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Everything posted by alexcba

  1. yeah i've been keeping my eyes on the weekend. were renting a cottage on rice and so far so good. hope it stays nice in gbay for you aswell.
  2. YIKES! hope your all safe.
  3. ahh alright, just wanted to get that clarified. thanks all.
  4. so im browsing the bass pro websites clearance items and i come across this... im not interested in buying it but i am however confused.. i thought using lights to attract fish was illegal? http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_-1_10001_10205366____SearchResults
  5. garry you should start charging for this info lol! you are full of knowledge.. im gonna pay you a visit with a 24 soon, and a recorder! lol
  6. the man to contact would be "rice laker" here on the forums. he runs whispering pines here is the link http://www.whisperingpinescottages.com/boats.html he has a great assortment of rentals, even ones with live wells. just make sure you contact him a week before atleast as he gets busy, i found that out the hard way lol. also you can call 797 boat rentals. the gentlemans name is wilson and he is a class act. i've rented from him many times and he will do his best to please his costumers. wilson lo 905 797 2828
  7. i think nippising was 15.5" to 23.5" cant remember anymore.. maybe someone can back that up or correct me.
  8. all you need is a license
  9. hey chessy smoking will kill you to ya know.. people still do it.. lets just drop it and stop with the fussing
  10. maybe the pump valve is sticking?
  11. centenial park has some monsters too. where in europe did you come from?
  12. a member of this board actually recommended a great way to keep them in their container. simply cut a small X into the center of the seal and pull them out thru it. put an elastic band on the threads to seal the threads. also a friend of mine picked up a plano liquid bait container at bass pro, i think it was pretty cheap, i'll ask what he payed.
  13. nice fish trevor. ahh the jitter bug
  14. holy crap! nice fish man. way to do her a service and get those damn lamps off. maybe if she gets some on her next years she'll seek you out even bigger lol
  15. nice day.. hope this thread doesn't get swept up like the other one.
  16. i googled it. here ya go http://www.lssu.edu/arl/fishcam.php
  17. sounds like you had a good day man. nice! lol the weather yesterday was like going thru spring, summer, and fall, then back to summer all in 12 hours..
  18. welcome trevor
  19. being a river guy myself i can say this. if your not sure about the area, ask the owner of the property. you really don't want to deal with cops and what not, even if your in the right its a hassle you don't want or need. simply asking can go a long way. i was once told by a CO on the pine that although the property owners do not own the river, they can own the land underneath it so if your wading thru the water your still trespassing if your feet are contacting bottom. so unless your in a float tube and your feet are off bottom your trespassing. i don't know how true that is, maybe he was just pulling my leg but this is what i was told.
  20. dang cliff, im sorry to hear about that. im sure it'll turn around eventually for you. you are a hell of a trooper tho lol, still gettin out there and trying!
  21. that was cute lol. i thought that fish was gonna get sling shotted.
  22. thanks garry it was an entertaining day.. didn't realize how much variety that live target perch could attract.. just insane.
  23. slow retrieve the rapala, go for a jointed one and let it rise to the top, then retrieve and rise to the top. i always do this at chemung at night, right off the road side.
  24. if the weeds don't make it all the way up to the top you could toss out a shallow diving rap, or rip a bucktail thru the weeds to entice patrolling walleye and bass.. alot of people also just cast out minnows on light up floats.. personally i love to night fish. its a great way to tear thru an evening with some good friends.
  25. so my buddies and i decided to go out to rice and brave the storm of boats out on the water lol. did some drop shotting but mostly just tossed cranks on to structure. we got there at 6am and tied up our lines and set out. we caught a mixed bag of fish everything from small mouth to catfish on crank baits lol. i ended up with about 15 fish just uploaded a few pics enjoy. bullhead on a live target perch lol
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