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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Great report Wendal excellent pics and yummy walleye
  2. Does your boat have a built in gas tank or a five gallon tank. Some of my previous boats had an air vent valve at the top of the fill cap if the air pressure is not released this can cause the engine to stall the tank should be well vented when out on the water or your engine could perform like you have described. Enjoy fishin with your son
  3. WTG Lew would have liked to see a pic though. way to break in the new reel.
  4. Hey Glenn that is what the woman told me at the weigh in .768 grams unless I miss understood her heavy french accent it was a short fat perch but no where near 1.7lbs must of bee my hearing lol
  5. Wow nice wack of healthy looking Muskie gentleman can't wait to catch my first Muskie. 25kph winds in a canoe is challenging great report I always enjoy your canoe reports and can appreciate them as I do fish out of my Canoe a few times per year. Oh and tell Jon he should remove his Pyjamas before leaving at 4am.The last pic
  6. Well temps here in Montreal on the St-Lawrence were 61 F lower than usual for this time of year.Of course we do live more North lol. 2 walleyes caught yesterday close to shore by boat were both caught in 6 ft of water on a hot sunny day. Paul if you move around you can find the fish especially in the evening.Unfortunately you will have to burn more gas Good Luck on your next outing.
  7. OOPS good eye Dan It must have been all that sun
  8. Ya Peter you teaze where is the new pics of the new boat Congrats on getting the new toy.
  9. The time came once again June 7th our annual fishing Tournament on the St-Lawrence River close to Montreal. For the first time Myself and Teamate GlennK finally had a high placing in a tournament. There were prizes for biggest fish in three categories Largest Pike ,Largest Wallleye and Largest Perch. Also the Grand slam categorie where you need a Pike ,Walleye and Perch. Our Day started off with a mixed bag of weather RAIN but not for long before we knew it the heat was almost as hot as Alabama 33 Celcius.Around 10 am the racing cars from the montreal Grand Prix came out to practice on Iles Notre Dame. Only 3kms away we could here them loud and clear. This day was a special one because GleenK finally got his boat an upgrade from a 12 ft princecraft ungava now he has the 16 footer. Presentation prizes were great Glenn picked up a nice Berkley scale with a bass culling kit and I picked up a nice Plano bag complete with soft plastics for bass and some crank baits. Glenn and I place 4th overall (out of a field of 150 teams)in the Grand Slam categorie with a 5lb Walleye(from Glenn), 2.5 pound Pike(Glenn)and my Perch of 768 grams enough for a $100 prize. Our friend Danny who some of you may know from my Quinte opener reports had the biggest walleye of the day 7.5 lbs. So here are the pics. Friend Danny fishing with Paul his brother in law. Happy GlennK riding his new Ride a Lund 1625 classic.Thats the Champlain bridge in the background. Glenn's 5lb eye and an addition to his team 22.5 inches. We spotted Don(Tracker in his new boat.Hey Don what were you doing in Montreal Friends of ours Craig and Jeff who got a warning to stay out of the shipping lane. My contribution for the day a 10 3/4 inch perch weighing a whopping 768 grams and an upgrade for team #6 A shot of the fish before there release. My friend Dan and his brother inlaw there win for Largest Walleye of the Day 7.5lbs. Now thats my burnt arm and if you ever go fishing with GlennK and he says not to bring sunscreen don't beleive him it was lost somewhere in cyberspace My scottish skin is on fire today.Captain Glenn will now be keeping the lotion on board. As usual it was a pleasure fishing with good friend Glenn cause he can catch fish. What a great day I look forward to next weekend when we return to the St-Lawrence with our kids for another amateur tournament next Saturday. MTP
  10. Welcome to my world Paul $1.41 here in Montreal it was $1.45 Wednesday. When is the bubble going to bust GREED GREED GREED I smell economic slow down
  11. One thing I would like to point out John is some lures imitate a wounded bait fish and predator fish will jump on that occasion
  12. Don you can use an awning cleaner for RV's from CTC or Wallmart in the Automotive sections and believe it or not good old VIM. Mike
  13. Now Stoty you are really due to post a fishin report Now shut up and fish
  14. Thank you so much Cliff for putting that together must have taken you many many hours. Much appreciated I had to watch it 3 times in a row . Did the redneck tell you to post my catfish with lipgrip?
  15. OK I don't get it Tuesday the the barrel went down $3 but wednesday morning our gas here in Montreal went from $1.30 to $1.45. OH thats it Hurricane seasosn is starting Good one Roy
  16. Nice report Dave thanks for the Quinte update mom ami. I will be back in July
  17. 42 MPH from a 25HP that is hard to believe.I had the little wheel on my old boat it was off by 5MPH too fast . I am getting 32MPH from my 16 footer on the GPS from a 50HP PM Greencoachdog he likes the birds.I think you can't go wrong with a name like Hummin bird.
  18. Well I love having a 4 stroke .50HP Honda 4 stroke and 2hp Honda 4 stroke Kicker I took my motor off my Lund SSV 18 footer it burned more gas on this boat because of the flat hull. I now have a Lund 1660 Classic twice the weight and uses less gas. The new IPS hull technology is amazing. A recent trip to Quinte fishing 10 hours per day for three days Total fuel cost $32 for 3 days.Can't complain about that.
  19. If you click the direct link near the pic on Photobucket copy. Then go to OFC click the insert image box the one with the sun and tree right click and paste. you will see your image directly on your post. Mike
  20. Mooneye for sure nice chuncky pike thanks for the pics
  21. you guys are wrong on my new Lund 16 footer I have a 2hp Honda Kicker that can push my boat 4.5mph if needed . Trolling in 2 to 3 foot chop was not a problem the motor is a long shaft my boat weighs 845lbs empty add 215lbs with my 50hp. my last boat was an 18 footer and I had an 8hp kicker which was more than enough.This could easily get me back in if ever there was a problem with the big motor.Its all in the lenghth of the shaft people.
  22. My son had em too but he got nothing. Really the water was really stirred up .I would like to know how you have done with the Pink X-rap since you purchased it last summer. That pike was lucky I guess the pink lure stuck out in the poopy coloured water. MTP
  23. Great report Holdfast you should use wormharnesses it may increase your walleye catch.
  24. Great report Jen thanks for posting your boys happy faces priceless I say. Thanks for that happy report
  25. Thanks again Andrew for a nice read and my favorite pics are the ones with a view from the front of your canoe while going full speed ahead. I have to admit you had my heart beating fast when you described the bear ouside the tent. I can remember some 30yrs ago camping with my mom in Northern ontario when a bear shows up and flips moms old blue metal Coleman cooler .Well she would have none of this ran for 2 metal pots banged them together and the bear ran off. That is different a white fish in your report.
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