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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. You get used to lots of snow when you live near Montreal don't know why I took so long to buy a snowblower can't imagine life with out it. Close to 3 feet of snow in my yard kind of early this year.
  2. Congrats there Rob(Gramps) you sure look young to be a grandpa. Keep the minivan you sure will need it
  3. Good to see ya out with the Mrs. Rich I can't wait to see the little guy in the reports in a couple of years. Now I think you should stop losing weight the fish looks half your size. Hopefully I can catch my first Crappie this winter on the Ottawa river. MTP
  4. He will have to keep the minivan for grandkids
  5. I have a book you can borrow Darren.Read it and your good to write the exam. Mike
  6. Well looks like Canadian winters won't bother you anymore.Nice set up and where did you get those fancy rod holders Simon?
  7. Get 10HP or more when the snow is really wet that is when you will need the muscle. Tecumseh is out of business oh no that is what kind of engine I have so far so good starts first shot everytime.
  8. OH thats going to be tuff Gerritt but I know you can do it. G2G's will never be the same what are you going to tell all your other buddies in the smoke infested cottage. You won't be part of the gang anymore.HH won't accept you anymore Smokeless poker games If anything do it for young Liam. Stick to it and be strong.
  9. OK folks I finally got the hang of casting with my baitcaster reel this summer and loved fishing with it until one moment when I forgot to adjust lure weight. I now have a nasty birds nest that is permanent. I think I made the wrong choice in line spooled it with 20lb Stren Super Braid. I like fishing for Bass with this set up so what would you guys recommend. Mike the pike
  10. Luckily for us this year there were no Southern folks to smuggle in some hootch so drinking was rather tame. Until next year Mr.Dog
  11. Welcome now never forget the camera
  12. 9lbs 9oz walleye Bay of Quinte. 9lbs 8oz Bay of Quinte. PB large mouth this summer 3lbs. Did not catch my first Muskie or Lake Trout there is always next year. MTP
  13. Roy your computer system may need a reboot read the owners manual it should tell you how if its not there try google the info should be somewhere.Hell pm Bernie perhaps he can help you. Mike
  14. Thanks for your update Rick was thinking about you while browsed through the auction last night. Wow I had no idea you could not stand for long.I hope someone is helping you with the house work and that you have someone to run errands for you.Fight hard and the results will come. Don't worry you can have plenty of beer next year at Lakair. Rest well MTP
  15. Ah Ben you make it look so easy .I need to go ice fishing but no safe ice hear yet.
  16. Have not caught a thing with this lure eventhough it was washed hundreds of times this year. Now the Pink rapala X-rap thats a true fish magnet.
  17. Excellent recap of the year thanks so much for throwing all that together. Love the shot of you emptying your boot full of water
  18. No really Glen its Don Tracker clic on his sled pic you will see the bar stools. Whats a matter with you?You are usually so much more vigilante go fishin will ya I want to see another soft water report at the Dam. MTP
  19. If it is Lew I hope he made an acception he normaly doesn't take alot of Muskie pics.
  20. Don you bring bar stools out onto the ice
  21. That must of been one hell of a fire 2000 sqr feet of survival suit
  22. Wow nice to see a more local hard water report Was Paul's head or hands too cold and numb to remember how to hold a pike Ouch that looks nasty. I hope I meet up with you guys sooner hope it stays cold.
  23. Our winter is alot tougher than yours too much snow here.Alot more snow here. Like to see you get the boat lauched here. BTW I am not getting a full roof with enclosure cause I am not as old as you Its minus 15 here and like minus 25 with the windchill
  24. OH no don't tell me Pete(Biteme) had an episode of contaminating the Lake and it shut the fishing down. I want to see pics of very cold people
  25. Thanks for the report Sam I will be there some time in the with Percher hopefully I can finally meet up with you . Mike
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