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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Had my septic tank emptied and the guy handed me a couple of key chains with an LED light...
  2. A fun report Snag...Thanks for posting... Congrats on retreiving your bike and cell phone...
  3. On a lake up near Bancroft, my niece and her husband have a cottage and we dump the remains over by a swampy area that has quite a few turtles...never anything left next day...(We've checked) I agree with Beats...if you are just cleaning a few for a shore lunch on the ice...dump the guts down a hole...lots of crayfish down there to scarf them up...
  4. Oh Crap !!!...Until we got the Blue Jays I was a fan of both those teams...
  5. I spoke with Jack shortly after Cliff and have nothing more to add except Jack's thanks for all our concern and to let Joe and Art know that he was really impressed to hear from the boys down south...Kudos guys! Keep his special spot open on the dock this spring Meely...
  6. I spoke with Jack this morning and he is feeling a bit better now that he is in a room and not stuck in a hallway...has had a couple of meals of solid food but still has the intervenious tube to ward off dehydration... Tests so far have found nothing but he has one more to go with the proctologist and hopefully they will get to the bottom of all the complications (pun intended) He definately sounds like he is in good spirits (No...not your kind Dawg) Anyhow...that's your lot for now...keep up the good thoughts and prayers for him...
  7. Those of you that have met me know I'm not a very religeous type of person but, I do believe in the power of prayer...so if you happen to be communing with your Higher Power today can you spare a few thoughts for our friend Jack and his wife... Seems the operation went well but complications have developed and Jackie (his wife) had an ambulance take him back down to the hospital in Peterborough Monday morning... His wife is very upset that they took 3 hours in emergency before attending to him and, because they have no rooms available, he is stuck in a bed in a hallway...which also means he has no phone available and I'm not sure about visitations... Jackie did say she would keep me informed so I'll try to remember to ask...
  8. Another week and a half should see good ice again on Cook's Bay and along the south shore...check first. Lets hope some damn fools don't get too itchy and mess up the ice at the shorelines or nobody will be able to drive out this season...
  9. Dat's some nice boat you gots dere boy...Congrats Before launching her make sure the plug is in place and also make sure the dealer put the cotter pin in place for the prop... As soon as my bro-in-law put his new boat in reverse the prop fell off and we had to use the trolling motor to get back home...
  10. Many happy returns my friend... Dang !!!...you'll soon be catching up to Jack and me...
  11. Yep F_F you got it right...frozen fog...here's a pic of it on our way down to T.O. from Innisfil...
  12. You just might run into a few OFC members if you give the Bay of Quinte area a try...
  13. February 23, 2008...Innisfil Beach Park near the boat launch area...
  14. Hey...How cum I smell CAKE !!! Oh ya...Happy Birthday guys...
  15. I had a look at the long range temps for the next two weeks and it looks like good icemaking weather ahead especially the second week...Accuweather Saturday, Jan 19More Details Cold with snowLow: -17 °CHigh: -7 °CSunday, Jan 20More Details Powdery snowLow: -14 °CHigh: -10 °CMonday, Jan 21More Details Cloudy and cold with flurriesLow: -8 °CHigh: -6 °CTuesday, Jan 22More Details SnowyLow: -14 °CHigh: -5 °CWednesday, Jan 23More Details Mostly cloudy and colderLow: -15 °CHigh: -11 °CThursday, Jan 24More Details Very cold with clouds and sunLow: -14 °CHigh: -11 °CFriday, Jan 25More Details Very cold with flurriesLow: -10 °CHigh: -10 °CSaturday, Jan 26More Details Times of clouds and sunLow: -10 °CHigh: -8 °C
  16. South Shore to West Arm should only be an hours drive...No?
  17. Hey my friend...I'm sure they will give you some good "meds" to take away the edginess...Keep us informed and we hope all goes well...
  18. The various species in Lake X never ceases to amaze me...
  19. Our prayers are for Shelley and Chuck's peace of mind in this situation and for a speedy recovery for all three kids... Maribeth and Beans...
  20. I read on a couple of other sites that Harry's in Keswick is selling minnows @$5 a scoop and Casey's in Port Bolster also has minnows... Our friend Peter of Ice Cabins has his Bait Shack just off shore at Gilford as does Terry Goy... BTW...congrats again Joey...you rock girl !!! There may be a method to Paul's madness in not buying her a floater suit...if she keeps outfishing him...he may stuff her down a hole...
  21. Things may have changed but we didn't need to have a saltwater license on the piers we paid to fish off of...They all sold bait and tackle and if it is a one time thing you can usually rent a rod and reel... We purchased a combo rod and reel at Wal Mart and found it paid for itself after 4 days by only having to pay admission to the pier vs rental ($6.00) + admission ($3.50)... Loads of fun...I envy you...
  22. Like Cliff said..."you'll be writing your name in the snow again soon" Best wishes pal...
  23. Not a personal best but it was the first I finally landed (after some sound instruction about what I was doing wrong using a baitrunner reel) on my new (to me) carp equipment...after missing four in a row...
  24. He will be with you in your heart every time you wet a line just like my daughter is with me... Oh my...How she loved to go fishing...
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