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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Chunky pike ,I noticed the tale on the walleye looked like it was shortened by a predator.Thanks for the great report.
  2. You know Kids,hockey.skating,swimming lessons,tobgganing,ice fishing tournaments............etc
  3. That was so funnyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
  4. Hey Jed thats the fish that tired you out last week .Bigger and wider augers are the way to .Thanks for landing Paul's fish Nice laker.MTP
  5. I guess they determine the price by the age of the motor or perhaps you guys in Ontario pay less .Same company.I can not explain that one.
  6. Yup time for DNA testing. do they fish for the same species?Tiller or Console.Two stroke or four stroke..............
  7. I was at Le Barons the other day and saw the same thing reconditioned Mine Kota with Maximiser 50lbs of thrust for $259.00.
  8. Thanks Cliff ,I love the detailed report and the pics.Did I mention I loved the pics. Joey take a roll of mentos and throw them into a bottle of diet coke.Stay close to the bottle.
  9. I was brought up in Eastgreenfield.I went to Centennial and played hockey here also.I am in the croydon area Maricourt and Aurele.
  10. Congrats to all who participated and hats off to the volunteers.MTP
  11. Your line your fish.MTP
  12. $40 000 in prizes ,$60 entry fee. www.alexfishingderby.com
  13. yup been there done that>MTP
  14. Nice report Paul thanks for sharing ,nice to see your shelter improving each time .Almost great wall of China perfect.
  15. Ya I know I forgot this morning I must of had only 3 hours sleep so after killing the snooze button 5 times I had to get ready quickly Glen was picking me up at 5:45 am so this time I forgot my lunch luckily my friends brought Ooodles of food so I did not starve. I will snap it in nest report,MTP
  16. If you want to get them try the little bubble gum micro tubes with the the small micro jig that slides in to tube.On our last outting 2 weeks the majority of our fish were caught on these tubes .Like Dabluz said start shallow and work your way deeper if you are not getting any hits.Look at the green tube I am out of the pink colour.good luck .MTP I will send the pic in a few minutes I have to reboot.
  17. Awesome report Joey.Very detailed thanks for sharing and that was really nice of you to mention DouG .Get well soon Doug
  18. Thanks for sharing your detailed report pikeie.great shots.
  19. Another great report nice picks and video.You can really tell Irishfield got out of a warm bet at 3am he is so horizontal in that chair he should have brought the coleman bed
  20. Looks like an awesome day great to see you all doin a great deed for Tyler.To Gerritt Maureen and all the other volunteers who got there very early .You all are great volunteers! The OFC family is growing you are all amazing people. Mike
  21. Hey folks up very early like so many of you who were fishing for Tyler.I wish I could have been with you all. Well headed out to Alexandria Ontario for the 5th annual Alexandria Fishing Derby with two friends Glen and Danny. This was the fourth year I attended the last two years I was skunked and today I caught a little Dink(Pike) 1.46lbs not good enough to qualify for any prizes. In all today there were 1073 participants with 273 pike brought in to be weighed at the weigh in station.There were 56 prizes for the heaviest fish. 56th place was a pike that weighed 1.87lbs and 1st place was a pike that weighed 4.38lbs.Not bad for a little Lake 1km by 400m wide in the middle of downtown Alexandria.Enough said on with the pics. The usual stop TIM HORTONS downtown Alexandria Glen and Danny waiting in line to pick our spot on the ice at 9am. The long line that we have to endure. OH YA THE PRIZES More of the good stuff. More goodies. Ok I finally have to show you the little dink I caught yes I had to weigh the litlle dill pickle.(1.46lbs) Sorry no ruler for this guy I had to hurry to the weigh station and besides you would all probably compare this twirp to a Simcoe Perch.Joey please try not to laugh too much. OK BITE ME (BITE YOUR LIP I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO SAY ABOUT THE YELLOW SURVIVAL SUIT. More prizes. 1st prize a Honda ATV 500,2nd prize a Honda ATV 400,one 8hp Honda outboard.2 Honda generators. Here is the sign my 10 year old daughter made for me just in case I got something bigger than a simcoe perch After the end of the tournament some people soaking it all up. The end of the day waiting to see if I am going to win something with the dink Danny ,Me (MTP)and Glen. That was our day we wil try again next year.MTP
  22. Lowrance.Very happy with my X-51
  23. I bought some HEINZ brand Ketchup chips at Costco recently so they must have them in the USA.See if they have them at Costco in the US. Gerritt you must be bored with our hockey teams.Ketchup chips?????????I hope you bring a good supply when you visit the US.
  24. Cliff look at the rules I hope your fish qualifies but I think the measuring tape must be visable in the picture for that fish to qualify.good Luck .Mike Very nice fish.MTP
  25. Hey folks I need your input about changing my Prop for a stainless steel model. Will I see a difference in performance speed fuel economy etc.. For those of you who have made the switch to stainless are you glad you did. I would be changing mine on a 50 HP Honda. MTP
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