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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Freudian Slip The term is popularly used today in a humorous way when a person makes a mistake in speech. In these situations, observers often suggest (in a comic way) that the mistake reveals some type of hidden emotion on the part of the speaker.
  2. Excellent report BBM !!! Late season walleye are a blast. get ready for the new season too !!!! Paul
  3. Auto/Manual combined......Mustang. Ya cant go wrong.
  4. The paper you printed IS your fishing license Bob. I saved the pdf to my desktop so i can reprint if it gets mangled in my tacklebox.
  5. Looks alot like it did here yesterday. The fog sat in until well after noon.The sun did come out finally, and i untarped the boat and started getting her ready. In the faster flowwing parts of the river the ice is completely gone, but in my end, there are still some pretty big Bergs. Thanks for the report. Paul
  6. Holy Cow !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Got my outdoors card and years licence a few weeks ago.Painless, and had it within 2 weeks of applying.
  8. Ya, but look at the size of the arms on ya Dan !!! I wouldnt arm wrestle ya.
  9. How do you put a 300lb,14 ft long,5ft wide boat on the roof of your car Not saying its not doable, just dont know how.
  10. its a wide boat, go with Max HP. It also has a splash well, so waves are not a problem.
  11. Settle the discussion, is it a metal screw or a carpenters screw. http://www.loctiteproducts.com/p/mech_spec_epxy/overview/Loctite-Metal-Filled-Epoxy-Putty.htm I used this on my dads old tinny.
  12. Rivet and sealer best idea so far
  13. I'm just glad i bought mine when i did.Looks like i made the right decision
  14. Nice end of season report Blair. Softwater season is just around the corner.
  15. Welcome to the group Josh!!! Fridays are quiet in here You should get a whole mess of people saying hi soon, i hope
  16. Its just like everyting else.For companies to sell thier products to the average person, they have to be produced as inexpensively as possible. This means cheaper materials, more plastic, cheaper manufactureing facilities, and less stringent quality control. Just look around at everything you own, from appliances to electronics.They ain't made like they used to be.
  17. Dave, i have faith in you man....practice, practice, practice
  18. Beutiful Bruce !!! May you have many days fishing together, and many new memories to share with all of us Paul
  19. Little dudes always have something to prove.Judgeing by the size of his arms, he could probably snap a gators jaws open pretty fast
  20. Very nice Richard. Now, remeber how ya did that, and do it again after April 1st
  21. If all the girls lived in the sky.....Wayne would surely learn to fly........... Wait.....he already knows how to fly. Carry on then
  22. Dang !!! Bruce has an ex military sniper on board this season !!!!!
  23. History channel at 10PM tonite!!!Season 3 premier
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