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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Here's a couple of shorefishing spots boss Big Cliff Fishing for suckers at Beaverton Uncle Dave fishing for perch at mouth of Trent Canal and a couple of icefishing... Kempenfelt Bay Shanty Bay
  2. Well, I'll be Danged !!! And here I thought I would have to get rid of the "beverage" fridge in the garage... This is the first year I've noticed the freezer section not working...Hmmmm...The things you learn on OFC !
  3. To all the OFC gals... From a hopeless romantic...
  4. Newfoundland Sportsman on NTV...sometimes it is a hunting show but entertaining and non-infomerrcial !
  5. Italo was using one this morning on his TV show and caught a nice largemouth...
  6. Paul...Are you sure you didn't mean woodsy sounding name ??? Woody is something else altogether...
  7. Terrific report Mike ! I hope you have a quick recovery and looking forward to sharing this same shore again this summer... BTW...That mac and cheese diet should make you my size in no time...
  8. Nice to see you are dialed in on some fish this year Cliff... I guess last years scouting around is paying off...
  9. Most I've seen so far this winter is a bunch of turkeys and a fox that used our back yard to get to the woods out back... Usually there are deer tracks all over the lawns but maybe whoever was feeding the deer up the road gave it up this year seeing as he can be held liable for damages if a car hit one or maybe they are avoiding the cement barriers the township put in place to stop vehicle traffic down the fire route road on the south side of my property... I've seen tracks on Taits Bay Road where some deer have crossed the road to get to the woods on the east side so they are still around...
  10. 19 year old !!! I get to go to bed with a great-grandmother and I'm not complaining... It takes me all night to do what I used to do all night but I don't begrudge the time...
  11. Most new mothers would not let me teach my grandkids like that... I think the best was young J.C. who went to nursery schools and repeated: Tea, tea...makes you pee, Down your leg and over your knee... The teacher said "Who taught you that ?" "My Dad'' ... Poor Chris got blamed. not me... JC's brother Daniel thought it was great that he was allowed to say "We went fishing at the dam at Hastings"
  12. Boys oh boys (and girls oh girls)...it is stuff like this that makes me glad and proud to say I'm an OFC member...
  13. They are fairly light and the legs are aluminum (no rust)...
  14. Thanks Lew... Still don't know what I'll be taking... Seems the stuff that the doc ordered this morning does not mix well with one of my other meds and the pharmacist has to discuss this with my doc who does not work in Buckhorn on Fridays so I'm guessing it will be Monday before I get started on sumpin'...
  15. Especially if your fishing partner is going to use you for an anchor !!!...
  16. You sure wouldn't be able to tell by me...
  17. Ya Lew...they sure are purdy... Photo by DanC I don't think I could ever shoot one except with a camera...
  18. I went swimming on a fishing trip with the hometown handy dude !!!
  19. Glad to hear things went well Cliff... Makes me wish I could get mine done soon but I understand mine aren't bad enough yet... My opthamologist told me fifteen years ago that I had the beginnings of cataracts and that he would have to operate to remove them before he retires (he was a young man then with a two year old son) "Cripes" I replied "I'm 60 years old... I may have croaked before then !!!" Still not bad enough at my annual checkup last October... Now to get my gout under control before you are ready to fish...it can get awful cold on the feets when you can't get your boots on Pick-up new meds today...
  20. I have met her also...Great gal !
  21. I've never stayed there overnite but used to book a hut, had breakfast in the dining room, and had lunch delivered to the hut as my birthday gift to my grandson until he turned twelve and they wanted full price for him... Jerry tried to put us on fish best he could... Following year we bought an auger and enjoyed extra trips each year until he discovered girls...
  22. He could want to be NOT with his wife !!! I saw the inside of so many churches and basilicas that I filled the tub when we got back to our Queen Lizzie Hotel suite to see if I could walk on water... Best paella meal in the area was at Roy's...
  23. Well Done Boss...You da greatest...
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