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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. It was that time of year to meet up with Cousin Percher for my 2nd year in July Somewhere in the Bay of Quinte. I began the trip with a Saturday 2:15am alarm clock buzzing awakening Hitting the snooze button until 2:53am.Finally dragged my old butt out of bed and proceeded to wake myself up and then my 9 year old son Ryan. We left our place in St-Hubert Quebec at 3:27am first stop off the 401 was the Shell station and Timmies in Cornwall Ontario. We left the outrages gas prices in Quebec behind ($144.9)and gladly paid the $1.28 in Cornwall top off the boat and filled up the Minivan $138 bucks later (OUCH ) Arrived early in the Boq and met up with Fishin Devil and his family later. Well enough of the Bla Bla Bla and on with the pics. Launched the fishin machine and proceeded to fish out five mins.and fish on it was a nice one until fish off That spot shut down. Junior wanted to try out steering the trolling motor so I let him wind the 2hp up to 4.7mph while he steered the kicker via the T-bar from the main motor.Time will come when he can drive the big motor.! minute of that was enough a screaming 2hp is not relaxing. New spot and I am Happy but this was my only Eye of the weekend out of the 6hrs we fished. Junior was just getting warmed up. Luckily we got our limit thanks to Junior but we threw one back to swim another Day we got out in the evening and Junior gets a better fish to complete our limit of 4 I did get one of those Around 9pm Fishin Devil and myself headed in just before the big storm came in so we missed out on the night bite. In the very little time we had to fish this weekend my son caught 8 Walleyes to my 1 eventhough some dinkers were sent back to swim another day. Father and Son My son with Fishin Devil's young daughter. Now while us old folks were waiting for the Rain to stop Sunday Ryan my son and Fishin devil's daughter fished off the doc in the pouring rain.I think its in the blood An 8 inch Dinker which went back to the BOQ. Percher and fishin Devil trolling. Fish on Percher net time for Fishin Devil. Net time! Percher and Fishin Devil heading in after a few nice ones while we continue to find fish after a couple of dinkers. My little man with his new PB a 4lb walleye Man was he happy. Percher with a 5lb eye. Now Sunday I ended up with this guy and believe me my boy reminded me all the way down the 401 until we got home after a 4 hour drive.He reminded Mom that she will be eating fish because of him not Dad. It was time to go home I wanted to stay but have to work Monday. I didn't do so well but my boy was long overdue after many outings he was just picking up some pan fish. He was due for a great weekend I was very happy for him and very proud of him. Had a great weekend with family Percher and wife Sue. Good to see you again Sean(Fishin Devil and nice to meet your family. I will be back and the Skunk will go away . I hope you enjoyed our july Bay Of Quinte report. Mike the Pike
  2. Excellent report and pics Steve nice haul of fish. Ah the SSV lots of room for all your gear. I see you got the flat floor inserts and set up the rod holders just like I had them on my SSV. How do you like the new boat BTW. Ya I would say that fish is closer to 8lbs. This one was 8lbs even they look similar. MTP
  3. It slips on the spool John. I manage to tie the knots but its like springy like a slinky
  4. Excellent report and pics awesome thanks for the details and video's. I know its takes long to write a report like that one much appreciated. Congradulations to you and your wife on your future child Get some sleep now because in 9 months you won't MTP
  5. I don't know how long John but my recent experience with this stuff is well I think its crap. No Matter how many times I spool it tightly it tends to slip. tying knots with fireline is to slippery. I will stick to Stren Super Braid better than the Power Pro On my other rods. Only good thing about the crystal is it is noy very visible. MTP
  6. Sounds like its the right time to get em don't forget to take some pics nerxt time out
  7. Nice slab I always enjoy reading your reports I tend to get on the water early to avoid the boat traffic. MTP
  8. Nice fat cat
  9. WTG Rob how bout some shots of the new boat
  10. Yes 100 percent Pike and the lady is 100% blond
  11. My first was a 1962 Chevy Impala standard with 3 on the tree.
  12. Very nice Bass cranks I just hope this one counts for your team. It clearly states in the tourney rules your sign must include the year 2008 in the pic I look forward to your next report. MTP
  13. Not much difference go for it. I am running a 50hp 10hp below maximum and it does a fine job. upgrading to a 60hp would be nice but gaining only 3 to 4 mph top speed is not going to change the way I fish.
  14. Good to see a report from you Sonny nice eyes and big cat
  15. Pretty soon you will have to redo the throttle fingers for the Bike not sure about the boat though as we don't see any fish pics from you anymore
  16. Nice looking buckets
  17. Great bass opener report nice fish your were to give us a report after pimping out your boat last year
  18. Nice lookin stripey fish
  19. Third week of September Sounds good to me Glen. I missed ya this June Bubba but love to hook up with ya if you teach me the Sabiki thingy. MTP
  20. WTG Dan good to see you getting out after all a newborn can eat into your fishing time. Nice pike thanks for the report
  21. Ya good to see ya back on fish Justin I noticed you use alot of bait spray is that the secret to successfull bass fishing. MTP
  22. Nice bass Dude Excellent report and pics
  23. Can't go wrong with that boat Cranky it is stable I have been in the 1625 Classic basically the same as the Rebel. Almost as stable as my lund 1660 classic.Fishin Devil uses his 1625 classic often On Lake Ontario no problem in the rough stuff. You should read up on the IPS hulls from Lund very little resistance and it saves alot on fuel. I took my 50HP Honda from an 18ft Lund SSV bare bones aluminium and put it on my new 1660 Classic it is double the weight of the SSV but I am using at least 30 percent less fuel. Another great feature on those boats is the sport trac system you can slide your rod holders and accessories any where you want them on the sides without ever drilling holes and those new seats are very comfortable excellent lumbar support. I say go for it life is short play hard
  24. Thanks fot the fish pics Spiel at least some PPL caught some walleye unlike the hog fella from way down..........
  25. Now I have never seen a crappie pic that big and he does have a big mouth lol Congrats on the PB
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