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Everything posted by spooner_jr

  1. I don't know if they fixed the sizing on the Nat's or not, but I normally wear size 10 and needed a 13.
  2. Just started going through this myself. Bought a Ram in August 2015, didn't want the warranty as I told the salesman I'd put 100km on it in three years. He told me I should still buy it. I asked if I could get the refund when I hit 100km, he said no, you have to wait the full 5 years. Sent in all the required paperwork and with 160km on it, I was denied the refund as the warranty expired before the end of the term. Called the salesman when I got the letter and he says he didn't sell it to me, that I bought it and should have done my due diligence.
  3. Sail's pricing is very competitive for guns and ammo, better than Cabela's and CT in my experience.
  4. If you already have the trailer plated, you can get another copy of the ownership at the MTO.
  5. They do sell some on Amazon.ca Dimensions are listed in the links. https://www.amazon.ca/Wise-Premier-Pontoon-Steering-Console/dp/B06XK6KB3B/ref=pd_sbs_200_4/139-3280973-0795247?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B06XK6KB3B&pd_rd_r=996f041d-3627-489b-87ab-3f432874b91c&pd_rd_w=zbCRa&pd_rd_wg=adnih&pf_rd_p=a406da4b-8e74-4a70-b808-c4a260cde06a&pf_rd_r=E2K65ZQSTNRRWMMTVQJJ&refRID=E2K65ZQSTNRRWMMTVQJJ https://www.amazon.ca/Wise-8WD115-1008-Pontoon-Steering-Console/dp/B004AN3VRW/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=boat+console&qid=1577965521&sr=8-6
  6. Thanks for the heads up, picked up a pair today. I thought they would be marginally lighter than my Baffins, but these things weigh less than my running shoes. Normally wear a 10, but first tried the 12 because of this thread, and they fit perfect. Came home, went for a walk in the back woods and they are amazing.
  7. Sort of telling that Shanahan did the firing instead of Dubas.
  8. I had the same problem with 1997 25hp Johnson. The ends of the fuel lines were plastic and after a while didn't seem to want to let gas through. I would just replace the hose and worked like a charm.
  9. Most homeowner policies will limit coverage for a trailer ($1000 etc). Liability extends from the towing vehicle, and to cover the trailer for comp and collision should cost $50-80 depending on the value of it.
  10. I picked up the Montana 610 based on reviews about it. Haven't used it much yet, but will be putting it on the sled today. I have a glove box extension to get the unit facing you, and it's still protected behind the windshield.
  11. I had a 2016, if you are going to use it for trail riding, I would have the dealer set the skis to the wider of the two options. It was easy to tip it with the narrow stance and long track. The 900 Ace is a great motor, really quiet.
  12. The UVIP will show if there is a lien on the vehicle. You can get it at the MTO with the VIN for the atv.
  13. I use one of the chimneys you load with charcoal, a few sheets of newspaper in the bottom and light it up. It probably takes 10-15 minutes to get the charcoal glowing, and another 10 minutes or so to get it ready for cooking. I use it all year at home, also have one at the cottage.
  14. Didn't get a chance to fish much more than an hour, and didn't get anything, so I'm going back this weekend. Anybody know where to get worms this time of year? Tried a couple of bait shops and they don't keep them in the winter.
  15. How about a couple of beers? Thanks for the information, will post results after the weekend!
  16. There are a number of small stocked lakes near our cottage, and this weekend I'm going to get out and try for them through the ice. I've never ice fished for them - any tips on what to use would be appreciated. I do have tip ups, ice rods etc so not new to ice fishing, just brookies. Also, what's your favourite way to cook them?
  17. Thanks, will try them out.
  18. A friend of mine lost the cover for his motor on the way home last week. Price from the dealer to replace it is over $700 for a new one when you add in all the handles, gaskets etc. Anyone know of an alternative? Have checked Kijiji etc. already.
  19. They can't deny a claim because you don't have snows on, the worst they could do is remove the discount. In most cases it's just a guideline, and this year common sense may be to have them off earlier.
  20. This knife has easily the best warranty: send it back for any reason,any time. I've had one for 20+ years, been sent back twice. https://www.cutco.ca/products/product.jsp?item=fishermans-solution#sm.00001su708l46kcvztb48xs3nuvgm
  21. I would recommend that you get one with a rechargeable battery. We had two labs that hardly ever wore their collars and stayed put, and now have two terrier crosses that live on the edge of the boundary (the squirrels and rabbits seem to know where the line is). We have the Petsafe unit, and the batteries were getting pretty expensive, so we went and got the rechargeable collars. The other nice thing is they flash green, yellow or red so you know the condition of the battery. A charge lasts 2-3weeks.
  22. Montreal kills me; its Ok to dump 8 billion litres of raw sewage into the St.Lawrence, but do not, I repeat, do not light up a woodstove. I know which one I would rather smell.
  23. I was talking to a CO on the lake last winter, he said their fish shocking surveys showed a number of mature walleyes, but no small ones. That would lead me to believe the problem is not over-fishing, but something else. I've noticed a decline ever since they put all the weevils in the lake to control the weeds. It hasn't affected the hordes of small perch though.
  24. be careful driving across Brawley, speed limit is only 50k and the radar is out there all the time, east of Lakeridge anyway.
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