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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Hey Don I looked for you guys Skeeter sent me a pic of his new boat but I could not spot you. I threw off quite a few people saturday I opted for my black Mustang jacket and full rain gear. No big bird suit. BTW congrats on getting rid of the three year curse the skunk is finally gone . I was skunked last year so it felt good to land some decent fish..Have not had a double digit since 2006
  2. As for me : Biggest pike only 8lbs. Heaviest Walleye 11 1/2 lbs Smallie 4 1/2 lbs Steelhead notttt, Rainbow 22 inches
  3. Very nice fish Sean! After 2 days of the Skunk what a great pack of walleyes to make up for 2 dissapointing days. Your snoring sounds like my chainsaw and I know mine is not much better Good luck on the next outing. MTP
  4. Nice meeting you Sean come back next year. Excellent report man
  5. Fishdawg for now I find it really hard to identify the fish in regular mode with arches just more comfortable this way.
  6. Well it was that time of year time for my 4 day trip to my Favorite fishing hole the Bay of Quinte. Arrived around 8:30 am Thursday with good friend GlennK met up with Superdad while we unpacked had a great chat with Dave Was finally great to meet Dave who has had so many entertaining BOQ reports.Chatted for or while until Percher,Slowpoke and Fishin Devil arrived.The boys arrived and I got some new toys that Percher picked up for me. He also picked up this special item a full face mask for cold November. The boys all had there laughs about my new portable winshield. Yesterday Irishfield showed me a pic of me zooming by Friday morning sporting my mask Maybe he can post Darth Vader in the tiller boat The winds and rain picked up so we made a decision to launch at the ferry and that was the right decision. Now on with the report and pics. So we finally get out on the water Thursday and my rod goes off ZZZZZZiiiiiiiiinnnnnngggggg and I knew right away oh no its a sheepy Now the thought went through my mind then I remember meeting up with Terry in the BOQ October 25th and must have caught Sheepyitis from him.What a scrap though all 11lbs of the slimy stinky thing The fishing was a little slow but I did manage this little guy before we ended the short day. Here are some more pics from the our weekend. First for GlennK of the weekend. Well what do you know and my line goes off again Zzzzzziiiiiiinnnngggg. This time I was trying to take my sweater off but had to grab the rod so my suit dropped down around the boots OH NO then Sheepyitis set in A shot of Percher and Slowpoke ,Fishin Devil was out with Memart. Caught my smallest Goby to date how did this get on Saturday evening a shot of Slowpoke and Lexington. This years winner of the Quinte G2G was Lexington who caught a 13lb 1oz walleye Congrats Paul find a place for the Trophy for one year.Please post us a pic of that beauty fish. Gerritt,BassmasterMike,and Ted. A shot of Bitsmith2K another guy named Mike Good to have finally met Sean TBayboy thats him having a good time laughing like You will have to forgive GlennK he is getting better with the Camera but hardly uses it due to the fact I had to take several pics of his fish this summer cause I wasn't catching much this year. Thanks to GlennK we had hot Homemade Pea Soup in the pouring Damp miserable rain Saturday. Saturday evening alot of people said they could not find me Saturday on the Water. I swapped the yellow Big Bird Floater Suit for my Mustang jacket and rain gear. Nice thing about my suit people can spot me a mile away We kept the little ones for the table let the big ones go to swim another day. Unfortunately one took the hooks too deeply so she was kept for consumption. Friends Phil,Kenny,Slowpoke,Memart and Percher,GlennK and Fishin Devil. Some one was thinking about me and yellow Well I hope you enjoyed my report!!!! Scroll Down Would you like to see some more. Are you sure!!!!!! Some more pics Are you ready Ok just some teaser pics Here they are. Oh wait a minute 1 2 3 MTP
  7. Hey Don great report nice fish we saw you guys out there. Don't worry I will have a report with fishes this evening GCD. MTP
  8. Beautiful fish WTG Badger. MTP
  9. Darn Andrew you had me so pumped up about that pike I though it would be a Muskie size pike you got me great story BTW. Oh and nice Rhonda. I really enjoyed the read
  10. Well Peter it will be quiet without you. I will have to wait until Lakair to see you and Pointed. If you want to come up for the day I have place for you. The water will be much cleaner this year without you. See ya some time soon. MTP
  11. Oh my God Dave whats this for once our gas is the same price I paid 83.99almost) here in Quebec tonight I hope its cheaper in the morning I am filling up the boat in Ontario
  12. You know for the price of clips Forest just go buy the Walleye boards from church tackle and then you will have 4 planer boards your going to need them anyway. Once you hook into your first big wet sock it will be a yearly thing for ya.Extra clips no no no. I have 2 offshores which I use with mono .I use the church boards with braid and soon I will try the lead core until I get my riggers that is Hope to see ya out there this weekend Forrest.
  13. I will explain tomorrow.Its about a nice fish Bly caught. You should be in bed.I know me too I am all packed and ready to go. Now I can't sleep
  14. Hurry up and go senial will ya.At least she won't be there so I will be off that hook this week
  15. don't puke in your buddies new boat Oh your his replacement.Brian Some tips bring hand warmers I bought a 10 pack from CTC for $9.99. If you are running a tiller bring some goggles or your tears will freeze. If its raining it won't hurt your eyes.Poor man's side console Bring a bag of salt or sand to the launch if you don't have a 4 X 4 keep some metal traction aids in your vehicle. Well have a safe drive to the BOQ folks I am leaving at 0400 looking forward to meeting some new OFC members. MTP
  16. OK you got me its the beer.
  17. Keep it going it seems to get more posts than my fishing reports. Something tells me Brian is going to ditch the center console shortly
  18. Nope I just can't eat em there too slimy stinky drip drip. There just fun to bring in until you have to hold them
  19. Regretting the tiller already? No boyZ I still love my tiller cause I fish walleye 90 percent of the time and trolling with a tiller is the way to go. Ok I have to admit it may not be my last boat and as I get closer to paying our house off a full wrap windshield may be in the near future. Oh and Wayne I noticed you like pulling tubes from a tiller boat MTP
  20. I always enjoy your reports Justin nice to get out in November with warm temps and have Alabama fisherman envious of 2 guys shirtless in Canada I can't help but notice your camera takes great pictures if you don't mind me asking what kind of camera do you use. I have a canon A550 but want to upgrade to something with a more poerful Zoom. Oh the wife won't let me use her 2 nice cameras in my boat lets just say I am on my fourth camera MTP
  21. Wow can't believe the wall to wall fisherman .I love the shot of the trout turning.
  22. Can't wait to try this steelie thing next spring I have an invite from some generous folks on this site. WTG again bud
  23. Great hunting report thanks for the pics congrats on the PB. So when is the Deer supper G2G?
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