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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Ya I am done and I wish I had not put the boat away' so I need you remaining fisherman to catch some fish and send some entertainment(PICS)
  2. Hey Joey nice report next time you go out for muskie put some of your beef Jerkie on the line that will catch a 60 pounder.You should sell it on the Ice at Simcoe just go from Ice hut to Ice Hut and you would make a fortune.Mike
  3. For me Honda.My boat motor is a Honda and my minivan is a Honda .Honda keeps you away from the Garage.I bought my Van 5 years old so far it just goes in for regular maitenance.I just sold a 24 year old Honda 7.5 horse power outboard.The only reason I sold it because it had along foot and would drag in the water on my new boat.Never had problems with it.Polaris will do the job for what you want to do but Honda will give you more reliability. More time fishin.I have some friends who said they would never buy a polaris again.Honda the largest manufacturer of Motors in the world.Good Luck
  4. Thanks Terry, the fish I saw that night were 30 inches or more .How do I know this just by looking .I caught 3 huge fish that day 9.9,11.4,and 11.8.Also there were around 10 fish that I could see 30 inches or more.If everyone was legal that night so be it.I don't have proof.like Wayne had mentioned there were 3 gents cleaning fish for many probably more.Anyway I believe in throwing back the big ones .These huge females are great spauners which lay alot of eggs in the spring.Certain people have the right to fish all year round in the BOQ and I will have to respect this because this is a way of life for these people.During the spawn alot of fish are harvested in shallow water with spears. So if we can do our part and let the big fish go this may preserve the fishery for our children.Everyone talks about the 90's and how great the fishing was it would be nice to return to those days if we were all careful.Some people are out to fill their freezers and some just their limit.I read a post last week how folks were fishing off the pier and were going to sell their catch later.I think some people missed the point here.I have to agree the big ones taste like crap.
  5. I think we were colder last weekend.Nice Pics.MH
  6. Well this has been on my mind since last weekend in the BOQ.Well the place we were staying just around the time Myself and some other OFC ers were gathered around the fire.Well late that evening I see some old fellows cleaning fish.Anyway I walked up and took a look and I was a little turned off as to what I saw.There must have been about 10 fish over 9lbs being cleaned.Now if fisherman are only aloud to keep one fish over 25 inches this was not the case last Saturday.Also someone had the nerve to ask someone I new what the fishing regulations were for the BOQ while there catch was ready to be sliced.I respect anyone who follows the rules.I do beleive we are aloud to keep one fish over 25 inches and the other 3 under 25 inches if one has the sportsman license.Here is a bunch of guys slicing away and its not right. I am from out of province and I take the time to read the regulations and respect them.So my point is if you don't know the fishing rules then stay off the BOQ.This was really bothering me so now it is off my chest.Lets hope more people can take the time to read the regulations and if they don't know please ask the locals before you come back with your catch.It is a delecate fishery lets preserve it for future generations.
  7. looks like a bass with stripes.
  8. Nice report guys with weather like this just before December we may see many more reports before the Ice sets in.
  9. Good news, now get yourself in debt for a nice fishing boat.
  10. Nice warm up with the white bass and drum.Rewarding when you finally get the Walleye.MH
  11. I enjoyed that alot .Thanks for the entertainment
  12. Dan the fact that you are habs fan is cool !Not too many habs fans in Timmins .are you a former quebecer or do like teams that have WON 24 Stanley cups.Last time the Leafs one the cup I was almost 2 years old .I do believe this was 1967. GO HABS GO
  13. Mind blowing. The sturgeon are so huge they make muskie look like minnows.You have to be in shape for that kind of fishin.I wonder how far a sturgeon like that could pull your boat?
  14. No brain no pain I was p.......my pants just watching this video.Ya he'll end up in heaven or Hell soon.This guy is sitting on his brains.Yup I will stick to fishing Mike
  15. Hey Pete I hope you get well soon .An 8 hour work day must be hell without Meds.
  16. now that is quite a fish .well hope to get over 11lbs next year.
  17. You in the same boat as me Wayne.You have to do your chores and please the wife.
  18. OK we have seen Petes report so when are you going to send some pics.
  19. I was in a 1660 this weekend and I really like these boats good bang for the buck.I have a lund SSV 18 footer.if they had these classics when I bought mine I probably would have bought one.Next time.
  20. We will need a 4X4.I won't put the gear away yet.
  21. Thats what I like to see diehard fisherman removing the elements to fish un til not possible.Is that a Lund 1660 Classic?Oh well back to renovating the garage.
  22. Ya my wifh is the Kitchen dropout but I don't mind .My mom left when I was 7 so my Dad showed me how to cook at young age.I do it all groceries and cooking.But I will not comlain.My wife does all the painting and plastering of Gyprock. She eats the fish but she will not come fishing.I am greatful my 3 kids love to fish.Mike
  23. Ya Wayne,I could put it off but the boats has been put away the oils been changed in the foot.I have to hook up the heating before she gets too cold, after the wiring I have to do the drywall and I have a wife who is very good at plastering . There is always next year .Anyway I can't complain I managed to boat 4 walleyes Saturday and 2 over 11lbs.The boat is a resing.That sucks.Mike
  24. No I won't be there I have to finish the wiring in my new garage so I won't be fishing until the hard water arrives.I hope you do well this time out .Good Luck .catch a 15 poudner .Mike
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