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Everything posted by Tacklebuster

  1. what an unbelievable story. I wonder if that has ever happened before.
  2. That is one monster buck, trophy of a lifetime.
  3. Thats an interesting document Irishfield, as is the document link posted by fish_finder. So I guess based on the information on those links, a land owners property extends all the way to the water, and you have to be in the water in order to not be trespassing.
  4. I had to change mine a few years ago. When I took it out it clearly was worn and brittle and wouldn't retain its shape. I don't know how many hours the motor had since I bought it used, however I had it for 3 years and in that time I did a lot of fishing. I believe if you fish mostly in shallow water, whereby silt and weeds get into the intake then your impeller is going to wear out faster. Its not a big deal to change it yourself, so if your concerned then do it before you have bigger problems.
  5. I was moose hunting in Shining Tree a few (maybe more than a few) years back, we heard that a local hunter with his wife were hunting grouse and were attacked by a pack of wolves. Several weeks after we returned from our trip it made the news as the first documented case of wolves attacking people.
  6. that is amazing. They wanted 700 bucks for a ski, I can't imagine how much that whale went for.
  7. that sounds like a great idea with the cling free drier sheet. Never heard of that before, and never had that problem, but its simple and definately a problem to avoid.
  8. Great read, there is not doubt, once you've been bit, there is no turning back.
  9. Looks like a great hunt, in every aspect.
  10. great pics, what a country we have. That Newfie trim is priceless.
  11. congrats on you PB., I love the colours on those pre-spawn chinnys.
  12. Totally unrealistic. If business operators that rely on tourism are crying the blues now, I can't imagine what they will be saying if something like this gets implemented. After driving 4 hours hauling my boat, the last thing I want to do is stand in line for another hour to get my boat inspected. With the vast number of places to go fishing, I am sure people will avoid going to places where they will have to pull off the highway to get their boat inspected, I know I would. In the end, its only going to prolong the inevitable spread of some of these invasive species. The spread of some of these species don't even rely on human movement, they can easily be spread by birds. I don't have a better idea, but I sure don't think that one will work.
  13. I still have my electric Big Jons, which are now about 25 yrs old. Never had a motor problem, the only thing I had to do was replace the plastic housing for the switch. I even still have the spring coil rod holders. I never had an opportunity to try any others, and if I ever decide to replace them for no apparent reason, I will probably buy Big Jons again.
  14. thats worth a chuckle, "honestly and politicians" in the same sentence.
  15. Thank goodness all turned out well, and that you followed your intuition, which usually turns out to be the best decision.
  16. Looks very interesting, National Geographic material, I just don't understand why they don't use nets to scoop up the fish. Is it just about tradition, or is there another reason?
  17. WOW! What a trip! The kind of fishing adventure that you only see on TV. Definately gets my vote for best report of the year.
  18. Great story and fish. I didn't know that 8.5'-9' rods were used when trolling for musky. How would a downrigger rod do?
  19. My charger gave up on me last year, it was good while it lasted. I spoke with the marina, and he told me that they really only last around 3 yrs. I had mine for about 4 years so I guess it did its job. I don't know why they don't last longer, I think they should. Perhaps the pounding they get is too much, and over time they can't handle it. Its not as convenient, but I just decided to replace it with a portable charger. I figured I need one anyhow for storing the batteries over the winter, and for the price those on board ones need to last longer than 3 years.
  20. I would definately get a book and look it up before eating it, and I think there is something called a spore test to help identify with certainty the type of mushroom it is.
  21. great report and pics, you are in Gods country.
  22. Wow, fantastic photo's, keep those comeing. Very healthy looking bear. Great post.
  23. About 35 yrs. ago, oops, my dad had a similar setup, he would use it to troll for lakers. He had a Penn real on it and before we had downrigges we even used it for salmon on LO. The idea behind the wire, was the diameter and the weight of the wire would get your lure down. The wire line he used had these beads (which might have been solder) placed ever 5'-10', or so, so you knew how much line you let out. While trolling you would have to use the rod to add action to the lure because the weight of the line hampered the action of the lure. He would use lures such as Williams whitefish, hammered or half and half because they were heavier and provided the most action, and sometimes with a cowbell. Older versions had reals that looked like the pully of a clothes line, lol. He had a slip on Simcoe, and the owner of the marina liked to go fishing for lakers. He only used a wireline setup, and there were plenty of occasions he outfished us with our riggers and fishfinders.
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