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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. http://super-ligue.com/tempete.htm
  2. Welcome
  3. Nice report Tom .The Pike are well fed up your way.How many eggs did you force feed her before the pic MTP
  4. Most years I have used Trilene XT Extra tough .I like this mono alot, comes in green. Last year I used Stren Superbraid which I absolutely love and the colour does NOT fade. I have just purchased some power pro green and a roll of red from Wallymart. I purchased this line because many of you folks like it .So this year I will see if it is what many of you say it is. Just spooled up my baitcaster with Stren Super Braid. I will be trying some Trilene Florocarbon to see what the big hype is about. I will never buy Seaguar florocarbon again this crap is fragile and breaks like glass expensive and has very little strenghth very briddle. MTP
  5. I used it this year for ice fishing Dan found it a bit slippery when it gets cold. I don't think I would use it in the summer months.
  6. My wife go fishin NOT but she expects to eat walleye when I come back. She does not understand catch and release. Thankfully I have my son. My daughters are losing interest
  7. Minus 16 here last night the snow is not melting at all Glen send us pics of warm spring.
  8. They are high up anywhere in the water during ice out.My second year out fishing for them after ice out most are on the surface or in the 15ft down range.When you arrive in the wee hours of the morning one can see many on the surface. My son caught his in 66ft of water on the surface.just troll 3 inch suspending rapalas, spoons or yozuris and you should catch one. Mike
  9. BLESSED CANADA On the sixth day God turned to the Archangel Gabriel and said: 'Today I am going to create a land called Canada. It will be a land of outstanding natural beauty. It shall have tall majestic mountains full of mountain goats, and eagles, beautiful sparkling lakes bountiful with bass and trout, forests full of elk and moose, high cliffs over-looking sandy beaches with an abundance of sea life, and rivers stocked with salmon.' God continued, 'I shall make the land rich in resources so as to make the inhabitants prosper, I shall call these inhabitants Canadians, and they shall be known as the most friendly people on the earth.' 'But Lord,' asked Gabriel, 'don't you think you are being too generous to these Canadians?' 'Not really,' replied God 'just wait and see the winters I am going to give them.'
  10. Yes purple and Pink work very well just ask my 9 yr old son his favorite lure is a 3 inch Pink rapala x-rap. These 3 fish caught on pink rapala X-Rap. Pink X-Rap Purple Yozuri MTP
  11. Is the contents of the car worth more than the car. Ouch Shawn sounds like you have alot to lose if the punks take the contents. Now about that van you wanted. I hope you get it all back bud.
  12. Thanks Wayne I will be putting them on my new boat trailer. I blew a bearing and a Hub in November on my SSV trailer . I just learned the hard way and will be maintaining my bearings from now on. First will be the 4 wheels on my tent trailer this spring. Thanks again .Mike
  13. Does someone have a pic of these BB.
  14. Good one Dan No sign of spring here -11 tonight
  15. Never mind free parking Roy just try and find parking.Looks like a kitty litter depot not a beach
  16. Happy Birthday my friend.Glad to have met you in November. My life has changed since I met you skunkings now come in the third degree from you. Glen always a pleasure to read your reports they make my day.especially during this thawless time now get out and shore fish will ya
  17. Ah once we get that Cabalas up here I won't be so jealous of you guys and your vast selection at BPS . I will be takin your orders just before I head down the 401.For now BPS is just once a yr for me.
  18. Well hope she is runnin soon Dog and hope its not too costly. It would be cool to see the old dog shore fishin though
  19. So what about the lack of fish just getting out with good friends is what it is all about. Great pics .Did ya use the new GPS yet?IS that how you found the fishing gadget
  20. Only Birds around here is us Snowbirds looks like our snow is not leaveing anytime soon. Mike.
  21. It may be because you are on dial up Jack .Did you download the Java so you can use chat?
  22. Yes Shawn I think that is a Zander.
  23. Nice painting I can appreciate the time you put into that as my wife is also a great artist. MTP
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