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Everything posted by mercman

  1. About a month ago, i busted up my prop on the Franny.A member posted on my thread that he knew exactly where it musta happened. I PMed him, and sure enough, he knew. We began Getting to know eachother, and before i knew it, we became friends. This young fellow offered to take me and the wife to his Perching grounds near Lancaster, and i said that maybe some day he would help me get my first Musky. His answer was to the point, and i accepted it."I don't mind taking you for perch, but Musky...well you have to earn that" We met Mike and Marrissa, fished for a bit and he seemed appologetic that the perch weren't cooperating."How about a shore lunch, and maybe get you your Musky?" I was beside myself. He cooked us up a meal of fresh local Walleye and fresh salad. Got to meet his Dad too, and was impressed, down to earth and very friendly. After lunch, we packed the boat and headed out.It was a rough ride on the 2-3 foot waves whipped up by a 20-30 kmh west wind. Got our lures out, rods locked down, and away we went. He talked the whole time we were out there of his love of fishing and the outdoors, how he studied the fish he hunted, how he knew where they would be and why.He talked about the history of the area, and how fishing had changed over the years.I couldnt help thinking to myself how this young man was so much wiser than his 26 years. Long story short, within an hour, i had my Musky Now the reason for this thread. I feel honored to be this Mikes friend. Whe bridged the age gap, like it was not even there.I am 30 years his senior, and i learned from him, and am still learning from him today. I feel that he is destined to become someone great and respected in the Angling world.Whether it is guiding or Professional fishing,he will be someone we all talk about somed day.With experience and time, he could rival some of the great Musky hunters like Pete Maina and Mark Thorpe.All he needs is to become recognized, and get his name noticed. If anyone wants to be guided by this young fellow, i, through experience,would have no trouble recommending him for a garanteed fantastic experience, and lots of fish. Tite Lines Mike Glad to know you and call you friend.
  2. Dude Simple awesome Mike.Looking forward to getting out with you on Saturday for walley. I've been stoked for a week now
  3. GF thinks you have screws loose Albert Take off the handle(usually held on with a set screw)The plastic housing should snap off after that.Inspect and lube the gears. I have seen them come unmeshed if the window is installed too tite, and the frame swells with the humidity.
  4. Not just any BBQ sauce. Cattle Boyz Just ask MM how he likes that stuff
  5. I eat LMB, and i really like it.I guess the taste chages from one place to the other, depending on what they eat. I either deep fry them in batter, or even better, tin foil, butter, garlic, and a touch of Cattle Boyz BBQ sauce, put a scallion on each fillet. Oven at 3235f for 20-25 minutes. I find LMB very lite tasting, almost bland.You have to spice it up a little bit.
  6. A wonderful success story,AND bonus fishing. Congrats Jet Good luck on all your endeavours Paul
  7. Never figured YOU as a Latte kindda guy Dan But i CAN see ya with a Pepsi in your cup holder Breakfast of Champions
  8. Hard to diferentiate between the 2.Mainland has a subtle tang of lime, where as the Azores is more robust and woody. Personally i appreciate the lime tingle from the Mainland, but thats just me
  9. Tundra backwards is ARDNUT...... JUST IN CASE YOU WANTED TO KNOW
  10. The absolute best way, is to take the time to get to know someone who fishes Musky, and who trusts you enough to take you out. Ask the questions right there on the water, and find out why they can catch em, and you can't. Probably just something simple you may be doing wrong. PM Musky Mike, he helped me get my first, not long ago.He is an excellent guide on the Franny. I can almost guarantee you will get Musky with him guiding you. NEVER break the trust between you and the person who will take the time to help you out.
  11. In the words of beloved Jimmy Durante ''Thats not a banana.....Thats his Nose !!!!''
  12. With a name like Tim, you would think he oozed honesty.Its such a friendly sounding name.
  13. Now thats GATOR-AID Awsome report!!
  14. I'll call ahead and clear the queensway for your arrival Cliff Have fun in my home town.
  15. Looks like you spent a week in Heaven Nice!!!
  16. Shows ya what i know. Thats why the wife does the books, and i do purchasing and marketing. Ya my Ranger is a lease, but dont tell uncle Sam i use it to pull my boat
  17. got shrinkage just looking at the pic
  18. Interesting Wayne. i know that when i buy equipment such as computers,shelving,office furniture etc, i claim it as a bussines expense.My CA insists that i buy new eqipment yearly to reduce my taxble bussness income.Even my company vehicule is a deduction, as long as i have another vehicule registered to me personally. Wouldnt it be the same? All of these would be tools used to operate his bussiness. Now i'm not sure, Oh well,,,,as you were everyone
  19. Mike, Knowing what i know about you, this is pretty much a necessity for you.Fishing has become an artform for you, and this tool should allow you to go to the next level in this artform. If you can afford it, and if it will aid you in your guiding endeavours, go for it. If you register your service as a bussiness, you can claim it and all your tackle as a bussiness expense also. Even a new boat. Think about that for a bit
  20. Good on you Kelvin Always love seeing kids faces when they reel in a fish !
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