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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. The Look. Joey thats my 3rd child you have not seen.Thats all 3
  2. Ok Nautifish I am up for the challenge.I have been trying alot but you are right slim pickens. Go to Bassproshops.com in the ice fishing section.There is a Shappell ice hut 3 person for $199.00 and a lovely Lady out in front. www.lebaron.ca clam fish trap (Guide) a gentleman with a woman inside. Clam fish trap Yukon another gentleman and another lovely lady. I am getting closer.Is there a limit on the spending. Gone to find something else.Mike Animated no where to be seen in an add.
  3. If it is not made for atv's or snowmobile towing it should be indicated.I have a Frabill and it clearly says not to do so. A couple of years ago I pulled an ice fishing sled from canadian tire ;(the little black ones) behind a pick up truck .By the time I reached the shack I rented the friction from the high speed towing had melted holes into the sled.Luckily I patched up the holes with some silicone when I got home. I hope this won't happen to your clam.check with the manufacturer .Good fishing
  4. This guy needs a new gun or he is blind with a touch of Parkinsons disease.
  5. Man did that guy get hoofed in the face.That is an ALi boxing deer.I wonder if this guy went to the Hospital. MH
  6. Ok I have got some research to do.
  7. Yes that is Roy by the fire.
  8. I wish my inlaws had done this to my wife at an early age.She does not fish she just loves too eat em.You can't beat taking the kids fishing.Nice photos.
  9. Ok Nautifish I hope this helps since you are in the market for a new boat.In the 2007 Lund catologue there is a woman fishing from a Baron 2150 pg 14.Wayne can relate to this photo.Pg 18 a woman driving an 1850 Tyee and the 2nd shows another lovely lady fishing.Pg 20 also.Pg 34 another lady driving a Lund Mr.Pike,page 36 page 42 pg 45,48,52, 54,58,63,..........................In all 19 woman in the 2007 Lund catologue and this is related to fishing. With your great videos you should be in pictures selling fishing stuff...........Mike
  10. Nice report I think with this wacky weather you are going to have another go at it.
  11. Yes Brian's hand was bleeding like a tap after handling that musky . There was blood all over Dan's boat.Dan is the guy holding the 9.5lb walleye.Mike
  12. Deals are all about being at the right place at the right time.Same with fishing.
  13. Pam I really enjoy your art you are really talented.I am married to an artist who also paints well.I will have to send you some pics of her art.She paints wildlife mostly cats her style is very close to Bateman.keep those paintings coming.Mike
  14. Welcome to this wonderful site!Mike
  15. Quinte May 2006 My Dads first ever walleye 68 yrs old. My Dad ,Chris my brother in law and another Chris from PEI This is what happens when you pass out on our yearly fishing trip to the BOQ. My PB Pike only 8lbs for many of you that is a baby.Caught at HWY 401 raisin river Lancaster Ontario. My youngest .My Boy One of my Daughters with Dad. Musky fishing in Montreal.Our Lucky friend Dave from Toronto The release. Quinte Nov 18th 11.8 lbs you all won't forget these people in the canoe out in the Middle of the reach close to the ferry in Picton. Friend Dan with 9.5lbs Quinte Nov 18th 2006. Some of you OFC ers at the fire Merland Park November 18th 2006. Thats all .Thanks everyone who helped me with trying to learn how to post. Mike the Pike
  16. Quinte May 2006 My Dads first walleye.68 years old May 2006 Test part 2 to come.Mike Oop I lost the pics.I will try again
  17. this a test for pics This is Biteme passed out on the couch at merlands.
  18. After I win the lottery I want one.Probably costs as much as a good boat.
  19. Thanks guys as usual there is always an OFC er ready to help.Thanks Mike
  20. Awesome guys!very enjoyable.Puts me in the spirit speechless.Thanks for the post and good cheer.Mike the pike
  21. go to the www.quintefishing.com.........Superdad has a great report on the annual get together with pics and you will see the winner with a fish just under 13lbs.Mike
  22. Hey folks does anyone have a set of instuctions I can use to post Pics.I have just registered with www.myfishingpictures.com.....As soon as I try to upload pics I receive a message saying my pics are too heavy.Mike
  23. looks like a candy thats been cooked on a hook.going to catch sweet perch
  24. Very nice. I like it let it snow and send us ice Santa
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