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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. I knew the minute you fished with dah red neck he would cast the evil side console curse on you.Brain washed eh
  2. No Dave there not Lund Holders they are Scotty's.I didn't want the ones from Lund. When I bought my boat last year 4 sport trak mounts were included with the boat.It also came with one rod holder and one cup holder. I asked the dealer for 2 scotty's instead.If Wayne has some sport traks for a good deal you should scoop them.Don't tell me you don't use the sport trak system. You manage to fit salty rod holders on the back transom. send me pics please I can't my salty's to fit on my transom it is too thick.
  3. welcome to the family enjoy this forum lots of nice folks with helpful information. Never forget your camera
  4. Well thanks Rob for those pics you sent me of your down rigger set up .It gave me some ideas where to put them .I wanted to see how how they looked at the stern of the boat.Percher had another snapshot for the downrigger more towards the bow just in front of the Rod storage. Now all I have to do is catch some salmon.Hopefully I will see you in may going salmon fishing may 22,24,25 with Percher. Mike
  5. Good idea for his rod Wayne but I paid for all that tackle $$$$$$$.Can't you see the valume worked and I cuaght the fish.lol As for fish idea I am still illiterate when it comes to these high tech fish finders I may get up the nerve to go back to those arches some time soon.
  6. Well like most of you I was itching to get out on the water after a dissapointing season on the hard water.The only 2 outings were skunks. Over the winter I decided to change my motor on my boat I had made the mistake of not maxing out my Horse power on the new boat last year . So my 2000 50hp had to go.The tiller arm was perfect for my old boat a Lund SSV 18 footer but a rather uncomfortable reach in the new boat. Honda wanted $650 for a longer tiller arm plus tax plus labor for install ouch I decided to go with a 60 Yamaha 4 Stroke of course it has a new feature on the tiller handle that allows me to drop 500 RPM'S in 50 rpm incraments with the touch of a button.This allows me to troll under 1mph if needed.The new tiller handle is almost as comfortable as a side console .Just more comfortable for trolling. Gone is the old manual choke and carburators.Just a turn of the key and hello fuel injection.The new motor pushes the boat with ease where as the Honda was borderline especially getting up on plane. Anyway enough of the tech motor crap.I actually caught a fish for the first time this year. Had to work a Graphic arts show in Montreal so I missed out on the nice weather saturday. Sunday was my only option so I headed to Lake Massawippi Quebec in the Eastern Townships near Magog. Got up a 3am and hit the road at 3:30 meeting up with good friend GlennK and Serge at Timmies. We launched at 6am and I caught the only fish of the day at 6:45 am.Caught on a 3 inch Reef Runner purple in 9ft of water. After that I had to avoid many trolling boat bozo's one that annoyed me kept getting to close. I knew these guys had no boating experience trying to troll with an electric motor in 3 foot rollers. I was trolling with my bow mount and my kicker motor which provides excellent boat control btw when it is choppy. Some how the driver came quickly over my way I tried to avoid him but one of the 3 managed to get his steel line all wrapped around my electric motor.So I stayed calm because we have all been there done that before.So I asked the guy is that a new boat .Yes he said of course .He said sorry and said he realized trolling in 3 foot chop with an electric bow mount is very difficult.No kidding Dah The other thing I didn't understand was trolling with wire line in 10 feet of water Enough said on with the pics. My young 10 year old son excited about the day to come even though we only slept 3 hrs. My first ever Lake Trout a new species to add to my list. Well the 3 hours sleep was not enough for my little man it tooks it toll and he passed out for 2 hours that is. I figure he didn't out fish me this time cause he was out for the count. The sun did come out it warmed up.I now have a couple of riggers thanks to Percher who got me a smokin deal on them last year .I learned how to use them not without a first half hour of frustration but I finally got the hand of it. Should have paid attention when Percher took us out On lake O. We tried riggers for a while the fish were there but no takers. friends GlennK and Serge Looking forward to Bay of Quinte next weekend. MTP
  7. Wow nice lookin set up Emile I hope you are tall enough to see through the top of the windshield lol.
  8. So sad my thoughts are with his family.
  9. Very nice lookin ride man.In all your pics with you in them you coudn't look happier it just needs some fish slime.
  10. Some good points there Tybo but I think you should buy a truck like Marc's
  11. Nice pics I happen to live only 20 mins from old Montreal.
  12. So Don will you be getting the floating Holiday Inn back on the water sometime soon
  13. You need the Pink Rapala X-rap. You also need some Mepps no Pike fisherman should be without mepps.
  14. No wonder you upgraded the motor you have 600lbs of extra rope on board .Do you tie Gerritt up with it?
  15. Mark I think you made a good point you run your motor far less than other fisherman. BTW I just happen to have a shot of some Bozos trolling in a canoe November 2006 in the Bay of Quinte Adolphus Reach. Ask Wayne if he remembers these folks?
  16. Who cares about Pike thats when I would rather be hunting walleye. Of course I always seem to catch Pike while fishing for other species.Thats how i got my name.
  17. I wonder if he has the boat and all fishing gear stored in his tornado shelter
  18. In 2019 the price of gas may make us choose smaller .Who knows what the future holds. On a fishing trip in 2004 there was someone in our group who had a 10hp Evinrude from 1962 everyday it was sucking more gas than my 50hp Honda.Believe me the bugs were not biting him those old motors sure let out alot of smoke.It did run well that old Evinrude. If I could afford 300hp I sure wouldn't mind when one has to go 20 plus miles to fish on some days. GCD made a good point we sure have come along way things have cleaned up compared to 30yrs ago. BTW there is a green tournament every year someone on this board has a kayak tournament . Just do a search it should turn up.can't get greener than that.
  19. I am ready to go sunday Cliff can't wait to use my new downriggers.
  20. Oh now you did it the saliva has reached my chin .There goes the diet. Hey I will be in Burlington in May how far to Dover from Burlington? Oh Tracy that looks too good .Why is everything so good tasting so bad for my wasteline
  21. You will be fine man I pulled my first boat with 1994 Ford Taurus wagon .It was a gutless V6 but it got the job done. Your minivan is a rocket compared to my Taurus. I towed this boat with the Taurus..........16ft Chapparel with a 55, 2 stroke Suzuki .
  22. Oh Tracy that grub looks so tasty I will have to drive the 600km to eat some of your good looking food.
  23. Excellent job looks like you put alot of time and effort into that can't wait to see the fish pics in it.
  24. yes 5 gallon buckets will work but be sure to drill a couple of 2 inch diameter holes at the bottom of the bucket. Had a friend do this and it worked like a charm.
  25. Maybe the guy is still inside jigging
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