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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Our grandson...the movie star ! Like Maureen said...his acting has improved... Maribeth and I are right proud of him...
  2. Wow !!!...What a fight those must give ya...
  3. Don't forget your camera ! (silly thing to say...I know) Have a good one !
  4. Terry...you're da man !!! I got a yo-yo in my throat when I saw the picture...
  5. Five years already ?...I can remember the morning I read your post and couldn't believe what I was reading...for once old Beans-talk-a-lot was speechless...I also remember how hard it was replying to your post...kept choking up and tears kept welling... That whole experience resulted in me receiving the feeling that I didn't just join another fishing board but became a member of the OFC family... God bless you and yours Gerritt.
  6. What the ???...you got a thing for ''wet'' Chris ? Cripes...I've been trying to mow my lawns for about 5 days now...soon going to have to use a sythe (or is that a sickle...I forget) :lol:
  7. Beans


    Welcome aboard folks...East end of Toronto eh?...My former hometown...grew up (?) around the Leslie and Queen Streets area...Fishing has changed for the better all around Toronto since I lived down there...Ashbridges Bay was a sewage treatment area and stunk like hell...but now it is a carp and salmon haven...(from what I have read on here) You didn't mention if you had ''wheels'' and how mobile you are... Do yourself a favor and learn how to tie the ''palomar knot''...I use it 99% of the time unless I'm tying two lenghs of line together, then I use a ''uni knot''... I hope you catch a big 'un but remember to have fun !!!
  8. Youse done real good...tells yer mother...congrats lad...
  9. Funny you should ask Steve...I was making a fishing picture "screen saver" this morning and I added a pic of you with the winning crappie, a pic of Crappieperchhunter, Cliff and me...all at uncle Jack's. Let's hope for some safe ice by New Year's Day this coming season...
  10. Good report with pics...thanks for sharing... Have gotten out of the habit of carrying my camera with me...would have liked a pic of todays catch...
  11. Thursday 08:00 AM 04 Oct 2007... I've got a bit of maize left over and thought I'd give Carp Point on Sturgeon Lake a try to-day (just waiting for the temperature 4*C (40*F) to warm up a bit before heading out)... Haven't tried for carp for nearly two weeks as we have been having good results fishing for perch and crappie over at Lake Simcoe... Will post results later... Thursday PM 04 Oct 2007...Nada doin'...not a bump nor a jiggle...saw something jumping way down by the channel markers but they may have been bass... Anyhow...I scattered a half bucket of maize in the area...so will give it a try again tomorrow...if I get skunked again then it is time to put the carp equipment away till next year...(sigh)...can't complain though...it has been one of the better years for me both catch wise and, due to the generosity of a couple of friends, I have a nice carp outfit complete with bank sticks and alarm... Friday 05 OCT 2007...I got to answer my own question...Nope...It's not too late... Mind you after sitting reading a magazine for two hours I was beginning to think maybe it was too late in the year for carp fishing...it is our custom to throw a couple of handfuls of softened maize out a short ways from shore in case the resident three ducks come by to say hello and a couple of handfuls for our buddie the chipmunk...at close to eleven o'clock (later start this morning) I happen to look down and there were three carp filling their faces on the duck's corn...my line was straight out about 30 ft so I reeled it in 20 ft, threw out some more maize, and let it sit...Sure enough the three were back for more and then my buzzer started...This had to be the most energetic carp I've caught this year...first it took off down the channel then swung around to the right past the point...luckily I was able to keep it high and not have it drag me across the zebra covered rocks where we usually lose them...it still wasn't finished and kept on running way out and over to within about 30 ft of the far shore...a quick look down at my spool...and I was sure glad I had put some backing on as I was close to it...I started gaining line slowly as it still had a couple more runs to make but when I got it in close it decided it wanted to run around to where the trees are...not this time...I put the pressure on and it turned and started to do what I wanted...Once it was close enough I managed to grab my line and steer it to the landing/unhooking area...it laid there nicely as I used my foreceps to remove the hook and then just stayed there as I got a good look at it before I righted it and pointed it to the way of freedom...What a horse !!!...just under 20 lbs is my guess... It had this old geezer's heart pumping. let me tell you !!! :lol:
  12. Nope Roy...I was on the other side of Lake Simcoe with Crappieperchhunter... Fishing was a bit slower than last week but we managed a few for the table and the cats... My 14 1/4 inch crappie was the biggest for today but the 14 3/4 incher Steve got last week is still the leader... Steve took my picture with it...will post whenever...
  13. I saw those yesterday on the Berkly site when I clicked on icefishing baits...kinda reminded me of the jack spoons they use for perch during the winter...nice to know they work...I understand they come in a package of 2 spoons and 5 bodies for around $3.99
  14. G'DAY MATE ! I'm off to your end of the world soon...(2 minutes)
  15. Years ago Rapalas (most models) were my #1 bait along with live bait... Tubes, grubs, and senko type baits mostly now and very recently Fin-S minnows...(I hope that holds true for tomorrow at Simcoe)...
  16. WTG Cliff !!!...I gotta go along with that ''horseshoe'' theory...What a year you are having !!! Too bad Bly missed hers ...you'll get it next time girl...
  17. Wow !!!...I'm impressed...especially like those rod holders...should work in the "Tin of Beans"...Thanks for posting...
  18. WTG...Brian Where are they when you're fishing a tournament eh?...
  19. Friday 28 Sept 2007... Got a call from Crappieperchhunter last night..."Beansie, I got an e-mail from my boss saying that I can have the weekend off...do you want to take another trip to Simcoe for some perch?" Do I...you bet your donkey I do !!! The weather didn't sound too promissing but away we went...(that's why we own rainsuits...right?)...we only had one real bad downpour around 10:30 AM but were lucky enough to pull into an unused boat slip to wait it out 'till 11:00AM...then it rained on and off all morning but not heavy enough to run for cover again... The bite was on !!!...God only knows how many perch, crappie, Worlds Greatest Sportfish, we caught...our slot limit today was everything under 10" and everything over 12" went back in except the one big crappie Steve caught (14") We ended up keeping 10 perch and 14 crappie for people food and four large (10") rock bass that will get fed to my two cats...They eat raw pollock whenever we treat them to it, so I'm soaking the rock bass fillets in a sea salt brine and I hope they like it...
  20. Dang!...Dang!...Dang!... That was funny !!!...ROTFLMAO
  21. "STB?? How are you guys finding your fave perchin' spot? Badly weeded up? I took a run up to Barrie last week . . . . the whole Tiffen boat launch area is blocked off . . . . . constructing SOMETHING? Up toward the fountain, and up just north of the marina it's so badly weeded up, you'd need about 5 ounces of lead to get your bait down through 'em! Didn't even try. I still have very little night vision . . . . that 3 months of treatments really screwed my vision, but, it's STARTIN' to come back. Hopefully I'll be in decent shape for when the trout show up. I'll be watchin' for your results posted later today . . . . I guess that ditch you use for a boat launch will be dried right up by now?" "STB" ?? (What this mean?)...we had no problem dropping the boat in the creek as there was lots of rain the night before...good to hear your sight is better...there were a lot of lillie pads but not many weeds...once past them just open water... Monday 24 Sept 2007...Crappieperchhunter and I thought we needed some cooler weather but we took a run over to Simcoe anyways as the carp had let us down on the weekend... We ended up having a real good day despite the warm temps...the basket contained 21 perch between 9" to 12" (our self imposed slot limit)...1-Crappie (11") and 3 rather large Worlds Greatest Sportfish (all close to 11") Before we left we were tossing back 10 inchers along with the dinks and the 3 or 4 that were over our slot limit (12") Wednesday 26 Sept 2007...We took another run at them this morning...Started out looking like it was going to be a lousy day...no sooner got on the water and the rain (drizzle) started on and off for the first couple of hours and the fishing was no hell (only one 11" perch and a slab crappie in the basket)...after moving around some we found one area that was non stop for various species...Biggest pumpkinseeds I've ever seen...large (11" and smaller) copies of the Worlds Greatest Sportfish...a couple or three bullheads with not a mark on them...and lots of perch...some in our slot size (9" to 12") and only a couple over size that were quickly released...All caught on Fin-S minnows under a slip float...even the bullheads... I didn't keep any for myself this trip but we saved 13 perch, and 2 slab crappie for Crappieperchhunter's mom... Good times !!!...I really enjoyed Steve's holidays with him this year...Thanks for sharing pal !!!
  22. Just thought I'd take a turn at saying this before I head out the door to meet Crappieperchhunter for another run at the perches over at Simcoe... Dang Steve...I sure enjoy your holidays...
  23. Yep...no matter if you texas-rig or wacky-worm 'em...the best way is to cast out...set your rod down...and try to do sumpin' like eat a g'weech...or have a drink...etc. They are a do-nothing lure from my experiences... Hmmm...a senko/wizzle worm under a float...I wonder...might be worth a try...I know it works with tubes...
  24. Maybe Chris (Spiel) could be talked into making one... $???.??
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