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Everything posted by mercman

  1. I use a 7'MH Fast, Compre with my Convector 30 series.
  2. Less a week for us here in Quebec
  3. Cripes, i dont even know whats happening tomorrow
  4. I can see a new BB Gun in your future
  5. Does that mean they will open the seasons earlier this year I didnt think so......Oh well
  6. 2 years ago, i bought a Curado 300e, on the advise of many of the members.I have bee searching for ''THE'' rod to pair it with. The reel is heavier than the Citica i am used to using. I have paired it with an Abu Vendetta, and a Compre, and i didnt like the feel of either combo. So it sat at home, never being used, only to be taken with me occasionaly when looking for it's soul mate. That finally happened last saturday at the Montreal Fishing show. I started speaking with the Quantum Rep in the Le Baron booth.Cant remember his name, but he knew his stuff.told him my story, and even though Curado is Shimano, he pulled a rod off the rack, and said, here is what you want. A Quantum Smoke PT 7' MH Fast action.Show price was 77 bucks, no tax This is a 150 dollar rod, for 77 bucks. And i must say, paired with the reel, it feels like part of my arm.Balanced and just the right length and handle to make the Curado feel half its weight. I am looking forward to using it this summer, as my go to rod. Paul
  7. Dont have a clue Terry, but congrats !
  8. Not all the mods lock annonymously, i know one who actually appologizes for having to do it.
  9. Dang !!!! Do they sell those gloves at BPS ?
  10. Ma Man !!!! Nice fishing Bud !!!! Look at that smile
  11. Anglers have incredible memories....unfortunately
  12. DAD !!!! Where have you been all my life I have been searching forever to find you.
  13. Believe it or not, fish less. Last season was the first with my new boat. I logged almost 300 hours fishing, most umproductive. This year i want to plan better, take the time to get to know the river, and try new areas around Montreal. Oh ya, i want a 52 inch Musky.
  14. Canada is the retail cash cow of the western world. Just look at the prices on Ebay, and compare that to what the stores are charging. Most Ebay prices are cheaper than what the stores are paying from the US manufacturers.When the orders come in from Canadian retailers, there is a whole different price list involved. I see it in my bussiness every day,and there is no way it can be justified.
  15. I hear ya Cliff. Makes me wish i had kept my Creepy Crawler maker from when i was a wee lad
  16. That combo is bullet proof Dave.Practice with a bell sinker.It has very high ratings on the sites i looked at. Now just practice your cast, and loosen up the joints in your release finger
  17. Thats one hot ride ya got there Mike !!! Anyone would be proud to own that baby!! Congrats Paul
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