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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Great intro Wall i. Thanks for the Eye Candy this morning.Glad to know you. Paul
  2. Glad to se you getting some "YOU" time out there Dan Looks like an awesome trip buddy.
  3. There once was a man known as Skipper Who got dozens of "EYES" with his zipper No he wasnt a sinner Caught them all on a Spinner Then finished them off with his slipper:angel:
  4. Yer hooked now, eh Skip? :rofl2:
  5. Besides the possible harm to the fish, the biggest problem with useing inappropriate equipment is the wear and tear factor.Most bass/walleye combos dont have the HD gears and Drag components found in big game setups.With the lighter combos, you run the risk of haveing you gear destroyed if you hook a bigger one. For the few times i fish them each year i have a Compre 7'6" H Fast musky rod and a Convector cv30 for trolling less than 200$ and for casting, a 7' rod of the same specs, with a Shimano Corvalus reel.Again, just under 200$ If i ever start fishing them all the time, i will upgrade, but i get out 2 maybe 3 times a year for now. Thats the way i see it anyways.
  6. Damn !!!! What a way to start my day Great vids Mike!!!
  7. Great season so far Bud !!!! Still some great fishing left too
  8. You just love living on the edge, eh Dan?
  9. Hey Jigs !! I was wonderin what happened to ya. I did well for Musky with Mike on Friday too.Like he says...Fish like weather!!Hopefully the bite will still be on for Saturday for walleye. Good to see ya again. Paul
  10. ya tell me about it. The weld broke that holds the actual guide to the tube Its a 5 dollar fix. but a pain.
  11. There ya go giveing "specific" information.All the lurkers will be out there trying to hook into one now
  12. Congrats you guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a beautiful little guy. I think he has your hair Just kidding Nick. He`ll be out on thw water with you in no time
  13. Seafoam and Stabil Marine.Semms like everyone uses them, so i figured do as they do
  14. Top that off with a Brylcream tooth treatment, and ya got what ya call, breakfast of champs Got drunk camping one time and got hungry in the tent.Felt around in the tent for something to eat.Found the bread and butter, placed it out in front of me in the dark.Ended up buttering the corner of my sleeping bag and almost busting a tooth on the zipper.
  15. I brushed my teeth with Brilcream once
  16. Cats all over the world will be giggling thier fur balls off when they see this pic. Too funny Lew
  17. I had one too. but the wheels fell off.
  18. Well done Roy !!!
  19. Awesome Mike !!! Some pretty fish in that body of water. Congrats to DJeep on the PB. I hope to catch up soon.
  20. What a report ! you guys look like you had great fun. Thanks for sharing Frank and Juli !!!
  21. Awesome fish !!!! I know how you feel.
  22. Welcome home Bob !!!
  23. Thats a great pic of the Walleye Whisperer right there.
  24. Nice going Ron For those who don't know Ron very well, let me say this.He is one of the most down to earth, funny, and sincere people i have met. He was a bit late, so Mike Called his cell to be sure everything was ok. Hi Ron...Mike here, just checking what time you were getting here. Oh hi Mike, i just stopped along the road to fish in a nice spot i saw, and my lure got hung up.So now i'm up to my waist trying to get it un snagged. Really Ron ?????(Mike believed him ) No, i"m just up the road,be there in 2 minutes We Chatted and had a great visit. Even got to meet Bebe LaLa, another great character. Pleasure to meet you Buddy. Next time, we fish together for sure.
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