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Everything posted by stubbex1

  1. Great show Dave! I have always wanted to try casting for LSC musky, its just i live 2 hours away and trolling always seems to produce, I'll have to try it this summer! I thought the mask was more of a "stealth" approach Pete Too bad for our boys, congrats to the ruskies, was a great tourny!!
  2. good band and really well put together video! 2x
  3. My Wife drives an 05 liberty. 139k and i have no complaints about anything with the exception of fuel mileage. Also the ride isn't the greatest, and the interior is small. Were going from Ingersoll to the Ottawa area over christmas and with the fuel prices the way they are i'm going to take an 08 ford escape with a 4cyl from the dealership. I'll probably get almost twice the mileage with it
  4. ahhhh now you got me smelling steak grilling on the Q...and haven't eaten since breakfast
  5. nice dive by flopuongo
  6. perfect. thanks guys!
  7. I'm going fishing with a couple friends (guided by Paul Castellano) on the Niagara January 4th. I went online to renew my three year license and i realized my card wasn't in my wallet My question is the paper i get when i renew - does it take the place of the old card, or do i need the old card and the paper to be legal? It states that it takes 20 days to get the new card in the mail.
  8. wow that is terrible!!! I say tell them to fix it, if they won't don't pay for the rest and spend the money on someone who knows what their doing.
  9. And I thought that was a big tarpon!
  10. I'm a flames fan, and am a member of calgary puck. Rumors are flying around there with all the hype about Dion playing for the first time since the trade. http://forum.calgary...ead.php?t=99415 http://forum.calgary...ead.php?t=99425 I think the leafs got the better end of the deal. Stajan is NOT a first line centre, Ian White scored some goals for us, but was constantly being pushed off the puck, and has been traded since for pretty much nothing. Hagman, on the other hand has become sort of a fan favorite, works hard every night making defenders look silly, although his stats aren't that great. Dion has a huge ego, is tough, and is lazy, he's become a floater. After watching the video highlights on here, its hard to believe he's the same player now. I used to love the way he played, even have a jersey with his name on the back. What the heck happened to the guy? Big contract got to his head? i dunno. Dan, sorry I didn't mean to hijak your thread, so cool to be able to skate with him! whatever you do don't try to screen the goalie when he's taking a shot at the net LOL
  11. Ha haaa haaaaaaa thanks beans!!!
  12. My dad always told me "Never throw away your old sock's until you have a new ones"
  13. Maybe the stag shop? i think tsc carries them, i bought mine from the local john deere dealer last year, try them as well
  14. I saw that link too, strange the forecast hasn't called for much snow yet. In my area (woodstock) they are only calling for about 10cm.
  15. done....21.8!
  16. Ya I have the receipt, 30 days no questions return policy. FYI I did the energy audit thing this spring, and insulated all the outside walls, and ceiling. Maybe thats why I can get away with a 1500 watt heater thanks for the input guys, i'll be sure to let you know how it pans out!
  17. I think its 1500 watt, and yes its infra-red, so no element. In my house it stays on 24/7 to HOLD the temp steady at 70. 1500 watt 1.5kw/h $.11 per kw $3.96 per day $118 per month. If it IS 1500 watt, thats darn cheap heat compared to my oil furnace!!!!
  18. Thanks for the link Nemo, i'll check it out tonight
  19. Hey guys, I'm curious if anyone here has one of these or has thought of trying them out. Its a portable infrared heater from CT I purchased last week. They advertise they only use about $2 of hydro per day and will heat 1000sq feet. I have a smallish house around 1200 sq feet with an oil furnace and last year it cost me approx $1900 in furnace oil. I've been using the heater since Saturday, and have only to turn the furnace on for about 10 mins each morning. The unit cost me $400, and if i do the math, it should only cost me $210 extra in hydro to run this thing all winter The heat is actually really nice, i have leather furniture and harwood/tile floors, and it seems to heat them up better than my furnace does. My only concern is the amount of hydro it actually DOES use, and that they my be a little optimist when they advertise these things. I don't want my wife to find me laying in the snow with the hydro bill in my hand when it comes in the mail <a href="http://s1023.photobucket.com/albums/af359/stubbex1/?action=view&current=IMG00244-20101207-2136.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1023.photobucket.com/albums/af359/stubbex1/IMG00244-20101207-2136.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
  20. I know that TSC carries camo burlap, and what Brian said it aint cheep!
  21. AHHHHHHH!!!!! I got to work at 7 am, the roads were clear and it wasnt snowing. I cleaned all the cars in the lot, moved them, cleared all the snow, parked all the cars, just got in and made a pot of coffee and its snowing again!!!!!!
  22. Thanks for that Bob, its easy to forget how good we have it in North America. God Bless! K.S.
  23. Nope, not a big fan of honey...plus i'm not too sure i could outrun a couple hundred bees, even though they might be a slow haha
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