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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. There is a similar product called the shrimp .I saw them as prizes during an ice fishing tournament last February.could not find it on google.
  2. I should have bought a clam they seem to be the best bang for the buck .Great deal .Too late for me I have a Frabill that just does the job .
  3. You guys may as well stop being so hard on Gerritt now, he was offline during the time Ron and Don were on CBC.Like Don Cherry said Sheldon Surray's goal was like poetry in motion.Very well said. Mike
  4. Unfortunately if the leaking did not occure from an act of god ;Flood from an overflowing river, mudslide hurricane etc......insurance companies are not willing to pay.I was fortunate enough to have sued the previous owner in small claims court for $2200 damage and I won .This occured only one week after I moved into my new home .In quebec you can go back as far as ten years on the previous owner if the house leaks alot.It took me 10 months before my case was heard in small claims court.Find out what the laws are in Ontario you may still have time to claim from the previous owner.Best of luck .Mike
  5. yes Wayne I am as english as you guys but our parents brought us up to say things diiferently.Were just in the province next door but our english terminolgy can slightly differ.The Pipe I buried is about 6 inches high ya really 12 inches in diameter and it does have a sock. Man I know how you feel Wayne with dialup I am on it now the wife is on the computer upstairs on full speed sympatico.I hope you at least have 56k in your town.Mike
  6. I will see if corner store on my street can deliver
  7. Your not trying to funny with me right.The french drain is a plastic tubing 12 inches in diameter pipe with many pin holes in that allow the water to flow to a main pipe hooked up to the main city drain pipe.it is buried level with the footing of a basements foundation it is buried by about 18 inches of stone before the earth is back filled above it.it draws water away from the footing of the house.LOL.Maybe you call it something else in Ontario.Mike
  8. Wayne do you have Sykic Powers?LOL The overtime was the best 5 minutes of the game great goaltending by Raycroft and Huet.Oh the dredded shootout always a nail biter.
  9. I have had some leaks over the years.Had it repaired by pros.$2200.00.5 years later same problem .Tried to find the nobs who fixed my house 5 yrs earlier and found out they were out of business.A $4000 estimate for a patch and a new french drain and decided to wait.When out and bought 2 huge window wells, brought in a a heavy load of earth and made a 45 degree slope. the house has not leaked since .that was 4 years ago .$200 dollar fix.Good Luck.Mike
  10. Nice to have back up.
  11. What I like about living here in Quebec is if I run out of beer I just walk to the corner, buy my beer at the convience store and I have until 11pm to do so.No beer store.Of course I usually have a good supply.LOL
  12. I have booked a charter with the ship from the cement plant in the BOQ.23 ft waves no problem.Does anyone have a very long net I can borrow?
  13. My birch tree is right back to normal this morning.But I think I will reduce its height.
  14. hey Bill how much does the walleye weigh in your pic from your avatar?
  15. Scary when I get as old as Percher and Irishfield I will consider giving up the snowblower.For someone to do it for me.Of course Percher always has the Army on standby for Toronto snow storms.LOl
  16. No where near 98. I had $7300.00 damage in 98.My 27 foot pool was crushed we were nine days without power. Child number 3 came from the Ice storm.I am currently molding my future fishing partner my 8 year old son .No generator but the wood stove did wonders.Even boiled water so we could have a bath. Just heard on the news 250 000 customers without power.Mostly on the Island of Montreal.
  17. Yup I had a 16 foot Chaparell fiberglass boat open deck ,a really nice boat carpet the whole nine yards.Everytime I would stop fast the water came over the stern and on to the carpet.Problem solved I bought a Lund and I never need the splash guard. The story of the Knuckle heads was great.
  18. The freezing rain here near Montreal bent my 30ft birch tree on top of my house.No damage but they are close to some wires.Everything here looks like a glazed Donut.Picks to come Carl is going to post for me.Man I have to figure out the posting thing.Mike
  19. I have a 10hp MTD and it does a fine job no matter what the snowfall and we get alot of snow in Montreal .tecumseh motors run very well.Do not buy less than 10HP.I paid a $1000.00 3 yrs ago the prices have risen 20 t0 30 percent since. electric start is a must almost all models come standard with electric start .good luck with the purchase.
  20. well said Wayne .this was a question asking about 2 different technolgies.Not brand preference and name calling.
  21. I just googled outboards 2 stroke vs 4 stroke.You will have plenty of articles to read. One that caught my eye was.www.deepscience.com/articles.engines.html Read and read and read and oh Mike
  22. There is no damage she said.And no one was home at the time.I am going to have to cut it off when I get home.Problem is everthing is like a glazed donut and it might be too dangerous to go up tonight.
  23. Well Wayne I think we won't be able to see your Verado on the new boat.You'll be smokin with that. So much HP you might be keepin up with the bass boats.this thread is starting to sound like the hockey poll.Mike
  24. Well the wife just called and I am still at the office.Brutal freezing Rain and the wife just informed me that our 30ft high berch tree is on top of the House.I hope we don't have another Ice storm here like the one in 98.I turned out to be Ok, my son was born 9 months October 1998 later.(Ice Storm Baby)I don't expect to here about ant diehards going to the BOQ.
  25. I have a Frabill 2 man venture it does the job but the material from the tent tends to move inward against me when I am fishing on windy days .I got a good deal on it at CDN tire $269.00.I 've seen the clam and if I had to buy one again I would have spent the extra money for the Clam.Looks like a very solid shelter great quality.good luck on your Purchase
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