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Everything posted by dobee

  1. i use it for river updates and up to the minute updates from the TSN crew @joebinsview
  2. maitland has rainbow trouts?
  3. maybe they should have stayed and rode the wave with gustaffson?? the dude starts to get HOT and you let your ailing starter come back in?? i have always said the monster NEVER gets a chance to play his best.. sure it may take him a game or two to get back into the swing of things, but for f' sakes when he gets hot and gets you wins ride that wave.. hes a good goaltender when he has confidence! he finally got his shot this year and you panic and bring up scrivens???? give your head a shake burke!
  4. we had ours saturday night.. pretty good parties every year... couples ipads, macbooks, and big screen tv's - i never win any but its a fun night out with my co-workers who i dont mind hanging out with outside of work...
  5. did they check the belly for lead???
  6. thats a thick tail kemper. nice work!
  7. nice aaron! niagara produced some good fish this weekend!
  8. Always happy to be your cameraman mike! hardware was unreal... i shouldnt have left the hardware rod in the car!!
  9. im in as well!! http://mobro.co/joelewis
  10. thats awesome to hear. does that mean that 95 males were caught and 5 females released?? lol
  11. i was out on the kayak last night until 11:30 - the smoking on the pier is hilarious... countless times last night we heard " FISH ON!!" ---- "hey bud! you got my line!" i love fall.
  12. ill be out in the kayak this weekend again... we usually hit bronte but were gonna be camping out in port elgin this weekend... if you ever see a couple khaki coloured kayaks out in bronte swing by and say hi
  13. need 2 salmon trolling rods and reels! ifanyone has any for sale pleae PM me! dont have to be new - they being used for my kayak :)

  14. nice fish solo! i was really hoping to get out with you so you could show me your pinning skills again!
  15. nice catch mike!
  16. clean hit, just bad luck.. how many times in a game does a forward try and beat the defencemen on the outside and he gets rubbed out?? ALL THE TIME.. this was just bad luck that the partition was there and he kissed it. If he get rubbed out into the bench the crowd would be cheering and you wouldnt hear two peeps about it.
  17. ive been digging the black keys recently.. they have an old rock n roll sound... good stuff..
  18. personally my fav is fly max. great show, they dont pound you with sponsors and theres not a whole lot of talking.. great camera work too..it does help when april vokey is on. love that chick!! i cant stand fish tv..... "NICE FISH BUD!" " NICE ONE BUD" " THATS A PIG BUD!" "WOW BUD!"
  19. im currently running an islander and love it! i got mine lightly used, cant go wrong for the price! i have also heard great things about the imperial as SOLOPADDLER said...
  20. i was in panama for my honeymoon in may... it is an amazing place, the size of the mountains they are cutting down are unreal... basically they are taking the "S" bends out of the canal and making in straight...
  21. i use scarf when i have juicy juicy skein. net when im tying normal roe
  22. i bother me.
  23. lol.. all the woodbridge'ers will be out in full force!
  24. nice catch aaron!
  25. hate cats.. thats why i got myself a rabbit no meowing no barking..
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