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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Kelvin...Maribeth and I are pulling for her my friend... Keep the Faith !
  2. Mmmmmm...Paella and root beer...sounds like a great combo to me... Have fun guys !!!
  3. I've always thought that it was illegal to sell any game fish... Before this year it was legal to catch as many crappie as you wanted to in the Kawarthas but this year there is a limit of 30...Lake Scugog is part of the Kawarthas... Those stores better have a licence to sell farm raised bass, crappie etc or they are in deep crap
  4. Try offering him some bottles of "Old Milwackie"...just make sure it is bottles...not cans
  5. We are experiencing our first serious snowfall in the Kawarthas at present...it is melting as soon as it lands but if it keeps up, who knows, they are calling for colder temps later today...so enjoy your warm temps and soft water fishing...and keep the reports coming
  6. God knows we know your pain Wayne... Both Jennifer and Jack are in our thoughts and prayers...Be strong for her... Beans and Maribeth
  7. On a species specific site I visit they have made the regional forums for paying members only ...($30 Cnd per year to join & receive a magazine)...and they also have paying sponsors... I wonder how our members would feel if we went that route ? I know...I know...bite your tongue Beans...
  8. I knows...But I ain't telling... "drag" is the key word in that sentence for sure...
  9. In your second picture...Were there some rocks sticking out of the water ??? Looks like where I've caught a couple of shoal carp over the years... BTW...Your pictures are OK...just click on them...
  10. Some of you got this e-mail a little while ago... Further to Jackies news this morning...I arrived at their place At 02:00 pm just in time to see an ambulance in the driveway getting ready to transport Jack down to the hospital in Peterborough...All I got to say to him was" Hi and take care Pal "... His doctor there wants him in the hospital while they transport him back and forth to the hospital in Oshawa for his radiation treatments so that they can keep an eye on him and monitor his condition... Luckily a bed came available this morning...just as well as in my opinion Jackie is running out of strength to get Jack in and out of their vehicle...she has been a brick up to this latest set-back...I stayed with her and talked for an hour after Jack left...She is going to take their dog Teddy down to her sister's place south of Bobcaygeon then after she goes to see Jack she will stay at her sister's tonight... Jackie printed off all the e-mails he received so far and will deliver them to him... Keep them in your thoughts and prayers... Thanks Beans Jack did post that he has cancer quite a while ago and this latest set-back is that he suffered a stroke last week denying him use of his left side...X-rays shows he has a couple of brain tumors that they hope to shrink by radiation...Let's hope it works for him...He has been a good friend and fishing partner to a bunch of us... Thanks for posting Art...I couldn't find the words...
  11. Don't forget to get the Fin-S 1/16 oz. jigs to go with the minnows...
  12. We only had two lots of four kids and two lots of two kids show up this year... Good thing the wife didn't buy the candy bars that were on sale at Shopper's... I'm now up to my a$$ in small bags of chips (4x28 bags)... Maybe CPH and I can use them for our carp'n snack instead of Dad's Cookies...
  13. I thought it was only Albert that tried to use people as an anchor...
  14. Hey Kelvin old pal...sorry to hear about your wife... I have a couple of friends who have had the same cancer and they lived for a good number of years with one lung... Don't know if that is the same treatment nowadays...but stay strong for her Mate...
  15. Sheeeesh...Thanks Brian...Just 'cause I can remember when Yonge Street was a forest... Respect your elders you young whippersnapper !...
  16. Sounds good Brian...from what I remember of the area you had to cast out quite a ways using a slip float to avoid getting hung up on rocks near shore...Ok if the kids are experienced casters...
  17. When I was a young lad playing hooky from grade school, we used to get some minnows there using an old piece of curtain to use in the big pond... Back then (60 years ago) we called it Catfish pond...don't know why, never saw any catfish in our net...
  18. I would have suggested taking Hwy 11 from Barrie up to Orillia and fish off the fishing dock next to the Harbour Master Building or cement wharf in Couchiching Beach Park (downtown Orillia)... Easier spot for kids to fish from...
  19. Must be you Art...Brian and I go way back to icefishing the "Pike Fest" outside of "Hooters" in Barrie...
  20. About ten or twelve years ago a chap told me about the Lake Simcoe fishing board so I looked it up and joined...I noticed some of the fishing shows I watched listed their web site at the end of the show so I joined a couple...I met our good friend Nanook via the Bill Dance Site and met Photoz via the Simcoe board... The Simcoe board did not like it if you mentioned other lakes and as I wanted some info on the Kawarthas, OFC was given me as the site to ask... However, at that time there was a lot of bickering (flaming) going on so my query went unanswered and I got the info from Ontario Fishing but it irked me to be ignored so I sarcasticly posted a thanks for nuttin' post on OFC...not sure if it was Roy or Big Cliff who contacted me first to apologize for the slight but they said to stick around...I did and the good natured ribbing and great information still keeps me coming back... Through various get togethers I have met a lot of great people, some who have become close friends over the years... This board became a "family" to me when I saw how the members came together during Gerritt's bad time during the loss of his son...and many other similar times since... I still say I have never met an OFNer that I didn't like...mind you there are some I'm not in a hurry to meet...
  21. When you are finished you might take a run at sumpin' like this... http://www.ktuu.com/news/ktuu-radio-flyer-car-092910,0,1784245.story
  22. Pushing snow around... AND Playing with the kid's mother...
  23. Hey Art... When you apply for your yearly license and the guy sez to not forget to "stick it" the card gives you a place to put the sticker... Sounds like the next step will be to issue a three year license along with the three year plastic card for non-residents... Cheers Mate
  24. Seeing as how I got a few more miles on me than some on here I remember as a kid crawling over large snowbanks with a friend of mine in the winter of '44 only to find there was no school that day...oh darn eh !!!...Even Mel Lastman couldn't call in the army as we were still at war... I also remember having to walk home from downtown Toronto to Rhodes Ave. to pick up my son at the babysitters during the '54 Hurricane Hazel and her giving me what for because I was late and she had a date..."Have you looked outside lately lady?" Then having to push the baby carriage up Coxwell Ave then over near Woodbine Ave...Never been so wet in my life !!!
  25. Raisin/mincemeat Pumpkin Lemon meringue Pecan apple Blueberry All the above except the lemon served warm w/vanilla ice cream or whipped cream Actually, any pie my mother used to make...she was a genius when it came to pastry (couldn't bake a cake to save her soul though)...Sorry Ma Steak and kidney is another fav.
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