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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. The Picton area is hot in the fall but the fishing is better near the Napanee River in May.Merland Park is a great place to stay. It is a long boat ride to the Napanee River from Picton.You need a decent sized motor to get to the Napanee.Deseronto in May and Picton in the fall. My 8 cents.MTP
  2. Great Intro!Welcome to the fishing ZOOooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Hey check out my new tip up rod holder. I picked up this new gadget from Le Baron yesterday it is from the makers of the Clam ice hut. It works very well.
  4. Like Clampet said Pickeral park is good place to stay.I now stay at the Mohawk Bay campgrond.I find the fishing better near the Napanee river in May.You will get them in Hay Bay.There alot of Pike in Hay Bay. Bayside cottages is a great place to stay they have 3 campsites with 2 services.MTP
  5. Paul once again I enjoyed that.I could just imagine the adrealine pumping today ,your heart must have been pumping fast.Now you need to add a gaff hook to your list of wants .I put tape on the end of mine when I want to release the fish.I am glad I bought the 8 inch Fin bore.I can always learn a little from you older guys. MTP. I posted a few skunks but its nice to hear about the one that got away>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  6. Paul you should see alot of the portables on sale soon you will be surprised to see how much they liquidate them for.I bought mine at CDN Tire a few yrs ago Reg.Price $399.00 got it for $269.99 keep your eyes open.I will miss your modifications of Tarpis Maximus.MTP Nice hut Bassman looks nice and roomy.MTP
  7. Here are my pics. Yes I could learn alot about fishing with these two ladies. But seriously I would love to be able to fish my grandfather who passed away 17years ago. My uncle Gary was great to me when I was young.Many outings when I was very young.Memories of fishing in Peterborough.Salmon fishing on Lake Ontario out of Bronte Harbour.Yup miss uncle Gary! Good thread Julie/Thanks.
  8. This is my Dad who introduced me to fishing at a young age .These days I am teaching him.MTP First ever Walleye May 2006.68 years old .Believe me he was very happy.
  9. Hey Pigeon I just replaced the impeller kit on my kicker motor an 8hp 2 stroke Yamaha.Get this one you order an impeller kit but it does not come with the impeller .Yamaha charges you extra for the impeller.What a rip off.After buying the kit for $99.00 I had to purchase the impeller for another $25. I am not impressed with Yamaha.My dealer was not happy about it and has complained to Yamaha in Japan.It seems this is the new way they sell the kit. Thats my beef with Yamaha
  10. Welcoame to the fishing Zoo!!!!!!!! MTP
  11. Charlie what is a splake?
  12. Good to hear you got back to shore safely thats why they sell survival suits.After all that hassle good to hear you caught some fish.As for the tow truck driver you should let us know what towing service it was so none of the OFC ers gets ripped off by this crook.If he was towing you a 150kms I would understand but $280 just to tow you out of some deep snow.Give me a break. MTP
  13. Great report always nice to see pics from a successful outing.MTP
  14. Kevin I have owned a 55hp Suzuki outboard in the past although they are Ok I would not purchase one again.I had to replace the block and a cylinder not pleased about that .When you need parts they are usually back order from Japan.I broke a propshaft one summer and it took the whole month of July for it to arrive from Japan .I now own a Honda which my dealer informs me that I can get parts quickly.Much faster than Suzuki.There not bad motors just they have a back order problem.Nice thing about Mercury,Johnson and Evinrude is there are many dealers available for parts.Thats my seven cents. and one american toonie.Good luck.Mike
  15. Thanks for sharing the nice report.Alot of effort paid off nice pics.MTP
  16. That was a great story Paul you are such a great writer .All that sweat and swearing .At least you were not skunked .After all the tarp wrestling ;the reward one perch.I can't wait to hear what Greencoach dog will say. MTP
  17. It is too difficult to predict with our new climate a survival suit and common sense would be the way to go.
  18. Way to go Paul this time you really perfected the wind blocker I like how you reinforced her with snow.Have you considered a career in inventing or better yet you should think about getting in to the office cubacle business.LOL
  19. Well I am not in the market yet for a truck but when I do it will be a pickup.Have you ever seen how much luggage space there is in these mid size SUV 's not much.A pickup with a kingcab will be my next purchase add a fiberglass cab and you have oodles of cargo space.For any one who uses a gas powered ice auger for fishing the unit goes in the pickup with the gas can.No smell of gas fumes inside where you drive.I currently have a minivan and it has more cargo space than most of those SUV's.Just my 6 cents(american toonie)LOL MTP
  20. For me I would not buy the endura I have a minnekota 46lbs of thrust with a maximiser. when fishing with my buddies on a lake for trout .(electric motors only)my batterie lasts almost twice as long as there enduras.As for the weedless prop which I have it is not totally weedless if you get into the thick weeds you will have to take some weeds off.Spend the extra money on the maxxum and you will use the oars less.unless you want the exercise.MTP
  21. You guys are great always there when someone needs some information .This is why I like the OFC so much.I am thinking about staying at a place called 3 season camp they have new owners who I met at the Montreal outfitter show.What I like about this outfitter is that his camp is a 8 mile boat ride from the main road.Yes a secluded place.Thanks again MTP
  22. Hey folks have any of you ever been up to Lake Kipawa in Northern Quebec just above Northbay Ont.I am thinking about going for the opening weekend In May.Has any of you gone to Lake Kipawa and how was it? MTP
  23. Where's the ladder to get started .MTP
  24. Skunked oh well thats fishing al least you had a great day.Good luck today to all who are fishing.MTP
  25. I don't think I would spend alot of time at this company.I would find another job.I don't think I would risk losing my job for a free vacation.MTP
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