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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Especially if you keep launching your boat the way you seem to be doing it. The boat is used for fishing....not the truck
  2. Albert.....Are you in Crisis again?
  3. Fishing world on Barton St E is a dealer.905-573-2288
  4. Early life expriences are the best ways to get our children ready to face the world !!! Good on ya
  5. An alien space module landed in the yard and made first contact with your children? Thats incredible !!! The aliens look familiar though...are you sure its not just a rabbit ?
  6. Bass Farming !!Great idea!!!!!
  7. I like it !!Thank God we live so far apart you and I....Let loose on the general population, we would be arrested within minutes and sentenced to solitary confinement in the same cell together
  8. I banned those channels from my TV years ago.I watch WFN, History,Discovery, NatGeo, OLN, and That other Channel with the Bunny Rabbits on it. Oh ya, and the CBC for Coronation Street.
  9. Come on LFW......We Know you are a closet swamp person. Free your soul and come on out of the closet man.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zq1Ryt7I9x0
  11. I thought that, but didnt have the Natchos to actually say it Dave I bet that is exactly what preditor poo looks like too
  12. The long awaited new season of this very unique series is starting Au31 on History chanel . All the old faces will be there as well as some new weird bayou lookin dudes Shoot um.....shoot um
  13. I was waiting for you to chime in I`d be willing to bet that Roy finds out what it is. He`s probably scouring the web as we speak.
  14. Thats eerie Crytozoology is an intrigueing science. I wonder if its a new species?
  15. nah too big. http://digitaljournal.com/article/297364
  16. Randy......carefully walk away, and grab some tin foil. Cover your head and your famillies heads quickly. They're here........Run for the hills
  17. Wait till he finds out you dont Musky fish Mike
  18. Gotta git yerself a couple a dem salman lewers and a box a dem due werms.Ya gets dem due werms outa dat box, and den ya slip one a dem buggers on da lewer. Tye dat sukker onto a few feats of brayed line and through the whole whatcha callit into the dern watter. Salmans like dat lots. I"m an Ex spurt on the whole affair. Hope i was helpin y'out P
  19. So that means you owe me big time Mike Good for advertising.Nudge nudge...wink wink
  20. Dang !!! My knitting classes are starting this weekend.Have to knit myself a Muskie net. Oh......wait...I've never fished with you.Sorry..Disregard that last sentence
  21. Dang !! You must get all hyped up on coffee to paint that fast. JK, i really like this one. Almost Celtic. Paul
  22. Chris !!! I can't believe you said that............before i did Wecome to the group Mr. Bait.
  23. Love it !!! Musta taken hours to dip in all those little stars though
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