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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Hey folks I was just wondering how many of you have made new committments for the New Year lose weight quit smoking fish more etc....... Since January 2nd I decided to lose my salesman gut so I had to change my ways and this has been tough.I am not eating much good junk food .I have lost 13lbs so far and it took alot of dicipline to get there.I bring a healthy lunch with me mostly rabbit food but its working.I cut the fat and calories.4 times a week I use my treadmill 30 minutes a day. January 2nd 2007 I weighed 194lbs. Today I weigh 181lbs. Although I miss all the goodies I feel much better and I am less tired at the end of the day. Like to hear from you Gals and Guys. I miss chips,Beer and most of all dipping cookies in Milk. Mike
  2. I love fishing Nosbonsing a great lake for walleye and good size pike.I once fished it in the spring the ice was over 3ft thick.My mom lives right down the road from the lake on HWY 531.Every summer we always come back with eyes.
  3. When it rains it poors.That sucks there 's always next weekend maybe we should start a thread the ultimate fishing list one for winter and one for summer.I am on the road most of my day as a salesman speed traps are on the increase good old cruise control saves me from speeding .Good Luck next time.Mike
  4. I think I would have done the same turned back.There will always be other days to fish.Playing safe helps secure the next trip.Mike
  5. welcome to the family
  6. Welcome to the site.the people on this site are like having a second family ,enjoy.Beware of Biteme's avatar!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Great report alot of time to write this one .I like the details rods crossed around the walleye.Lots of Clams in the area.Mike
  8. Best place to keep it is in your wallet you always bring that don't you?Another Idea is make a spring checklist and make sure one of the items you check off is the fishing licence.Great story you made me Laugh thanks for sharing.Mike
  9. Yup same as Rich I usually put about 3 on a small micro Jig or tear drop Jig.Have some wipes handy they do leave alot of goop on your hands.The perch love them.
  10. This is our 14 year old cat which my wife insisted on calling Simba eventhough she is a female.I have never had a more behaved cat.I love dogs but for now we can't.We go away camping quite often and some places do not permit dogs.I really like labs.Oh and my daughter has one of those little hampsters. Good topic Tracy! Did you buy your hat from BPS like that or has your photo been inverted. I now know what you should name your new business. Tracy's Mini Zoo Bed and Breakfast.LOL Just teazing ya Tracy..............
  11. Yes I have to agree with Jerry I prefer the quick hook up of the front mounted steering bar.I am running a tiller with this bar it saves my back from having to lean over and steer the kicker.I have owned the EZ steer in the past and you really have to lean back far off the back of the boat to connect it,with a little wave action you could easily drop the bar in the drink.The front mounted system is quicker and cheaper for $45.00 you can't go wrong. Mike Ps i just run a manual kicker .
  12. Taper it depends what type of boat you have .Also does your kicker have a long shaft or a short shaft.When I had my fiberglass boat with a steering wheel I installed a jack plate for about $150.00 my kicker had a long shaft so the plate kept the kicker from dragging in the water when running with the main motor.The transom was too thick to put the kicker on .I also had an EZ steer bar a great system that clicks the 2 motors together with a bar and 2 couplings.Be ready for the price I paid $350.00 in 2001.the system works well I attached a cord to the bar because you have to reach behind the 2 motors to connect them .The cord was a precaution just in case I dropped the bar in the water. Since I bought my new lund I bought a bar that connects the 2 motors price $45.00 it is a great system.You install two fittings on each motor similar to universal joints and you just have to connect the 2 motors quickly.No need to fork out alot of money for an EZ steer.and no jack plate. good luck.Mike
  13. With all these responses in french I think many of you once lived in Quebec.You are all sending me french quotes but I am as english as you guys.MIke
  14. Yes Glen In quebec it is mostly french.Population 7.5 million people in the Province of Quebec but only 1 million are english speaking.The fish all speak the same language. Mike Clampet what are you trying to tell me about Jane and Finch. MIke
  15. Nice to see it getting started.
  16. Hey folks unforntunately I won't have time to hook up .My Company will be keeping me busy for the next 2 evenings .So hopefully I can meet some of you on another occasion.Fishin Devil gave me a call and we had a great coversation we have alot in common we both have fishing disease.Thanks for calling Shawn made me feel at home.Its been great the last 2 days I did not have to speak much french. I went to a great show tonight at the Stage west Hotel called California Dreaming 2 .A mind blowing performance by some great Toronto talent a must see for anyone.Back to sales meetings tomorrow .Enjoying this great city Toronto. I hope you all have thick ice soon. Mike
  17. Well I am off to the airport.Looking forward to seeing some of you .Mike
  18. Hi Fisher people I will be in Missisauga for a few days .If any one would like to meet for a beer let me know. Staying at the Stagewest Hotel,5400 Dixie Road.My cell is 514-926-1705.If you get my voice mail french will come on first then english. Mike the Pike
  19. Well guys I just looked it up in the Quebec fishing guide and Yes spear fishing is legal in certain zones. These fish are not allowed to be speared Salmon,Land locked Salmon ,Muskie,Lake Trout and Sturgeon. I think I will start a business under water charters spear fishing and invite you folks from Ontario oh and also the Land of Cotton. Rich Quebexico was -26 last night so come and suntan your butt here. Mike
  20. Any damage Rick?I remember hearing many trees falling in 98.One tree falling that I will never forget .A huge branch fell on one of those old garden sheds you know the thin metal tinny ones.One huge branch and it was flattened the noise was deafeaning .Mike
  21. Well thats tempting.Its time to visit my mom in Bonfield she lives 2 minutes from lake Nosbonsing on HWY 531.I have fished there in the winter before .I have seen the ice almost 4 feet thick on that lake.Good walleye fishing and huge Pike.
  22. Rick nice to hear the damage will be minimal.Today we got 18cm of snow in Montreal.Your pics remind of the ice storm here in 1998 .during the icestorm I had no power for 9 days luckily we have a wood stove so we just roughed it for 9 days.We actually boiled hot water to have a bath just like the old days.I had my in laws stay with us and another family it turned out to be one big party we were drinking and eating a great feast every night.We had alot of food that defrosted from our freezers so we just had a big feast and cooked it all on the woodstove.I had $7300.00 damage to my home my pool colapsed I lost all my eavesdrops and some heavy damage to my carport. The best gift from all of this is I have an 8 year old son today from those 9 days.He is my fishing partner for years to come. Thanks for the pics it brings back memories. Mike
  23. Its snowing here in Montreal we are expecting 10 to 15cms.Finally my kids will have some snow to play in .minus 14 tonight bring on the ice.Mike
  24. Both mammals are cute
  25. Welcome Muskieman!
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