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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Further: It has been five days now and she is settling in nicely... Not too happy not getting any table scraps as we don't believe dogs should eat "people food"...The wife walks her around our complex (= 1 mile) at least once a day and I walk her around our property early for her morning constitutional (pee and poop)... I'd like to walk her further but I have poor circulation in my legs from diabetes...One of the reasons I like shore fishing for carp...once I'm set-up I can park my a$ on my chair and wait for some action... I hope to get her out in "The Tin of Beans" soon to see how she re-acts and behaves...
  2. I s'pose crawled up would have been more accurate but her weight and the placement of the feets left a lot to be desired
  3. Got some cooked maize left over from my last carp outing so if I get a chance carp is what I may be chasing this weekend... The latest I've caught any was Oct 05 last year before I retired my carp gear for the season...
  4. Hey Splash...Before I was given a real carp rod and baitrunner reel This was the set-up I used fishing from shore with my 7 ft. Ugli Stik and Zebco salt water reel (sort of like fishin' the surf): A horshoe-pitchin' stake, pvc pipe and a mallet to drive in stake Slip the pipe over the stake insert rod handle in pipe and back off drag I let a good sized carp go for a very long run and no way could it have moved the rod out of the holder... Another alternative would be to use adjustable bank stix that you can buy at most tackle stores...
  5. I may call her "Lumpy"... She jumped up on my lap to look out the window while I was in my big Lazy-Boy chair and damn near wrecked me for life...
  6. She is ours now Joey and I hear a cat might be next... Ki's (our cat's) nose is really going to be out of joint then...she is not too happy with the dog but they will sort it out...
  7. Sorry guys...I couldn't post pics on a new post for some strange reason so I posted some text and edited in the pics etc...
  8. Maribeth went to visit her ailing sister yesterday and phoned me to ask if I'd like a big fat bagel... Gotta get my ears checked as this is what she brought me... A Big Fat BEAGLE... She has an a$$ on her like a tame bee... Just kidding...I knew Chiquita was coming as Maribeth's sister is too unwell from chemo therapy to take care of her and was thinking of taking her to the Humane Society... She is five years old and has always been in an apartment and since Jim died of cancer a while ago she has not been getting much excersise... She whined quite a bit last night as she has never been in a car or anywhere other than home so she is off her food but drinks water ok and has done both her businesses outside earlier... She has gone to get her nails done with Maribeth...(I hope they don't paint them pink or I'm not walking her off the property... )
  9. So you're telling me you're an easy bribe...
  10. Did you have to abide by Steve's boat rules and throw it back?..."Only perch in the 9 to 12 inch range can be kept"...That size are good spawners... The biggest Steve and I did was a couple of 13+ inchers last week but we only kept 8 perch in the slot size for my wife and must have thrown back close to a hundred or more of all sizes...A fun day !
  11. Just read this on Facebook... Elisa Wilson-French "Guess what TYLER just said to me!!! "Read a book". Whoo hoo! and he didn't want me to read it, he wanted to read it in bed!" Looks like our efforts and donations to Tyler's training and education are paying off...
  12. It didn't rain very hard this morning and it is sunny outside right now...I'm wondering if the water found a new route and is running down below in the crawlspace...I'll have to check down there next...I know I need a new roof but was hoping it would hold up until next spring when hopefully finances are better...
  13. I know first hand that deep down gut wretching feeling you experienced Jacques...I was watching TV with the wife last night and when I muted the sound to hear what she was saying I heard drip, drip, drip by the far (from me) end of the big front window...It was dripping at the top of the window frame close to the glass...The window is well under the overhang of the roof over the front porch so i'm thinking it must be the roof leaking somewheres or maybe running along the inside of the overhang (soffit?)...I got less than 2 cups of water all told and it quit dripping even tho it was still raining outside...It is supposed to be raining all day today so I will clear out the eavestrough of leaves and see what happens... Pic of water catching bucket Pic of leak (brown stain)
  14. Nice catch... I'm heading out shortly to meet-up with CPH for some of the same and give the carp a rest...
  15. Beans

    RIP Sly.

    Only met Shane once, Big Cliff and I were to meet Chevy and Shelley at the end of Sally Anne Road but there was a large crack they had to go around so Chevy asked Shane (via cellphone) to show us the way out to Slyville and they would meet us out there...Like Big Cliff said about Shane..."what a nice young man!"...R.I.P. Mate
  16. Congratulations Joey and Paul... To celebrate, I caught a carp with your name on it just like you told me to...
  17. Bumped for Meely... Antbody else fish this lake ???
  18. The name of the fish escapes me but along the California coast at certain times of the year when the tide goes out a lot of fish that were in spawning get left high and dry on the beaches and people just gather them up in pails...beats having to use a smelt net like we have to...
  19. Yep...That's what he said...I heard him...LOL
  20. Sorry about your loss Marvin... Like you, my dad and I never got to fish together much as he was too busy hustling a buck (taxi driver, waiter/bartender, racetracker etc.) but his father taught me what every boy needs to know about fishing...I feel him (grampa) with me at times when I am alone in "The Tin of Beans" along with my dear departed daughter who just loved to fish with her old man...(sigh...)
  21. Especially Wil Wegman when it comes to Lake Simcoe...He teaches fishing when he is not busy at MNR... Beans (former student)
  22. MMMmmmmm...musky steaks !!! I can't believe the MUSKY KING of Pigeon Lake is asking for help to catch shoal carp ??? Cripes...he could give lessons !
  23. I'll second Mike's remark... How in hell did you manage the camera and catching carp all at once ??? Was at my kidney specialist's office this morning for results of some tests... On the 19th of August he outfitted me with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor and seeing as how I was in P'boro I wandered over to Little Lake to wet a line...(when the monitor goes off...I was supposed to stay perfectly still)...At noon I hook up with a 18 to 20 pound carp and sure enough the monitor goes off...it pulled drag till I was close to being spooled but I managed to stay still and eventually net it...My reading for that particular moment was 190/???...very very high for me as I take meds to keep it in line... He made a remark on the chart "20 pound carp"...LOL
  24. I wish I could post some Ryan but unfortunately they are mostly in my memory bank...Nice that we have our digital cameras today...even the cheapies like mine ($93 Polaroid Digital from Home Hardware) take excellent pics... Way back when, it was expensive for film and developing (if you owned a camera)...
  25. 7. Urban Fisherman w Shaun Ricard Who carries this show...haven't seen it on tv for a while... Cable Cable wanted too much for my budget to get WFN...said I needed to rent a digital box and the cost of the channel...
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