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Everything posted by Tacklebuster

  1. Great info
  2. beautiful report. I had no idea there are musky in that lake. Was that fish really that dark or was it just the pic? I fished it many years ago, only caught a few walleye. I heard there are also laketrout in there too, but we didn't get any of those either.
  3. Thanks for treating us to such a fine report, pics and vids. What an experience to have that pike hit your walleye, would you have been able to land the pike and walleye?
  4. unfortunately your friend became so ill, but it sure looked like a great trip. Nipigon is high on my list of lakes I want to fish. I look forward to more pics of your trip.
  5. Simcoe and Couch., and pretty much any lake I can launch my boat.
  6. Great catch, how is that park anyhow, in terms of facilities, and camp sites?
  7. I like that one,
  8. wow those are some behemoth musky, one nicer than the other.
  9. Any color could work fine on any given day. Nonetheless, I would start with blue, silver, green, red, and get the larger ones so you can chuck them out there.
  10. Thats crazy. Similar to those Asian Carp, but worse. How the heck could that person have her fingers severed by that fish?
  11. I remember hearing about and trying the fly spoon combo method about 20 years ago, we tried it with a williams and some kind of streamer, for lakers on Simcoe. We never had any luck with lakers, but the whitefish liked it. Glad I was reminded of that one, I haven't tried that in a long time, going to give it another go.
  12. Great post, and reminder to everyone
  13. Just yesterday I heard a report on the CBC news that the gov. is implementing a ban that is effective in 2010, to stop the cruise lines in the St. Lawrence from dumping their raw sewage in the river. And then there is Le Farge who is going to start burning tires for their production of concrete....ARE YOU KIDDING ME...this is Canada's response to Kyoto.
  14. one more thing, the deer flies and horse flies were nasty up there, and more important, there is a lot of poison ivy, so be aware when you wonder off the property.
  15. Great report Shaun, and those pics are fantastic.
  16. WTG, hmmm, didn't think things would be picking up on this side already. Don't know when my next trip to Simcoe will be, maybe I will give Bronte a go for a couple of hours.
  17. Family had friends with a cottage on that lake, so we used to go up there a couple times a year. Its been a long time since I've been there, lol. I have heard its been overfished. My dad and our friends with the cottage caught numerous musky walleye, and bass. There are some nice shallow bays, for bass. I did really well using frogs, which I caught walking along the shore. Fat raps and shad raps also caught there fair share. Assuming I still have my bearings right, near the western end of the lake, there are a couple if small islands (or should I say large rocks) and a shoal between them (don't worry about that shoal you wouldn't drive your boat between the islands/rocks anyhow), where several musky were caught. Also just south of those rocks is a large island, so if you fish around the rocks, and then make your way over the that island fishing along the east side where there are some nice weeds, you will have a good route to possibly pick up a musky. On the other side of that island, there is a bay, where we used to catch walleye, mostly on jigs and raps. If you have a sonar unit, you will notice that bottom structure is quite undulated, so you could quite easily find some pockets that will hold walleye. There used to be a fish hatchery for musky, near the boat launch. Check the Ontario Guide to eating fish, last time I looked the safe size especially for walleye was not very good. I have many fond memories of that lake, I look forward to your report.
  18. I have to agree on the tubes, and to add, I would also recomend a smaller presentation such as a small-med inline spinner. My brother in-law practically fishes mepps or similar lures exclusively, and when the bite is slow, he almost always outfishes me.
  19. Its all cottages there, dont think you can access it without trespassing. Your best off to rent a boat.
  20. I think part of the problem was that you had them in zip loc bags, which can't be anything but storing. If you had the fillets on a plate and only covered with with plastic wrap, I wouldn't call that storing, and I think you could argue that point.
  21. I wouldn't mind the Atlantics, they might actually be edible
  22. It would have been nice for the cop to give you a warning, and his behavior towards you was less than appropriate. At the same time, I think these laws have been in place long enough for every boater to be in the know, which you were, except for the fact that your source for information was not.
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