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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I put mine on jacks last fall too. I can't see the boat sitting 3-5 weeks in the summer though That would be unforgiveable
  2. I used to drink to make my wife look that good
  3. 50!!!!! Cripes, i still have body parts older than that !!!!Not many though
  4. Ok Boyz !!!!! Thanks for all your help. Biggest problem for us New Anglers is trying what everyone says to try.I will try all ov your ideas at least once for sure. I like Danbobs best ''Never use snaps or swivels. Even on spinner baits with no loop. I just have a rod for every technique, less tying '' Now i better start looking for a new place to live
  5. Try this Sinclair. Go to CT or any big hardware and buy the smallest ''O'' ring you can find.I have found them as small as 1/8 inch inside dia. Slide one over the loop in the spinner bait, then attach your snap to the exposed loop.You can usually get about 20 for a couple of bucks. The ''O''ring will not affect the spinning of the blades or lur action at all. eddited to say.................... BillM beat me to it LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Same idea.
  6. I'm also trying something new on one of my setups.A tip from a well seasoned Angler i know. Instead of uni-uni for attaching my leader to my braid.I am using a number 10(i believe) Mustad chain swivel.Its rated for 30+ lbs, and is small enough to slide through the guides easily if necessary.I will try and remember to let you all know how it works out.
  7. thanks!! The only time i tie direct is when i am fishing plastics for Bass.I like to fish them Texas rigged.I can change the bait, without changeing the hook.
  8. Knots All kinds of them I have to admit, i can tie them in the comfort of my home while getting ready to go fishing.It may take a couple of minutes to get right, but i can do it. But on the water, i always use really good quality snap swivels. Some have told me that this negatively affects lure action, and suggest i am an amateur(which i am,just dont like hearing it ) I always choose the smallest i can get away with for the type of fishing i am doing at the time. What are the thoughts of my fellow OFCers on Snap Swivels versus tie direct? Thanks guys
  9. Good to see ya FB !! ummmmmm Perch !!!
  10. Thanks Bud.....This'll be my third summer with a boat.It's getting easier.I am lucky to have a ramp where i drive in,in a big cresent lot, that leaves you almost perfectly lined up to back straight into the water.Still get sweaty when i pull into one with a curve though
  11. Actually Skip, some good ideas there.I am one of those who is still new to trailer back ups. My biggest problem is left and right turns backing up. I now hold onto the bottom of the steering wheel.Seems my brain doesnt work quickly enough in transfering the left to turn right, and right to turn left, manoeuvre Also, i kinda stress a bit trying to get my boat in the water, so others in line can get to the dock also. I am not afraid to admit, that i ain't no trailer jockey.
  12. Great report Mike. Zack looks right at home, and Ghislain was saying he is "HOOKED" deep for Carp now!!! Can't wait to get out with you again. Maybe after the wedding
  13. Nice going dave !!!!! yup, it was the equipment for sure!!!!! I always knew you could do it man !!!!!
  14. I did that all last season, but it wasnt a guy saying that, it was my wife. Mine in the bow was set normal, and she thought all the fish were around the back of the boat cause mine wasnt beeping.
  15. Way too complicated for me Skipp. Simply back up until you hear a thud.Get out and lock into place. Blame the dents and scratches on your bumper, on others bad parking skills at Wallmart
  16. You just want to throttle them Of course, that would never happen to Billy Bob, he doesnt even get his bearings wet.
  17. How long did ya have to hold your breath to get a shot like that? Thank god for float suits eh?
  18. And i think one of them was wearing at least one glove
  19. OOHHHH Geoffy I guess that means the last time you went with him, is the LAST time you go with him.
  20. You just made my day !!!!!
  21. That, and a drop of Anglers super glue.Works fine for me
  22. What i would like, is that if everyone realized that we are all here to share our passion with each other, not to deliberately hurt the sport we all love. Some of us have little experience, some of us have many years of experience.When you see a post that is too explicit, or one that you suspect may be OOS fishing, or breaking some rule either of this forum or the fishing regulations, use the PM system to ask questions of the OP regarding the thread instead of flaming or forcing someone to publicly defend themselves on an open forum.I dont think many are foolish enough to deliberately bring the wrath of God down on themselves.I bet many are just excited about thier day on the water. And be polite above all things.We are all human beings, and deserve to be treated with respect.Every single one of us, from the newest newbie, to the most seasoned veteran angler, has something to offer this forum. Best Regards Paul
  23. It will be interesting to see what affect,if any, this warm weather will have on fishing over the next few months.The weather chanel is saying temps will drop back to more seasonal figures starting this weekend with an announced high of 5 C here on saturday.
  24. I started using the Palomar knot on all lines,last season.Its much easier to tie while wearing gloves
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