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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. WTG. MTP
  2. Welcome to the friendly Zoo Easton.I will be in the Quinte tournament opening weekend. See ya there.MTP
  3. At about 7:30, the skunk that been on my back since early December finally came off!! After a nice fight, I landed this hen….my first ever steelie came in at 22.5”. (It’s a whole ½” bigger than ccmt’s, so I’m rubbing that in…lol). This one is a keeper so we can have some fresh roe and a nice little snack for later! I bet your making Bly eat those words now LOL. Congrats on your PB Cliff.Beauty of a fish.
  4. Sounds like your neighbor is not so friendly. :Gonefishing:Take him fishing if he likes fishing Problem solved.Plan B move .Plan C make his life misurable
  5. Well charles I would have to disagree with the front wheel drive for a boat launch.I have a front wheel drive Odessey if the launch is dry pavement I do not have a problem.if the launch is gravel.the front wheel starts digging a hole.If its wet its useless.A good set of traction aids slipped uner the wheels can help. when you have tongue weight at the back of your front wheel drive it will hinder the traction to the front wheels. With weight on a rear wheel drive (the tongue weight)this will help the rear wheels gain traction.I can not wait for the day I no longer launch with a front wheel drive.When the boat ramp sucks so does the front wheel drive.believe me its useless.
  6. WTG man .I like the shots of the fish in the water
  7. Ok I think that this thread is getting too many concerns for nothing.I pull an 18 foot Lund SSV all Aluminium boat with a heavy 50hp four stoke.Total weight 887lbs Boat motor and trailer.Although I pull it with a V6 Honda odessey I don't even notice the big tinny is there until I turn a corner.I tell you a little Honda civic can pull my boat with ease.I move up it up and down my driveway by hand no problemo.Remember this boat is pointed at the front so it will have less wind drag than a house trailer.650lbs for a Saturn vue is not going to kill it.All 4 cylinder vehicules have to work harder to climb hills because they lack the tork of a larger engine.I had a 16 foot fiberglass boat weighing almost 2000lbs and I pulled up very steep hills all the way to Mont-Laurier Quebec .All I had was a ford Taurus wagon with 145hp.I got up the hills.I just never pushed the car to hard.Most of you guys are recommending this guy buy a mack truck to pull 14 foot bathtub with a motor.As for breaking distance that is common sence to keep your distance with a trailer.As for installing trailer brakes for 650lbs notttttttttttttt!.I pulled a 1200 pound tent trailer no trailer brakes with the Taurus and the odessey no brakes required again I say just keep your distance far.Last year I upgrated the tent trailer to a larger model that weighs 2614lbs empty now I have the brakes.Huey Just put the hitch on the Saturn.If its a real stuggle sell it and buy a V6.If your friends weigh too much take 2 cars on the fishing trip.Remember this is a 14 foot tinny with a few bells and whisles Not a Carnival cruise Liner.Of course bigger stronger is better. Huey just wants to know if the Saturn will do the job . Enough said don't buy a freightliner with air brakes.MTP
  8. Thats fishing you get skunked .Sooner or later you will be on to fish.I suggest renting an ice hut.the operators of the huts will put you on fish.I know how you feel about drilling holes yesterday it took me a good five minutes to go through almost 3 feet of ice for one hole to move my son to another location.An 8 inch hand auger requires alot of elbow grease eventhough the auger is new.Keep tryin it does become rewarding .Like fishin Devil says tell us how you are fishing and many people can help.MTP
  9. sorry to hear about the break offs .I have been there done that.Now I use stren super braid 10lb test with 3lb diameter.My fishing clippers can not cut it.I have to use a utility knife to cut the line.It has survived many Pike hook ups with no leader. MTP
  10. Fishfinder its not just you I have not been able to open those thumb nails either.MTP
  11. Well Lew I just noticed you landed on number 5000 there Lew.I always look forward to reading your threads in the morning.Mike
  12. Well my thoughts and prayers are with hopefully its not serious.Mike
  13. Gbay that Sturgeon was about 8 to 9lbs.This was my first time fishing this area but according to Marc Thorpe there are some that are caught.Marc said he hooked into one about 18lbs last week.This is part of the St.Lawrence River and catching Sturgeon in the Montreal area is quite frequent.Mike.We were about 20 minutes from downtown Montreal.
  14. Thanks for sharing Bill.I feel better now knowing that the Perch I registered today was 10 inches for team 4.
  15. Awesome pics thanks for sharing.
  16. Gbay you had 21 more pics to go.MTP
  17. Had a great day Roy and Marc ,the boys really enjoyed themselves.I look forward to the next time we all go fishing together.Thanks Guys Mike the Pike
  18. Started off the day the usual wake up time. A 9.2lb walleye brought in to be weighed for a fishing tournament.At the bait shop. First fish of the day my son Ryan. Double header from Roy down lower than you all usually see him My son Ryan with Marc-Olivier.Marc Thorpe's son. See that Chevy Malibu ,no 4 wheel drive and it never got stuck Marc Thorpe and son Marc-Olivier. The surprise of the day. Roy called me a bugger before I took this shot.Who needs a truck the chevy malibu never got stuck. Jeep C rugged 4 wheel drive and no more get up and go The ice road out.Thats the other truck that got stuck. MTP
  19. Yes I also had a great day with Marc,Roy and the two young lads Marc-Olivier and my boy Ryan.I am working on the report with pics.Coming soon.MTP
  20. Not to worry you can tow that no problem that is not alot of weight for your boat .Yes a transmission cooler would be better.You could pull that boat with a small 4 cylinder car.Once in a while you see the odd dipstick towing a 1500lb tent trailer with a small civic or Corolla thats a no no.But don't worry you are pulling 1/3 the weight.As for reinforcing the rear end of the vehicule give me a break.Not much tongue weight on a 14 foot boat trailer. Just put the hitch on and GO
  21. Ohiofisherman the Civic would be for his Daughter.
  22. Well Jerseydog I think you are missing the point here.Lew is looking for an opinion here on a small car .He wants to know about reliability and safety.Good bang for the buck.Most of GM's compact cars these days are Korean which to do not compare to a Japanese compact. I would agree with Brian you do have to shoot the cars with oil because Honda's are more proned to rust. Forget about the high price of parts my 1989 civic had the cheapest parts of any car I ever owned and they don't break down.When I had a Ford Taurus the parts were way over priced.I agree a 3.8 litre V6 from GM is a good motor but what about all the problems on the rest of the vehicule.In the 90"s and until recently GM's just loved to eat breaks very rapidly in fact.Lets not forget the pending lawsuit for there head gasket that does not last long.I have a 2006 Malibu with 47 000kms on it and yes GM has gotten alot better I have not been to the garage yet and amazingly not had the breaks done. I don't here you bragging about any GM four Cylinders! As for power the standard Civic has 148hp but if speed is a concern for you a Honda Civic SER has 197hp which would quickly leave your 1994 Z-24 in the dust without having to deal with tork steer pulling the car to one side.There are alot 4 cylinder acuras that can out accelerate many GM 6 cylinders.And a V6 Acura will smoke a a GM V6. You are comparing a V-6 sports car to a compact 4 door sedan.Apples to Oranges. I don't think Lew's daughter is a speed Demon and the Twit that ran her off the road was in a hurry like you.Speed kills slow down.Save the racing for the drag strip. The only car with a 3.8 V-6 these days is an Impala and A Grand Prix.Not the size his daughter is looking for. |So when comparing apples to apples only the Corolla would compare to the Civic and its not as sharp looking as the Civic. Enough said......Honda Civic
  23. Two many Mercury outboards on the water.Time to switch to another brand guys to cut down on Mercury polution. #1 on the water!.....LOL
  24. Don't put diet coke and Mentos in the hole and you won't get slush.MTP
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