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Everything posted by stubbex1

  1. ***** done!!
  2. wait, you are getting a bill from the 407 for the trailer? 4+ years, and i haven't seen a bill!
  3. I just got back from Dry Pine on Sat. We went with six guys/three boats. One boat dedicated to musky, other two were chasing walleye and bass. 3 walleye were caught and a mixed bag of pike and bass. The musky boat caught 2 pike, both smaller than 30 inches. I've been going to the French for 6 years running now, summer and fall, and have NEVER had it as slow as this. I don't think i will be back, even though i have caught pb fish of all species there. On a side note, not sure if it means anything, there was a blue-green algae bloom when we were there, not sure if that affected the fishing at all. K.S.
  4. i'm in as well go iggy!
  5. thanks guys...too bad they don't make them anymore. I did see couple on Ebay, so maybe there are more around!
  6. Hey everyone, i was in a friends basement on Sat evening having a few refreshments with him, and eventually we got on the topic of fishing/ hunting/lures etc, and he showed me this lure. its a 3 1\2 inch swim whiz made by homer leblank tackle. He inherited a tackle box from his father in law last summer, and this lure was in it. My friend used this lure at our fall fishing trip last year and hammered walleye and smallies with it. I've looked online for it and couldn't find one anywhere, all i can find is 6 inches and up. I also looked to see if believer tackle made one this small, but they don't. Anyone? Oh ya, its plastic, not wood. K.S.
  7. yup believer is primarily musky bait, although i have caught some really aggressive smallies on my 6incher..... I say primarily b/c my friend bought a tackle box at an auction a couple of years back, and in it was a 3 1/2 lure shaped like a believer (non jointed), he used it at our fly in last fall, and he outfished us all with it. ONe walleye after another....i've tried finding that bait everywhere, no luck LOL
  8. Roy.......wow nice pics Brandon!!!!
  9. thanks everyone, I'm going back in a week from today for 'annual' guys fishing trip. Will post when i get back...anyone know if the French is still hot?
  10. HAHa, yup, i'm still learning thanks for the congratz!
  11. Yup Sioux Lookout... The casting deck IS ghetto but it works great, keeps the family happy too. Easy in, Easy out
  12. thats already happening lol
  13. I would give my left *** to catch either of those fish, esp where you caught them....nice job!!!! I remember my first musky, a 48" from the french in the fall....Oh happy day LOL
  14. Back in late August my Wife and I along with the whole family; Mom, Dad, brother and sister, head to the FR for some R&R and some much needed rod and line time. I didn't get much fishing in the first day as the nieces and nephews wanted one of uncle K's signature tube rides Next day: I've been to this section of the French before and have most of my spots on GPS, but the water was about 3 ft lower than last summer so I had to do some looking to get on the fish. My wife is relatively new to fishing but can handle putting on worms, and holds her spinning rod like a baitcaster and reels backwards I rigged her up with a home made go-getter, tipped it with a worm and told her to cast it out as far as she could and wait 2 mins (no weight) and reel it in as slow as she could. She picked up a few perch and sunfish within an hour, nothing of size, then she starts hollerling that she has something big.....i reel my line in, then look over and her pole is bent over double, she's reeling like mad, and she's not gaining on the fish at all! This goes on for about 3 mins, (i haven't swapped the line on her reel since december ice fishing 6lb floro) and we still haven't seen the fish. Another minute of me saying KEEP THE LINE TIGHT!!! and she's going I'M TRYING!!!! we see the fish, its HUGE, and better yet its a golden eye! She freaks out and says i have to take the rod, she's shaking too much So I take the rod and another minute later the fish is netted, two pictures taken, and released. No measuring tape on the boat, i don't keep many from the french as there is a slot, so i have to idea how long this fish is, buts sh'es a beauty nontheless. the rest of the week was ok, it was really windy and tough to stay on the fish. We caught lots of 12-15 inch walleye and a few nice smallies along with a decent 34" pike while casting for musky. Unfortunately my wife had all our wedding photos stored on her memory card in her camera so we couldn't take any more pics (i deleted two to take these. any more i would have been in BIG trouble haha)
  15. yer'
  16. I've gotten some tubes from a local carpet business, the best thing was, they were free. Some friends of mine have used 6" abs pipe in a pinch..it was a little heavier but seemed to do the trick! Hope this helps. K.S.
  17. nice fish....wish i had the time to head down there this fall....crops are early this year
  18. feed bag time guys!!!!!
  19. congrats on the purchase! You'll like the extra torque the v8 gives you, won't be a whole lot difference in fuel either!!
  20. I'll second that, I've sold a few over the years, and will NEVER have another on my lot again, i'm a small town dealer, and my reputation keeps me going. You want something to tow for $10,000? 1999 and up 2wd chevy or gmc with a 5.3L. I would say a 4x4 but you won't find one for 10g lol
  21. absolutely stunning!! can't wait for the rest!!!
  22. sorry monsterman, i didn't look at your post before i posted this.
  23. All i ever have with me is the service canada paperwork that matches the hull number. I'm not sure about the insurance......i've been pulled over by the opp boat many times, they have never asked for any documents. K.S
  24. On the News this morning: Near Louisiana's Plaquemines Parish, there lies what looks like a gravel road. It's not: It's a waterway clogged with hundreds of thousands of dead fish, crabs, stingrays, and eel—so many that it appears solid. A dead whale was also found in the area, WWL-TV reports. "Fish kills" are fairly common along the Gulf Coast, reports, often caused by sudden oxygen depletion. This one, however, is different: Usually, only one species of marine life is involved. Though an official cause has yet to be determined and some experts cited the typical reason (low oxygen levels), some residents suspect it's another BP oil spill side effect—the fish kill was found in an area hit hard by the spill. "Here we are, trying to get our fishing back, trying to get our seafood back and with these kind of fish kills, (it's) going to have a lasting effect, if we don't do something about it," says the Plaquemines Parish president. For Video click on link http://www.newser.co...-fish-kill.html I've often wondered if fish ever get caught by the tide before, but in these numbers?? Just another blow for a already hard-hit fishery. K.S
  25. Yup, the fish should still have the feed bag goin' on! I go the first week of October pretty much every year to Dry Pine Bay. Try the current, drift through it or anchor off to the side and cast in. I was on the French middle of August it was down about three feet. Take it easy if your not sure where the rocks are as most of them are unmarked. The nice thing about low water is you can see where the shoals are for next year when the water is higher (hopefully) Here is a website i use to track the water levels. http://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/ontario/eaux-water/renseignement-information-eng.html Tight Lines!!! K.S
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