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Rod Caster

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Everything posted by Rod Caster

  1. I actually thought the P3TA comment was worthy. The finger trick I would not try on an angry pike!
  2. Haha, you sound high maintenance.
  3. Splake for dinner!

    1. asdve23rveavwa


      Now if I could just convince Juli to move up there, lol. Enjoy!!

    2. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Look for homes in Temagami and show her the house prices...that could help haha.

  4. Top notch as always. Love seeing those Atlantics
  5. Looks great! A nice earthy brown/green. agree with Sinclair about spacing.
  6. That sounds ridiculous to most people hahaha. I'd like: Lots of brookies from unexpected areas/creeks/lakes. Hoping to try lots of new and difficult to reach spots. (summer and spring) A whitefish and a decent (+5lbs) laker would be nice this winter. Plenty of walleye over 22". Already have 2. Find a few more "secret" fishing spots and camping locations. Hit the big lakes with somebody from this board for salmon or steelhead.
  7. Thx for posting mike. Sounds like good time regardless of the # of fish!
  8. Awesome. Those are huge whities, especially compared to the ones I never catch.
  9. There will be a lot of shacks frozen to the lake next week. It's setting up to be a fantastic lock-up of the lakes up here, as long as it doesn't snow heavily this coming week.
  10. I throw my fish on the ice and place them in a plastic bag when I travel home. When I get home, I light the fish on fire and roast marshmellows over its burning carcass, effectively absorbing it's soul. The soul-shmellow is subsequently sliced up and consumed amidst a chorus of satanic rumblings and ominously low-lighting from my crappy kitchen lightbulb. If you think that bonking the fish is any more "humane" than any other fishing, hooking and releasing, aquaculture, stocking (are we giving the fish more friends to hang out with), then you are very naive. Fishing is firstly to feed people, secondly a sport. Your imaginary line between "humane" and not "humane" treatment, based on a fish flopping on the ice, is completely made up in your head. Wasting edible fish, or trying to hurt the fish for fun is deplorable and disturbing. Beyond that, enjoy your catch whichever way you prefer.
  11. If you click the blue circle on the right side of the thread title, it'll do just that
  12. Not bad for a "light" season!
  13. Great round up of 2012! Your the troot master. That speckie was a nice little bonus and those fiddleheads looked great.
  14. Working on snowmobile today

  15. Thursday was a gorgeous day. -2 Celsius with low winds and some bluebird skies. Joey, Sarah and I went for some splake action (inspired by Joey's report) and tallied very well, with 20 fish hitting the ice. Most of them were fairly small, but we kept 7 for the frying pan...one of which is sitting in my belly as I type this. Here are some photos and funny video. Hope you laugh and enjoy. Remember, we are laughing with her. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8xWul79qjk
  16. My dad took me on a couple weekday algonquin trips while I was in high school. He did not have a hard time explaining to the school, since he was a teacher himself. These days, since I work alone in my office, I just fish when work is slow. As long as I answer my phone when I get a call, there is no problem. I've had to race off the lake a couple times to send faxes or emails haha.
  17. On my BB things are nearly unusable and unreadable. I'm considering starting a new fishing site using the old, discarded site kidding, but seriously, its bad. No issues on my computer however, in fact I like it a lot
  18. I forget, are we allowed to post video? I got a good one today
  19. Still having issue with my BB. It won't default to the new IP board no matter what I do. I have to click on "manually choose theme" otherwise its scrambly, just like sinker was saying. No problems on my computer
  20. S roy.that worked. I cleared browser and re-logged in, now I'm on the proper new site. My only issue is that I have to zoom In to read and type. The zooming thing is the reason why I don't use other sites... Pain in the butt if u ask me.
  21. I clicked on "manually change theme" and the site is now quite a bit cleaner. However, I need to zoom in and scroll around to see or type anything. The "go to last unread" still doesn't work.
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