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Mike the Pike

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Everything posted by Mike the Pike

  1. Should not be a problem if the boat has a sturdy transom make sure the motor locks in the down position if it doesn't like my kicker motor then tie it with rope or bungie cords to the trailer .If you are travelling on some unpaved roads you may want to take it off if the road is rough.Good luck.MTP
  2. What kind of a flash light did you catch that on MTP
  3. WTG Shawn thats one helluva report to do that all by yourself .Landing fish and taking pics all by your lonesome I am really impressed.Your team will be happy with all that contribution.What can I say a breatheless Lake O report. MTP
  4. Julie sorry to hear about the down time for your BBQ but I have to say the cooked walleye looked tasty and at the rate Shawn is bring em in I would give the BBQ and the Robin a break.Nice story Julie thanks for posting that one. MTP
  5. Lew that really sucks I hope you ger er fixed for Lakair. MTP
  6. You have got that right Cliff lots of planning around the kids and wife's busy schedules.Sports swimming ladies night out .I wish I could fish more. MTP
  7. Welcome to the family try not to become as addicted as I am. Looking forward to your Trouting outing pics and reports. MTP
  8. Congrats enjoy your 3 rings ,the engagement Ring ,the wedding ring and the suffering enjoy the honeymoon and new bride Have a great trip I am looking forward to the report.MTP
  9. WTG Cliff I got the fury black Critter with white stripe but I was a hell of a netminder for my fsihing partner yesterday. When GCD gets skunked he has to return to sender.(his wife the one who got rid of him for the day) MTP
  10. Good luck to you Shawn .I am looking forward to your report.MTP
  11. Thanks for the video Tracy nice to see you play it safe enjoy them tasty Perch. MTP
  12. Good for you man great that you killed the skunk and you got to babysit Cliff and Bly's honey hole. MTP
  13. Instant Submarine! Wow I hope everyone was ok.Ouch $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ MTP
  14. I entered a tournament with my good Friend GlennK on the St.Lawrence River in Montreal. The weather was just absolutely perfect barely any waves hot and sunny and the fish were on for my passenger .As for me I got that black furry critter with the white stripe.Luckily our entries were registered as a team On with some pics. This is a shot just before the 7am departure time in all 175 boats participated. This is a shot of the Champlain Bridge and I am sure many of you know this bridge It is one of the busiest bridges that crosses into Montreal everyday.We found out it was closed this afternoon because someone was going to jump from it threatening suicide.We may have caught more than fish today had this person jumped. My fishing partner and teamate for the day GlennK. If you look closely in the background there is a shot of Wayne zooming by in his new Lund its so fast it appears to be red not Lund Blue This is our little entries for the three categories for Pike,Walleye and Perch. A quick shot of the dinks before we released them back into the St.Lawrence. This is a shot of the winning Walleye of the day 7 1/2 pounds. This is my OFC pose for the Camera yes I got skunked BUT please compliment me for putting Glenn on fish and I was simply amazing with the net today This is our friend Danny who caught this 3.5 pound dore(walleye) Sorry about the lousy shot but it was jumping out of Dan's hands when I snapped the pic. This was the grand prize a 14 foot Princecraft with a 9.9 4 stroke Merc and trailer .This is a draw prize any one in the tourney can win it.That's Glenn hoping he will win it to upgrade from his current 12 foot Princecraft.Some other lucky guy one it (not Glenn) This is all we won Some more of the prizes. Another draw prize. Well my time came sooner or later we all get a skunking Could not have had better weather ,a well organized tournament I look forward to next year. Next weekend we get to do it all over again in another tourny but this time Glenn and I will be taking our son's to a different tournament. I love fishing :
  15. Outside Maureen .MTP
  16. How about Canada Day weekend I am in the BOQ for the long weekend. Cliff there is always plenty of room in my boat.Love to have you and your daughter aboard. Oh and I have daughters and one son.All like fishing!!!!!!!!! Great Idea aniceguy MTP
  17. Well I think it just blew over here in Montreal we got some wind a little Rain some heavy thunder and lightning but I think it may be gone. I have to say I love my carport I was preparing the boat for tomorrows day on the water and I was sheltered from the eliments. well hopefully its gone and I won't have to clean up the yard like some of you have. good night!!!!!!!!! MTP Great pics Paul they look evil lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Shawn good for you New boat New shirt you are looking like a PRO. Great shots of the nice eaters . Great to see you enjoying the new boat. I am looking forward to the next report. I am getting out in the morning . Thanks MTP
  19. First of all ask this space case what kind of weed he is smoking ,really screwed up dude; ya like someone said FIRE HIS A_ _.......... The fishing world may end when those damn asian carp get into the great lakes. Another freak on a power trip trying to rot young minds. I am glad I don't know him because I would blast him a few words$#^@&^*)*! MTP
  20. Have a great summer Wayne be safe on the water.Keep the props perfect and shiny up in Lakair.Congrats to your daughter and her BA For now my 12 year old graduates from elementary school to highschool. Please keep the new camera away from the bottom of the Lake .Enjoy the new toy!!!!!!!!!!Good luck to Leah maybe she'll out fish you MTP
  21. Hey Rick Live2Fish is looking for a team in our tourny .The young Lad has Pm'ed you . Do you think you can hook him up to a team????????? He's waiting. MTP
  22. Great to see some pics from you . MTP
  23. Scott we've been so busy reading Cliff and Carole's reports well we almost forgot about Ya Good to see you working like the rest of us. MTP
  24. Ya the time has come to turn off the TV .Let the fishing games begin.
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