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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. When I was a kid my buddie had this old neighbor who didn't like kids he would keep our football and frizbee if it went over his fence.Well we had enough so we filled a brown paper bag full of dog poop donated by a friend with a huge Germain sheppard.We lit the bag in front of the door rang the doorbell .Man his slippers became the pooper stomper pickerer upper.We laughed for an hour. Plan B let the dog outside the yard and then call the pound.It will cost him $$$$$$$$$$$ to pick the dog up. These people have no class at all.If you own the place I would be selling and moving.MTP
  2. The pocket fisherman now that brings back memories my grandfather had one of those when I was about 8 years old.Many moons ago. Nice design I hope to see Paul's new attempt at a new hut soon. Back to the drawing board old Jed.
  3. Only about 15cms here so far and its slowing down.I don't think we will get the predicted 30cms.Mother nature gave most of it to Ontario.I guess I will use the snowblower for the 2nd time this winter.MTP
  4. Ya I liked the Police In my hay days but I didn't like Sting when he went solo .After we heard some of of the solo stuff from Stink my friends and I were dissapointed. For $238.00 I could buy some more useful fishing gear.I miss the good old days when it cost me $26 to see April Wine and AC DC.
  5. Hot Habitant soup and grilled cheese sandwhiches. MTP
  6. A fridge like that would create one hell of a beer gut.
  7. That was nice of you Dan but so far only 2 woman have responded.Where are all the woman Dan? You better try poetry.
  8. Awesome report very different and colourful fish .Sunfish on steroids.I never knew pirahna grew that size. No swimming for me over there ,imagine meeting up with 100 pirahna's like that.Yup you would turn into an instant skeleton.
  9. Hey Guys can some one send me the link to Bon Echo I would love to check this place out.Where abouts is it .MTP
  10. We are getting it heavy hear in St.Hubert Carl and you only live 45 minutes form here we have had 15cm so far.I guess you will have to bring your sled out our way.
  11. Helly Hanson has the the suspenders very nice suit I tried one on very warm lots of useful pockets but very heavy and bulky to move around when fishing.Mustang.MTP
  12. I bought the mustang integrety it is a higher quality than a regular mustang.Shop around buy what you need not a price and you will be comfortable. very warm All mustangs here. Shop around you will see the differnent quality suits it took me a month to decide the problem was I could not find the maustang I wanted in my size in red or orange so I bought the yellow.There should be some bargains coming .There may be slim pickings for sizes. Good Luck on your purchase and remember this suit may save your life one day.I paid $353.00 at Le Baron more that I wanted to pay but your life is worth every penny. MTP
  13. The storm is just starting here not enough snow to keep me home but we know it will get worse. On the road again.MTP
  14. Hey Bill I wish Quebec was like Ontario and workplaces actuallly shut down; mostly every snowstorm many people are expected to show up for work.As a travelling salesman on the road I have not missed a day in 7 years because of a snow storm.Strange but true.MTP
  15. Now that you share the same icefishing hut with the wife Cliff I wouldn't want to share it with you after you have consumed beans.LOL
  16. Yup proud of a man like that serving in a very dangerous place nice to see him back with his family. Thanks for sharing Julie. MTP
  17. I have not been to bon echo.But I have really enjoyed staying at Sandbanks provincial Park you can fish East lake ,West Lake and Lake Ontario.My kids love the beaches you can walk out 1/4 mile and the water is less than 3 feet deep and the bottom is full of sand.On a windy day my kids enjoy jumping in the waves.Lots to do in Sandbanks a great place for the family. MTP
  18. Glen that would be 12 inches Glen in the good old imperial system. This is a good time to pick up a snowblower folks Wallymart has had some on sale $900.00 for a 10.5hp. Snow no problem!!!!!!!!Winter tires make a big difference. No help from the army required here in Montreal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. 3 years ago I fished with an outfitter from Lac St.Pierre which is a very wide part of the St.Lawrence river 20 minutes from 3 rivers Quebec.According to the regulations there a fisherman can use 10 holes while ice fishing.The day I was there it was about -45 with the windchill .Maintaining 10 holes in those temps is alot of work.The holes froze after 30 seconds so I spent alot of time scooping the ice out. Just take this weekend where we are aloud 5 holes.We missed many trout because we did not get to the tip up in time so in less they are hooked well you can miss alot of fish.Believe me 2 holes are enough I don't think more holes increases your catch.It just increases your workload. This is the place and day I was talking about. MTP.
  20. Carl there was not much traffic however I did see a couple of boneheads who were driving too fast do the tango with black ice and end up driving off the road. You will like this place for ice fishing .Many times during the day the staff would drop by on there ski doo's and ask how we were doing they were willing to move us if we were not catching .Very clean and well organized place.You should enjoy it.This is one of the best Trout outfitters I have visited so far.good luck in March. MTP.
  21. Ontario 2. In Quebec some zones 5 and some 10. MTP.
  22. Artificials 90% of the time.I go to the good old worm when all else fails. white Mr.Twisters. The good old red devil. A very large Rapala manns lures spoons .williams quick silver Rapala 7 inch Yozuri hydro minnow. Mike
  23. Thanks for the detailed report at least you were not skunked and you seamed to have quicker reaction time than our friend CCMT CANADA. Mike
  24. 007 good to see you out there for your first time and you caught fish for your first time. if you found it too cold rent an ice hut next time it will eliminate the eliments of winter.Last year when I brought my kids we had a hut with an 18 inch by 4 foot hole my kids could see all the perch action down below on Lake Simcoe.Better than TV.(well almost) Next time you are in the open keep hand warmers in your gloves when handling cold fish with your bare hands the hand warmers warm your hands up quickly once you put your gloves back on.Thanks for the pics and report.Mike
  25. Nice report Cliff nice to see you didn't suffer you had all the comforts of home.Sorry about the skunk Cliff . So what were you and the wife doing during the long delayed reaction towards the rod and tip up.Happy Valentines Day!to you and your wife. Mike
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