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Everything posted by Tacklebuster

  1. never heard of the organization, but I don't see a problem sleeping in a tent. As long as you don't keep you food in your tent, and hang it in the trees you won't have a problem. Been camping for 30 years and have never had an encounter in our camp with a bear. Had moose go through our camp though. do you bring your own tent, or does the outfitter provide one of those propector tents.
  2. very nice report/pics, and congrats on your OFAH awards.
  3. great info Ranger, thanks for sharing
  4. good one, haven't heard a good newfie joke in a while.
  5. I have a hard time believing its anywhere close to 12 lbs. Having caught plenty of salmon in that range, it doesn't compare in size. Still a very nice fish, and too funny.
  6. I have a hard time believing its anywhere close to 12 lbs. Having caught plenty of salmon in that range, it doesn't compare in size. Still a very nice fish, and too funny.
  7. very nice report, and pics. Gotta love fly in trips. How many days were you in?
  8. Great report and pics as ususal. I hope the weather conditions and the fishing picks up for you because I am looking forward to more of your posts.
  9. Wow, that was only part one, can't wait for part II.
  10. Gloucester Pool/Port Severn was and is still one of my favourite spots, even though I haven't fished it for years. Nice to see some pics of that area again.
  11. another successful trip, great report
  12. great report and pics, especially the rainbow.
  13. You shouldn't have any trouble whatsoever. I used to tow a similar boat for 3 yrs. with our Mazda Protege, and it did just fine. The most important thing I find is to take it easy, 90-95 kmph tops. Take it easy on the car, and it will serve you well, and besides its safer.
  14. Another great report, glad to see your keeping busy. Can't imagine your clients being anything but extatic to go fishing with you.
  15. obey the channel markers and you won't have a problem with shoals. As for LMB, not so easy to find on Couch., their numbers have dwindled, and the smallies have basically taken over. If you have a chart, you shouldn't have any difficulty finding some potential areas. There are some good areas around Chiefs Island, stay on the W,S,or N side, drag tubes (W or Smoke with specks, or Brown crawfish colour)-very slow, spinners (start with B then W). The N channel is good as well, the W side the weeds are thicker, the E side they are thinner and is well suited for tubes. If the bite is slow, go to med. inline spinners. Best times are what I call Breakfast Lunch and Dinner, with evening being the best and it usually starts to pick up around 1800. If you have an opportunity to hook up with misfish...go for it. Most of all, stay safe, have fun, Good luck, and lets see some pics.
  16. the link won't go to your video, it only goes to the photobucket home page.
  17. bacon wrapped pike, I don't believe I ever saw that before, it sure looks good.
  18. great report and pics. Nice to see you and your son had a great time, filled with memories.
  19. I think its excessive amounts of algae which might be caused by all of those things you mentioned, combined with the warmer temps and lack of rain. I don't think it has anything to do with sewage.
  20. I have 3 gloomis rods, IMX(2) 6.5' one piece, and GLX 7' 2 piece, and they are all excellents rods. Had to get one serviced a while back, it broke when the fish went under the boat and the rod hit the gunwale. I brought to them when they were located somewhere around Hamilton, and they replaced it no problem.
  21. based on a recent reports/discussion, I believe the fish you are referring to is called a skamania. I followed some links and looked into it a bit, and I would have to believe thats exactly what you caught. That was and impressive outing, bows, salmon, possibly a skamania, and walleye. Did that walleye come off your riggers?
  22. I do exactly what carper said, have owned a boat for about 12 years, my current one (1700 lund with 60 HP Merc.) about 7 years, never had a problem, and always starts on the first crank. My motor is oil injected, and if yours is 4 stroke it might be slightly different. I have never run the engine dry when I winterized it. I put in the fuel stabalizer, fill the tank, take the boat for its final 15-20 minute spin of the season, and do all the other stuff that was already mentioned.
  23. have to agree, this summer has been very windy. Have to stick to smaller bodies of water.
  24. dont really know about whats out there, but over the years I have used limewire and it generally will get you what your looking for on the music side. As for s/w, don't bother, all riddled with viruses.
  25. nice looking vessel, especially with all that wood, and the helm looks great. Just curious, after reading reports from BOQ last fall and seeing your pics, are you using downriggers?
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