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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Good to see you had a great Day.
  2. I will fish with any OFC er who will help me catch my first Muskie,My boat or yours I have all the Muskie stuff but the dam pike always end up on my line.
  3. Ya my 12 foot tinny is accessable.One of my customers invited me fishing this weekend for some rainbows and Browns.No tinny I am digging out the hip waiders.Wayne thats your solid tinny right.Its not the flip flop fold the top is it.
  4. What a great report DSN one of the most detailed reports I have seen on this site so far.Nice shots of the beautiful day and you even thought to take a picture of the alarm clock which I usually slam with my hand.You really gave it a try and it beats working. Mike
  5. If it is colder it may look like this. Another safe option for the Simcoe get together.
  6. A preview of the simcoe get together.
  7. Look at that kid on the left he is the smartest kid in the class. Go Habs Go
  8. I am not asking for much I would like to have a Lund Tyee 1950 with 225hp and a 9.9 kicker and a Ford F150 4X4 pick up to pull it.Some cold weather and very thick ice.
  9. Add a couple of pontoons and you'll be ready for Simcoe.Let it snow!Let it snow.freeze please
  10. Ok ladies and Gentleman have any of you got some good shots of Ugly fish?Battle scar fish ,Tumors,2 heads ,one eye etc......CCMT no cheating no photoshop for you. Mike
  11. Oh yeah the Grinch National Lampoons Christmas Vacation.
  12. Here some info about Canadian beer drinkers. Yes we do like our beer.Mike Canadian Beer Facts 1. The oldest brewery in North America is Molson's in Montreal where they have been brewing on site since 1786. 2. Believe it or not, the fact that Canadian beer is stronger than American beer is a fallacy. Canadians measure alcohol content by volume not weight, so when measured equally, Canadian beer is only a little bit stronger than American beer. (So really, it all boils down to the fact that Canadians can just out drink our American neighbours.) 3. In 2000, Canada sold enough beer to fill the SkyDome. 4. Per Capita, the lushes of the country are the Yukoners! In 2000, they drank an equivalent of 18 two-fours of beer per capita (followed by Quebckers at 11 and Newfoundlander at 10.5). (Good, so now I know whom not to challenge in a drinking contest!) 5. Canada holds the third highest tax rate in the world where 52% of the retail price of beer is various taxes. We fall behind Norway and Finland. This amounts to $550 million a year for the federal government and don't forget the GST which totals another 670 million. (Damn that sucks. I want my two-four for $16!) 6. Canadians like their bottles of beer. Approximately, 69% of our domestic beer is sold in bottles, 19% in cans and 12% in draught. (So... let's go back to the stubby so we get that extra 9ml.) 7. Nationally, 97% of all bottles and 86% of all cans are returned. (Every nickel and dime counts toward a new case!) 8. For beer consumption per capita in 2000, Canada ranked 17th in the world. (Top countries in the world are the Czech Republic, Ireland and Germany.) 9. More than 2 billion litres of domestic beer is consumed in Canada every year; we collectively spend more than $11 billion. 10. There are 100 transport trailers filled with Canadian beer travelling into the U.S. every week. (After all, the U.S. is our biggest export market for Canadian alcohol.) from frymybacon.com
  13. The Boat show would be the Ideal place to shop.I have an 18 foot aluminium with a 50hp 4 stroke I would have liked to have a 60hp but Honda does not make one .What ever boat you select choose the maximum horse power recommended for the boat whether you go 2 stroke or 4 stroke fuel economy on both technologies have improved no need to worry about having a thirsty gas guzzler in the 50 to 75 hp range.Power trim is a must.Lund has a new technologie called the IPS hull it channels water through both sides of the hull for stability and improved fuel economy.My boat has a flat bottom so it tends to push more water .I have been on a couple of boats with this new technologie and it really impressed me.Not sure if other companies have the same technologie.These days The Brunswick boat company owns almost all the makes Prince craft,Lowe .Crestliners and Lunds are built by the same devision Genmar.Always find out what the warranty covers and how long the aluminium boat is guaranteed for.Some boats are only guaranteed for 10years and some have limited life time warranties.Some double rivited and some single rivited.Livewells offer more options like deviders and a place to store the minnow bucket.Check out the transom on some of the boats some models have thick ones built very strong and some you will see the difference.Alot of the new fish finders have a built in Gps something I wish I would have considered.Although I love my Honda I find they all seem to troll too fast once you go over 50hp kicker motor required to troll.I was in a Lund this november the owner had a new Mercury 60hp I have never seen such a large motor troll so slowly. As for carpet I myself never want another boat with carpet.Fish being brought in slimy pike stuck to the carpet not to mention the blood mess if you catch a large specimen.I have spent too many hours in the past using the shop vac to suck out unwanted dirt blood and slime.And there are the lures .lures and carpet do not go hand in hand.Treble hooks are a pain in the a$$ to get out.And my favorite is when dear old dad drops the whole worm container up side down on to your nice carpet.Shop vac again.Some of the new boats come with removable snap in carpet.The only reason I see someone with a carpet in a fishing boat is someone who would be barefoot alot.And this would make more sence in a fish and ski boat not a tiller boat.When I wash my floor with no carpet I just pull the plug take out the brush attached to the hose and presto all the crud washes off easily .And yes no more shop vac. Good luck with your purchase let us know what you buy. For me it will only be a Lund for the rest of my life.Very Very satisfied. Mike the Pike
  14. I wonder why the Oil companies are increasing the barrel again.Could it be the low demand for heating fuel.The hurricane season is long gone and it was a tame season.Perhaps the demand has increased from late fall boat use .There is no excuse for the sudden increase.Perhaps it is just another way to increase profits during the final Quarter of the year.Yesterday in Montreal 94 cents per litre today it is $1.02.00. Give me a break.Mike
  15. Lets go back to the BOQ.Take the boats back out.Will we have a choice????????????//
  16. I guess the guy who threw it in the lake was fed up with the Leafs.LOL
  17. Ok Percher keep that boat out we have to return to the BOQ.I need a BOQ fix.Mike
  18. Pete nice rig but your good friend works at Ford??????????. Now that that you ditched the old lady who was only 2wd.I guess you will be trying the mistress on all fours.
  19. I am starting to understand why some OFC ers prefer superlines.Mike
  20. Photo shop eh.you sure woke me up this morning with that avatar.Mike
  21. In Quebec some zones you aloud 5 rods and some zones we are aloud 10 lines.Although we have access to more lines the perch limit for one day is 50 compared to 100 in Ontario.Have you ever tried to manage 10 tip ups when the bite is on.Keeps your cardiovascular system pumping beleive me. Mike
  22. walleye mostly,Pike bass,perch,trout. Love the look of a Garpike.I am yet to catch a steelhead,chinook,Lake trout and Muskie.My buddies named me Mike the Pike no explanation needed.When i go walleye fishing always end up with a pike .Casting for bass becomes pike fishing.LOL
  23. Here is some entertainment for you Leaf fans. There are four NHL players: a Flyer - Roenick, a Hab - Theodore, a Sen - Alfreddson, and a Leaf - Belfour. GOD says: if u wanna die, tell me how u wanna die. Flyer : I wanna drown to death so GOD puts the flyer in a tank full of eels and seals the top for no escape ...NEXT. Hab : I wanna die in bed so GOD throws him in a bed of roses and lets the prick(hab fan) get pricked and die ...NEXT. Sen: i wanna choke to death so GOD gives alfy a LONG awaited haircut and throws him in a game vs. the leafs...CH-CH-CH-CHOKE! ...NEXT. Leaf: *looks in the mirror*...are u kidding me? Q. Tie Domi and Mats Sundin went off a cliff in the bus. Why was everyone mad? A. The Bus could have seated the entire Team Q. What is the difference between the Toronto Maple Leafs and a cigarette machine? A. You can get Players out of a cigarette machine Q. What do the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Argonauts and the Toronto Blue Jays all have in common besides being based in Toronto? A. None of them can play hockey Saturday Night, a man decides to go watch the Leafs play the Habs at the ACC.... He has pretty bad tickets, and notices an empty seat way down really close to the Ice Surface.... Halfway through the game, the seat is still vacant, so he wanders down to it..... he asks the man sitting next to the empty seat if its taken.... the man replies "Yes, im saving it for my wife....she was supposed to come but she died a few days ago...." The man knods in acknowledgment, but before he goes he asks "How come you didnt just give the extra ticket to a friend or family member?" The man replies: "They’re all at the funeral" A drunk decides to go ice fishing, so he gathers his gear and goes walking around until he finds a big patch of ice. He heads into the center of the ice and begins to saw a hole. All of sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. "You will find no fish under that ice." The drunk looks around, but sees no one. He starts sawing again. Once more, the voice speaks, "As I said before, there are no fish under the ice." The drunk looks all around, high and low, but can't see a single soul. He picks up the saw and tries one more time to finish. Before he can even start cutting, the huge voice interrupts. "I have warned you three times now. There are no fish!" The drunk is now flustered and somewhat scared, so he asks the voice, "How do you know there are no fish? Are you God trying to warn me?" "No", the voice replied. "I am the manager of this hockey rink." Four hockey fans were climbing a mountain one day. Each was a fan of a different team, and each proclaimed to be the most loyal of all fans of their hockey team. As they climbed higher, they argued as to which one of them was the most loyal of all. They continued to argue all the way up the mountain, and finally as they reached the top, the Canadiens fan hurled himself off the mountain, shouting, "This is for the Great Montreal Canadiens!" as he fell to his doom. Not wanting to be out done, the Edmonton Oilers fan threw himself off the mountain shouting "This is for the Oilers!" Seeing this, the Ottawa Senators fan walked over and shouted, "This is for everyone!" and pushed the Toronto Maple Leafs fan off the side of the mountain.
  24. I always enjoy your reports Superdad.Lots of eyes to your credit.Ice fishing whats that!Thank El Nino for these prolonged adventures. Mike
  25. Check out the recent post about the Mr.Buddy heaters.Mike
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