubble. I have been happy with our medical care he has received but dissapointed that all was put on hold for the Chrismas Holidays.Dad is supposed to have surgery either Monday or Tuesday to have a stent inserted in the aneurysm.He is nervous as the area affected is in a high risk area of the abdomen. Of course the Doctors always advise you of what could go wrong piercing of the bowels ,loss of both kidneys and many more possibilities etc.... I did go ice fishing for the first time yesterday around 4pm on the St-Lawrence river near the Champlain Bridge. One lesson learned never go ice fishing without my ice hut when I bring my young 11 year old son. I was warm of course after drilling 7 holes with my 8 inch manual auger.I must get rid of it either go to a 6 inch or a gas auger just too physical; my arms were as pumped as Popeye.Was frustrating I set up all the lines 5 tip ups and 2 holes for jigging so after all that work Ryan says he his too cold the foot warmers were not working and it seems his hot paws did not keep his hands warm enough.Had 2 hits off the tip ups but did not get there soon enough because I was too busy setting up.Ryan ran up to the car while I picked up all the lines and ice fishing gear.I did see quite a few eyes landed from others in the area.I will be back this time with the 2 man Frabill.We are aloud 10 holes each in this area far too many holes to drill by hand.I will be back at it soon hopefully with success. Thanks to all of you for your support during one of lifes unpredictable detours. Mike the Pike
  8. I have not been around for a while ON Dec 12 my Dad was admitted to the Hospital he has been there ever since. It took a week to find the pain in his abdomen which was Diverticulitis a blockage in the intestine. The doctors have been successfully treating him for that. During his stay my Dad had an MRI scan and they found a much more serious problem an aortic aneurysm. He will require major surgery to remove the aneurysm not without risk I am told. So far it has been 17 days he has been away from home which has been hard on my mom. They both missed Christmas dinner which has never happened.My mom caught the flu and was too sick to attend Christmas dinner or visit Dad. So far I don not know when Dad will have the surgery as with the Christmas break there were few Doctors working at the Hospital. Do any of you folks know someone who has had this operation and how was the outcome? I am so looking forward too my Father's return home. I did notice a couple of weeks ago hearing that DanC would have his Dad home for Christmas which I was happy to hear Dan I hope he is doing well and on the mend. This has been a gloomy December so I could use the support from OFC members! Mike the Pike
  9. Now if I lived in this region I would be starting a petition against these unreasonable fines. Next I would be contacting the media like the CBC and CTV this issue needs more canadian exposure. It does not happen here in Quebec where common prevails for this issue but other issues need a revue. I do find there is not enough road blocs here like in Ontario.It seems to be more seasonal like around the Christmas holidays. Another thing I just don't understand is why one can have booze in a boat in Quebec regardless of the size of the vessel. Leave this up to some bonehead to hurt the the livelihood of bar owners .It will just deter others from going to the local watering hole. MTP
  10. I can't complain about my year some nice walleyes,Small Mouth Bass only little Pike but I caught the biggest fish of my life this year an 18 ound salmon.Overall I brought out some new kids this year and taught them all about fishing .Strange I did not catch a Large Mouth this summer. The Highlight of my summer was bringing out a young lad a friend of the family's 13 yr old .He never caught a pike in his life . That day he caught five along with an 8 pounder .Priceless .His face was lit up like the fourth of July.
  11. Ah good news Simon that means you should be the first to show us an ice fishing report. Now get out the Zamboni clear the ice and invite us up for a game of Hockey and Ice fishing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. What the hell .Its becoming too extreme.Next the bars will all be out of business then there will be no more intoxicated people followed by lay offs for the local law enforcement.Keep it up and more people will be out of work.Catch 22 Who had the brains to come up with this crap.Where is the common sense?
  13. Excellent pictures.Love the shot in the water.
  14. Nice report Tony.Percher had his boat used for the very same show.
  15. When I was a kid I was camping at Lake Scugog. I was around 9 yrs old and I hooked into a turtle from shore about 25 to 30lbs .Finally a guy came over to help me I was afraid to fish for the next few days. Here are some other things and creatures I caught. Percher's prized catch in the grand river last August. My son caught a huge bolt that probably weighed 5lbs. I also caught a nice reef runner in Quinte along with 200 feet of line.
  16. Just watching discovery right now and the Asian carp story will be on shortly on Daily Planet. Enjoy>>>>>>>>>>>
  17. Yes Simon I do ice fish just not enough. MTP
  18. /dd232/mikethepike1965/IMG_0520_1.jpg[/img] Well its been an Ok year and I added a new species to my list. My first ever lake trout caught in April. Last time I ever fished beside Sonny May 2009.You will be missed my friend. Percher's prize catch. Ah my favorite take a young lad fishing never caught a pike in his life and he lands an 8 pounder. He also caught five pike that day. Well thats all until the hard water season. MTP
  19. Ah nice collection of fish I really like the shots of the brown trout as I have never seen one before. MTP
  20. I wish mother nature would get on with it. The transition period is so boring.At this rate we may have to take the boat out.
  21. What the hell, I didn't know you speak polish?
  22. Door Eh tabernac sous la glace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Thanks Bernie for posting those pics. I had one of them old yellow Bombardier Ski doo's when I was 14 yrs old. The half Lemon cab look. That was 30 yrs ago.
  24. They get a rest when few start venturing out in their boats.Then the ice fishing season starts. fishing is to give people a rest clear your head and decompress. If people fish this time of year good for them I am all for it. The very little fishing pressure in November will not change anything. MTP
  25. Its only leg and arm power for me as I only get out a few times per year . My son pulls the sled full of fishing gear and I pull the ice hut out onto the ice. We have an 8 inch hand auger that builds and rips the biceps. MTP Bring on the ice.
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