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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. Love Dakar,wish they hadn't changed the coverage a few years ago.I like all of it.Too bad that whiner Robby Gordon is doing well.He will blow it in his own hot headed spoiled brat way soon enough.The scenery is kickass. Joe
  2. Yup.breaking the neutral leg is a big no-no.Happens more than you would think. Joe
  3. I only fish one tourney a year.No entry fees and evryone wins something.I haven't won it yet but have had a top 5 finish.Maybe next year.Its the Crayola Challenge at Lakair in June. Joe
  4. Ding ding ding you are correct ,sir.The anticipator setting should be in the spec sheet for the furnace.You can also figure it out using an amprobe and some t-stat wire. Joe
  5. Bernie,thats some great stuff.You are lucky to have that record of your family. Joe
  6. Just finished off a big old shepherds pie..used ground turkey instead of venison.also some homemade bisquets and gravy and some kinda veggies that I ignored..life is good.Tomorrow is corned beef and cabbage and black eyed peas.Gots me some cajuns up for the new years and some english folks from Bex side visiting.Lots of serious accent misunderstanding.Its all good. Joe
  7. Yes I am and yes she is!
  8. That should do the trick,most tub drain lines are fairly short. Joe
  9. In another life I raced Jet Skiis and we all had Mafia names on our race boats.I am a plumber so Daplumma seemed to fit.Many people think it is my last name.Its a good Italian name.... Joe
  10. A couple of dogs work pretty well for me.The air hose dingers are very cool though. Joe
  11. Sorry to hear it bud,take care. Joe
  12. Right back at ya Chris and the rest of the OFNers.Give my dog an extra treat today. Joe
  13. Our mayor nearby(Washington DC)got plowed quite often.He was even caught on tape with a hooker.My favorite line.."the B*tch set me up"!He did his jail time and got re elected. Joe
  14. Every one likes a little a$$..No one likes a smart a$$.J/k,good point. Joe
  15. Entertaining read and the message is a good one.A co2 detector is a must if you have gas or wood for heat.I was at a house today that the tennants unhooked the water heater flue becuase it was tripping the safety and cutting out the heater.The flue was back graded and had too many elbows for it to draft enough to pull in the fan safety so they took the flue loose so it would draft better.No co2 detector in the house and prolly 12 people living there.Scary stuff. Joe
  16. Thats an instant classic!Looks like you did it all in one take.hahaha!Thats some real smooth editing there bossman. Joe
  17. As has been said already,if the meat is handled properly there is not much difference.I do know that after the rut has started the bucks have much less fat.I was at my buds butcher shop yesterday and the skinned out bucks had almost no fat but the does were loaded with fat.Down here the season starts in September and continues in one form or another until March.Lactating does...you betcha,without getting graphic gutting them can be an adventure.Good thread. Joe
  18. Great news..What did you have to do to get it going?Might help someone out down the road. Joe
  19. Good to see you here again Dave. Roy,how is the car starting going? Joe
  20. *SLAP*
  21. Its a myth,dont bother yerself with that shutting off and draining thing.Leave the hose hooked up also.Makes it easier to wash the old salt off of the truck in the winter. Joe
  22. Rather than edit my other post I'll just write it here.When you have a pup like that,especially a retriever type you need to have a bond and chain of command.I liteerally tied my pup to my waiste with a 20 foot leash for the first few months I had her.She came from another family and was 6 months or so when I got her.She learned her boundries and went where I went.She still keeps me in sight and I dont worry about her running anything unless I "tell "her its OK.Mostly she gets squirrels ,mice and moles.Until you can stop your pup in his tracks when he is on a dead run after something(deer in my case)keep a lead on the dog.Part of training a dog is not letting it fail.Predicting what the dog will do next and stopping it before it can do wrong will make your life easier.Always be on the lookout for the next distraction and head it off at the pass.With Labs and the sort you need to take the lead early or wait until they are old and fat before you can trust them.As I said before..Great lookin pup! Joe
  23. Take your buddy and a leash.Make it a training session.The sooner you take the lead the better off the dog will be.Great looking pup you have there. Joe
  24. The thought of tearing of the blood vessels and nerves just gave me the Willies. Joe
  25. I have some friends that have a Japanese retaurant that love it when we would drop off some bow shot carp.Some people wont eat catfish,I find them to be the best tasting fish behind Crappie and Walleye.Catfish will also eat vegitation,I have gutted many that were full of soy beans.When the river floods they go into the soy fields and fill up. Joe
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