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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Depends on what you do with your boat.Some folks fish and Ski,tubbing wakeboards.The 2 stroke is great for pulling people out of the hole when waterskiing.Do you really need the quicker lift to get from point A to Point B for fishing........NOT.I have a 50 fourstroke Honda my last boat had a 2 stroke.I will never go back.I have had my four stroke for 3 seasons and still have the same plugs.Ever try and talk to someone when your wide open with a 2 stroke forget it.don't know what song is playing on the stereo.Yes I agree a large 2 stroke will troll slower but it shakes alot.Anything loose in the boat tends to give an annoying rattle.My cousin has an optimax 115 and he prefers to troll with his 9.9 Merc.4 stroke .He does go through more than one set of spark plugs per season.When the plugs need to be changed the boat looses performance and the motor can start Jerking when full throttle. go for the eviroment friendly 4 stroke. Gonna be tough for you to decide.
  2. I just bought a suit in November and used it in the BOQ for 2 days .I am very happy with my purchase.If you are moving around alot you will sweat.When your ice fishing you stay in one Place so the suit will keep you toasty warm ;buy a suit it is worth every penny and it could save your life one day.In November All I had on was a t-shirt and a pull over.I put it off for 2 years and should have done it sooner.Anyone out on a boat this time of year should have one.within 15 minutes of 44 farenheit water temperature not having a suit one can die of hypothermia.When I was in Quinte Nov 18th two very stupid*$#%!?"^# were escorted back to Merlands by the OPP for not having any PFD 's on board.Live to tell about it buy a suit.
  3. If the poll was done in Quebec the Leafs would only have 1% of the vote. There are alot more Habs fans in Ontario than Leafs fans in Quebec.And many now cheer for the Sens in Ontario.Should of added the Senators to the vote maybe it would be a 3 way split. Now back to fishing this is getting out of control.
  4. I think I am going to put pontoons on my Ice hut.keep that boat ready.We are all going to have to take a trip out west this winter the ice is forming there.
  5. Its time to try tubes in the Boq for eyes.Nice report.Mike
  6. Avoid all streets and highways that have a Tim Hortons.Good Luck
  7. Congrats on your fisrst BOQ walleye!!!!!!!!!
  8. Nice picks .I am yet to catch my first Muskie.All I ever catch is Pike.Thats why my friends called Me Mike the Pike.
  9. Here is something Leaf fans and Habs Fans should enjoy.I hope you enjoy. Two guys from Toronto die and wake up in hell. The next day the devil stops in to check on them and sees them dressed in parkas, mittens and toques warming themselves around the fire. The devil asks them, "What are you doing? Isn't it hot enough for you?" The two guys reply, "Well, you know, we're from Canada, the land of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy for a chance to warm up a little bit, eh." The devil decides that these two aren't miserable enough and turns up the heat. The next morning he stops in again and there they are, still dressed in parkas, toques and mittens. The devil asks them again, "It's awfully hot down here, can't you guys feel it?" Again the two guys reply, "Well, like we told ya yesterday, we're from Canada, the land of snow and ice and cold. We're just happy for a chance to warm up a little bit, eh." This gets the devil a little steamed up and he decides to fix these two guys. He cranks the heat up as high as it will go. The people are wailing and screaming everywhere. He stops by the room with the two guys from Canada and finds them in light jackets and bucket hats, grilling sausage and drinking beer. The devil is astonished, "Everyone down here is in abject misery, and you two seem to be enjoying yourselves." The two Canadians reply, "Well, ya know, we don't get too much warm weather up there in Toronto so we've just got to have a cook-out when the weather's THIS nice." The devil is absolutely furious, he can hardly see straight. Finally he comes up with the answer. The two guys love the heat because they have been cold all their lives. The devil decides to turn all the heat off in hell. The next morning, the temperature is below zero, icicles are hanging everywhere; people are shivering so bad that they are unable to do anything but wail, moan and gnash their teeth. The devil smiles and heads for the room with the two Canadians. He gets there and finds them back in their parkas, toques, and mittens. NOW they are jumping up and down, cheering, yelling and screaming like mad men!!! The devil is dumbfounded, "I don't understand, when I turn up the heat you're happy. Now it's freezing cold and you're still happy. What is wrong with you two???" The Torontonians look at the devil in surprise, "Well, don't you know? If Hell freezes over, it must mean the Leafs have won the Stanley Cup."
  10. This should settle it ! Its no contest .We haven't got a chance. publish this poll in the Toronto Star and it would be a fair Race.How many quebecors on the board 1% were hanging in there considering the odds.LOL David Vs Goliath.Have fun rubbing it in. GO HABS GO
  11. Awesome photos please keep them coming.
  12. amazing how perch will hit lures way out of their league.
  13. I was up in Northbay visiting my Mom a few years ago In april and had the pleasure of observing about 20 of these owls on one street in a little town called Bonfield.They are quite large birds.I have some shots of many just hanging out on telephone polls this was before we had a digital camera.Mike
  14. Yes its not safe to fish in BC anymore or maybe the maritimes.Nice observation Wayne
  15. Another guy hooked on the BOQ to add to the boat traffic.Nice pics
  16. Nothing will change just dress warm and slide some hotpaws in your .And please send some pics.good luck
  17. Nice post .I always enjoy your outings .you should return to letting us see the full picture unless your spot is top secret.
  18. Welcome to the board nice Pics.A woman who goes fishing with you is priceless. I hope you married her.Did anyone ever tell you look like Mats Sundine.Mike
  19. Good luck to whoever hits the BOQ this weekend .Hey fishin Devil if you show up this weekend you may want to put on some ski goggles when you are wide open.I have done this with my tiller boat it sure keeps the eyes from freezing this time of year.Mike
  20. So who are the fortunate fisherman returning to the BOQ this weekend? Mike
  21. Does anyone else find the site slower tonight? Mike
  22. Nice pics ther Don.At least you got some.That Tug is about the Size of Wayne's new boat.Mike
  23. Terry you are a funny guy .Not an
  24. Ya Dano we sure will miss her.One night last week my wife passed by the computer and asked me what I was looking at ;your lady friend caught her attention and she thought I was on another kind of site. other than that she couldn't care less about fishing websites.So what will you replace her with. Mike
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